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Supporting the Status Quo Abortion should remain legal. Abortion. Against the Status Quo Abortion, now legal, should be outlawed.  . Key words: Roe v Wade; partial-birth abortion; abortion pill (RU-486).

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  1. Supporting the Status QuoAbortion should remain legal. Abortion Against the Status QuoAbortion, now legal, should be outlawed.  Key words: Roe v Wade; partial-birth abortion; abortion pill (RU-486)

  2. Supporting the Status QuoThe ACLU is a neutral organization that defends the rights of all. ACLU Against the Status QuoThe ACLU enforces the will of the Democratic Party by threatening lawsuit against those who disagree with party policy.

  3. Supporting the Status QuoChildren should be adopted by whoever will care for them. Adoption, Cross-Racial Against the Status QuoChildren should be adopted only by people of the same race. 

  4. Supporting the Status QuoColleges should continue to use Affirmative Action to help determine who will get into its programs. Affirmative Action Against the Status QuoColleges should accept students based solely on their scores and portfolio – skin color should not be a factor. Key words: racial quotas, quota systems, Grutter v. Bollinger

  5. Supporting the Status QuoAirport searches are necessary to protect the American public from terrorism. Airport Security Against the Status Quo.      Airport searches invade personal privacy and do little to protect the American public from terrorism. Key words: TSA, Fourth Amendment

  6. Supporting the Status QuoIntelligent life probably exists on many planets throughout the universe. Alien Life Against the Status Quo.      Intelligent life is probably rare in the universe, if it exists anywhere else at all. Key words: The Drake Equation, The Rare Earth Hypothesis, The Fermi Paradox , SETI

  7. Supporting the Status QuoThere is no evidence suggesting aliens ever visited the Earth. Ancient UFOs Against the Status QuoSome evidence suggests that aliens visited the Earth in ancient times. Key words: ancient astronauts, Eric von Daniken, paleocontact

  8. Supporting the Status QuoNew drugs and medical procedures should be tried on animals before they are tried on humans. Animal Experimentation Against the Status QuoAnimal experimentation is cruel and unnecessary.

  9. Supporting the Status Quo: The Ark of the Covenant was lost long ago. Ark of the Covenant • Against the Status Quo: • Researchers may choose ONE theory to support: • The Ark is buried in Mount Nebo. • The Ark is hidden in The Temple Mount of • Jerusalem. • The Ark is in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. • The Ark is in Southern Africa. • The Ark is in Languedoc, France. • The Ark is in United Kingdom. • The Ark is in Ireland. • The Ark is in Shikoku, Japan. • The Ark is in Sanpete County, Utah. 9

  10. Supporting the Status QuoAtlantis must be considered mythical.    Atlantis Against the Status Quo.      Atlantis once existed as a historical place. Key words: Thera, Bimini Wall

  11. Supporting the Status QuoGetting government money for art should always be free of restrictions. Art, Taxpayer Funding Offensive Against the Status QuoThe government should not use tax-payer’s money to fund art that is offensive to the taxpayer. Key words: National Endowment for the Arts, Andres Serrano

  12. Supporting the Status QuoEvidence supporting Bigfoot is flawed or faked. Bigfoot Against the Status Quo.      Evidence shows that Bigfoot is a living creature in North America.  12 Key words: sasquatch, cripplefoot, Patterson film, Memorial Day Film, Freeman Film, Minnesota Iceman

  13. Supporting the Status QuoImmigrant children should be taught English as quickly as possible instead of being taught in their native languages. Bilingual Education Against the Status Quo.      Immigrant children should receive education in their own language, not in English. Key words: bilingual education

  14. Supporting the Status QuoBorder control should remain under Federal authority, not a state’s. Border Control Against the Status QuoStates should be allowed to control their borders if the Federal Government won’t. Key words: Arizona SB 1070

  15. Supporting the Status QuoBoxing should remain a legal sport. Boxing Against the Status QuoBoxing should be outlawed with other gladiatorial events.

