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PROMOTING EQUALITY IN THE DESIGN AND DELIVERY OF FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMMES. Marie Rooney Dublin & Dún L aoghaire ETB 22 nd October 2013. EQUALITY MAINSTREAMING UNIT AND FE. Since 2009 EMU has funded equality mainstreaming projects in the FE/VEC sector
EQUALITY MAINSTREAMING UNIT AND FE • Since 2009 EMU has funded equality mainstreaming projects in the FE/VEC sector • Objective: ‘to support providers to become equality competent organisations’ • Proposals are invited, outlining proposed project/action and planned outcomes • Equality experts are contracted by EMU to facilitate tailor-made equality mainstreaming actions for the organisations awarded funding
MAINSTREAMING PROJECTS 2009 • Applying IVEA/Equality Authority equality framework , leading to an Equality Mainstreaming Plan (Co Waterford VEC) • Setting up a Work Plan Implementation Team which developed a set of Equality Mainstreaming Guidelines (Co Wicklow VEC) • Consultation process with key staff to promote shared understanding of equality and to develop equality planning framework and tools (Co Dublin VEC) 2010 • Action research on inclusion of Traveller learners in mainstream provision (Co Louth VEC) • Delivery of Equality Awareness Training and Equality Action Planning to staff (5 VECs)
MAINSTREAMING PROJECTS 2010 • Seminar - Mainstreaming Equality in the VEC Sector to disseminate new tools and good practice examples for embedding equality 2011 • Action planning for Traveller inclusion in mainstream education (7 VECs) 2012 • Panel of equality experts established • Projects delivering Equality Mainstreaming Training and Equality Action Planning (10 VECs) 2013 • Consultation with FE providers re process • Funding awarded to 13 VECs (9 new, 4 previously funded)
COUNTY DUBLIN VECEQUALITY MAINSTREAMING PROJECT 1 2009/10 Aim: To promote a culture of reflective practice in relation to equality by: • developing shared understanding of equality • developing an equality framework that could support strategic planning • up-skilling staff on understanding of equality issues
PROCESS AND OUTCOMES Process: • Two consultants engaged from EMU panel • Key personnel engaged in a consultative process of training, discussion, reflection and planning to address equality issues Outcomes: • Draft Equality Statement • Organisational Equality Proofing Points – the 7 Ps • Establishment of an Equality Development Group
PROJECT 2 2012 2012 November/December • Consultant worked with AEOs, senior management and key AE staff to identify and prioritise key equality issues and plan for implementation of equality initiatives/policies in Adult Education Services. • All identified admissions policies as a priority • Developed further the 7Ps proofing tool • Planned for designing and proofing admissions policy • Recommended consultation with other services
PROJECT 3 2013/14DUBLIN & DUN LAOGHAIRE ETB Aims: • Design admissions policies Adult Education and Youthreach through a consultative process using proofing tool • Admissions policies to be piloted in 3 centres Process: • Consultant working with key staff from Youthreach centres and Adult Education in Co Dublin and Dun Laoghaire
VALUE OF MAINSTREAMING PROJECTS • Provide a forum for interesting and meaningful discussion, reflection and planning • Preserve equality as important, act against squeezing it out in a climate of survival and retrenchment. • Develop a common discourse and understanding of equality, e.g., understanding of social inclusion vs equality (nine grounds) • An opportunity to look at issues in different contexts/service strands and to plan for equality mainstreaming actions