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Special Announcements The last day to turn in assignments is January 8, 2010. Homework is due on Friday. Failing notices go out tomorrow. Pre-algebra January 4, 2010 Warm up-percent PP Homework (Skill 14) is due on Friday Pass back Quiz 6-4 and 6-5 Collect vocabulary worksheets
Special Announcements The last day to turn in assignments is January 8, 2010. Homework is due on Friday. Failing notices go out tomorrow. Pre-algebra January 4, 2010 Warm up-percent PP Homework (Skill 14) is due on Friday Pass back Quiz 6-4 and 6-5 Collect vocabulary worksheets Intro 6-8 Percent of change. Geometry January 4, 2010 Warm Up-Using a compass to bisect a line Homework is due on Friday. Collect vocabulary sheets Introduce 5-2 Perpendicular Bisectors Assign: 5-2 Practice WS Math-January 4 A MOST POWERFUL EXPERIENCE.
Special Announcements You have three more days to turn in work for this quarter. Homework is due on Friday. Pre-algebra January 4, 2010 Warm up-percent PP Homework (Skill 14) is due on Friday Pass back Quiz 6-4 and 6-5 Intro 6-8 Percent of change. -----------------------------------------Pre-algebra January 5, 2010 Warm Up 6-9 Complete intro to 6-8 Percent of change Assign Practice worksheet 6-8 Practice Geometry January 4, 2010 Warm Up-Using a compass to bisect a line Homework is due on Friday. Collect vocabulary sheets Introduce 5-2 Perpendicular Bisectors Assign: 5-2 Practice WS ---------------------------------------------Geometry January 5, 2010 Use compasses to do the constructions at the end of 5-2 Practice worksheet Check 5-2 Practice Worksheet Assign Homework Intro 5-3 Using Angle Bisectors of Triangles Math-January 5 MATH POWER!
Special Announcements All work for this quarter should be turned in by January 8, 2010. Pre Algebra Homework is due on Friday. Pre-algebra January 5, 2010 Warm Up 6-9 Complete intro to 6-8 Percent of change Assign Practice worksheet 6-8 Practice ------------------------------------------Pre-algebra January 6, 2010 Complete 6-8 Practice (6-7 for extra credit) Return and Review Chapter 6 tests Learning Targets Geometry January 5, 2010 Use compasses to do the constructions at the end of 5-2 Practice worksheet Check 5-2 Practice Worksheet Assign Homework Intro 5-3 Using Angle Bisectors of Triangles ---------------------------------------------- Geometry January 6, 2010 Practice Quizes as Warm Up Quiz 1-Chapter 5 Intro 5-4 Intersecting Medians GSP Activity Math-January 6 MATH KEEPS IT ALL TOGETHER.
Special Announcements Tomorrow is the last day to turn in work for this quarter. Homework is due on Friday Geometry January 6, 2010 Practice Quizes as Warm Up Quiz 1-Chapter 5 Intro 5-4 Intersecting Medians GSP Activity ----------------------------------------Geometry: January 7, 2010 Please get laptops when you come in. Open up GSP. Grade Sheets Complete Medians in a Triangle on GSP Complete the Altitudes in a Triangle on GSP Pre-algebra January 6, 2010 Complete 6-8 Practice (6-7 for extra credit) Return and Review Chapter 6 tests Learning Targets ------------------------------------------Pre-algebra January 7, 2010 Check 6-8 and 6-7 Grade Sheets Intro 9-7 Similar Triangles and Indirect Measurement Pre 4-2 Flag Pole Math-January 7 MATH IS YOU.
Special Announcements Today is the last day to turn in work for the second quarter. Homework is due on Today. • ----------------------------------------------Pre-algebra • Pre-algebra • January 7, 2010 • Check 6-8 and 6-7 • Grade Sheets • Intro 9-7 Similar Triangles and Indirect Measurement • ----------------------------------------------Pre-algebra • January 8, 2010 • Check Homework • Complete introducing 9-7 • Assign Page 474 (7-12) ---------------------------------------------Geometry: January 7, 2010 Please get laptops when you come in. Open up GSP. Grade Sheets Complete Medians in a Triangle on GSP Complete the Altitudes in a Triangle on GSP ----------------------------------------------Geometry January 8, 2010 Warm Up Intro 5-4 Intersecting Median Assign 5-4 Practice Math-January 8 MATH IS TODAY.