  16. Supporting the Status QuoThere is no reliable evidence that the streaks seen in the sky are anything other than jet exhaust. Chemtrails Against the Status QuoThere is a distinct difference between ordinary jet exhaust and chemtrails; the government is spraying dangerous or unknown chemicals. Key words: Chemtrails, contrails, Stratospheric Aerosol GeoEngineering, What on Earth are they Spraying?

  17. Supporting the Status QuoSmall children should not be subjected to beauty pageants; it is harmful to them.   Child Beauty Pageants Against the Status Quo.      Beauty pageants do not harm small children any more than other childhood activities. Key words:

  18. Supporting the Status QuoChurches should be allowed to hire and to marrythose who believe as they do. Churches, Freedom of Against the Status QuoThe government should force churches to hire gay employees and to marry gay couples, even if it is against their beliefs. 

  19. Supporting the Status QuoHuman beings should not be cloned. Cloning Against the Status QuoThere is no problem with cloning humans. 

  20. Supporting the Status QuoThe government should not intervene in cases of child obesity. Child Obesity Against the Status Quo.      Child obesity is child abuse.  The government should intervene into families in which this occurs.

  21. Supporting the Status QuoChild-rapists should continue to earn parole and be released back into the public. Child-Rapists Against the Status Quo.      Child-rapists should never be released from prison.  Key words: Jessica’s Law, the Jessica Lunsford Act,pedophiles

  22. Supporting the Status QuoEach person should finance their own way through college.  No one should expect others to pay for their college tuition. College, free or self-financed Against the Status QuoCollege is too expensive for young people to pay for. College should be financed by the government.

  23. Supporting the Status QuoCondoms should continue to be distributed by stores and clinics, not schools.  Condoms in Schools Against the Status QuoA program distributing condoms by schools should begin in our state. 

  24. Supporting the Status QuoOur state should not adopt the death penalty.    Death Penalty Against the Status QuoOur state should have a death penalty. 

  25. Supporting the Status QuoDoctors should not kill their patients. Dr-Assisted Suicide Against the Status QuoDoctors should be able to help patients end their lives. Key words: Physician-Assisted Suicide, Dr. Kevorkian

  26. Supporting the Status QuoHigh school students should not be allowed to drop out. Dropouts, legalizing Against the Status QuoHigh school students should be allowed to drop out.

  27. Supporting the Status QuoA stricter dress code improves student behavior and achievement. Dress Codes Against the Status QuoA stricter dress code makes little difference in student behavior or achievement.

  28. Supporting the Status QuoWe should continue to import our oil from other countries. Drilling in Alaska Against the Status QuoWe should drill our own oil, even in Alaska. Key words: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, ANWR, energy independence

  29. Supporting the Status QuoAmerican schools are seriously falling behind European and Asian schools. Education, US is Behind Against the Status QuoAmerican schools are just as good as European or Asian schools. Key words: A Nation at Risk

  30. Supporting the Status QuoThe dead do not haunt the living; voices heard in recordings are figments of people’s imaginations.  Electronic Voice Phenomena Against the Status Quo.      The dead sometimes haunt the living and their voices can be recorded.  Key words: Electronic Voice Phenomenon, EVP

  31. Eminent Domain Supporting the Status QuoGovernments should be able to take private property from a citizen and give it to another private owner. Against the Status QuoThe government should be able to take private property from a citizen only if it is needed for a public project. Key words: eminent domain, Kelo vs. City of New London

  32. Supporting the Status QuoThe environment should be protected, even if it means the economy will be damaged.  Environment vs. Economy Against the Status QuoThe economy should be protected, even if it means the environment will be damaged. 

  33. Supporting the Status Quo It is good and correct that the Environmental Protection Agency controls privately owned land to protect wetlands and endangered species. EPA vs. Property Owners Against the Status QuoThe Environmental Protection Agency is stealing land from private property owners. If the Federal Government wants control of land, it should buy it. 33

  34. Supporting the Status QuoThe elderly should be cared for. Euthanasia for the Elderly Against the Status QuoThe elderly should receive euthanasia.

  35. Supporting the Status QuoArguments against evolution must be kept out of the classroom. Students should not be exposed this evidence.   Evolution, Criticism of Against the Status QuoStudents should be able to hear both sides of the argument concerning evolution and decide for themselves. 

  36. Supporting the Status QuoStudents should not have to take an exit exam in order to graduate. Exit Exams Against the Status QuoStudents should have to take an exit exam in order to graduate. Key words: proficiency exams

  37. Supporting the Status QuoPeople that engage in extreme sports should be rescued at the taxpayers’ expense.  Extreme Sport Rescue Against the Status QuoPeople that engage in extreme sports should pay for their own rescues. 

  38. Supporting the Status Quo: The Face on Mars is a natural rock formation. Face on Mars Against the Status Quo: The Face on Mars is a Monument built by Martians. Key words: Cydonia 38

  39. Supporting the Status QuoThe government should not control people’s eating of fast-food. Fast Food, Gov’t Control of Against the Status QuoThe government should control people’s eating of fast-food. Key words: Supersize Me, Mayor Bloomberg

  40. Supporting the Status QuoThe Federal Reserve system is necessary to manage our economy and keep politicians from having direct control of our money supply. Federal Reserve Against the Status QuoThe Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional fourth branch of government that allows a secretive, ultra-wealthy group to control our economy. Key words: Ben Berneke, Timothy Geithner, End the Fed

  41. Supporting the Status QuoThe secret FEMA prison camps do not exist except in conspiracy theory. FEMA Camps Against the Status QuoFEMA has secret prison camps set up inside the US in which they could imprison rebellious American citizens, should it become necessary. Gaylord, Michigan Key words: Federal Emergency Management Agency; REX 84; Project Garden Plot; Project Cable Splicer; blue list / red list 41

  42. Supporting the Status QuoWomen who drink while pregnant should be legally liable for problems that result. Fetal-Alcohol Syndrome Against the Status QuoWomen who drink while pregnant should not be legally liable for problems that result. Key words: 42

  43. Supporting the Status QuoFlag-burning is free-speech.  Flag-Burning Against the Status QuoFlag-burning should be banned.

  44. Supporting the Status QuoFlight 19disappeared through pilot error or natural causes. Flight 19 of the Bermuda Triangle Against the Status QuoFlight 19 disappeared due to the mysterious powers of the Bermuda Triangle.

  45. Supporting the Status QuoDeveloped nations should give money to the governments of undeveloped nations; it is the best way to combat poverty there. Foreign Aid Against the Status QuoMoney given from one government to another government is an ineffective means of combating poverty in undeveloped nations. Key words: foreign aid

  46. Free Speech, Religious Supporting the Status QuoReligious expression shouldn’t be controlled by the government. Against the Status QuoReligious expression must be done in private. Allah preserve us!

  47. Supporting the Status QuoFusion energy may be a far-future solution, but is not a realistic choice for today. Fusion Energy Against the Status QuoFusion energy will soon solve our energy problems.

  48. Supporting the Status QuoFluoride in water is safe.  Fluoride Against the Status Quo.      Fluoride in water is dangerous.  Key words: early onset of puberty, pineal gland, Dr. Jennifer Luke

  49. Supporting the Status QuoCorporations that develop genetically modified foods must be allowed to control them with a patent. Genetically Modified Foods Against the Status Quo.  No one should be able to patent a living thing. Essential Questions: Should a corporation be able to put a patent on a living thing? How otherwise can a company protect years of expensive laboratory research? Should a corporation be able to control the farms that use its genetically modified seeds? What happens when drifting pollen carries genetically modified DNA into the neighbor’s farm? Does the corporation have any control over that farm? Can a genetically modified crop drive out native species? Are genetically modified crops susceptible to the problems of monoculture? Key words: Monsanto

  50. Supporting the Status QuoGlobal warming is caused by human behavior and threatens our survival as a species.  Global Warming Against the Status Quo.      Global warming is caused by sunspot cycles, not human behavior, and is part of a natural cycle. Key words: An Inconvenient Truth, The Great Global Warming Swindle

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