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Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary

Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary. PreAP/IB. Appertaining [verb]. To belong as a proper function or part of; relating to. [In U.S. History class, students study information appertaining to the United States]. Beguiled [verb]. To deceive by guile or craftiness.

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Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary

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  1. Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary PreAP/IB

  2. Appertaining [verb] • To belong as a proper function or part of; relating to. • [In U.S. History class, students study information appertaining to the United States].

  3. Beguiled [verb] • To deceive by guile or craftiness. • [The man was beguiled by the attractive woman].

  4. Benefice [noun] • A church office or position endowed with fixed capital assets. [The archbishop’s benefice afforded him many luxuries.]

  5. Beseech [verb] • To request earnestly. • [The businessman beseeched his boss for a raise].

  6. Boisterous [adjective] • Rough and stormy; violent. [The wind was boisterous, throwing the world into fluttering confusion.]

  7. Consort [noun] • A companion or partner. • [John Lennon and Paul McCartney were songwriting consorts].

  8. Cull [verb] • To gather; to collect. • [Steven culled his stamps for his stamp collection from all over the world.]

  9. Drudge [noun] • A person who does tedious, menial, or unpleasant work. • [Toiling in the depths of the earth, the coal miner often felt like a drudge when doing his difficult and unpleasant job].

  10. Enmity [noun] • Deep-seated, often mutual hatred. • [Though once the best of friends, there is now a deep sense of enmity between Chris Brown and Rihanna].

  11. Inundation [noun] • The state of being covered with water; being overwhelmed. • [The small town suffered an inundation by the flash flood].

  12. Invocation [noun] • An incantation used in conjuring. • [During the ancient Native American ceremony, the shaman performed an invocation of the Spirit of Mother Earth].

  13. Languish [verb] • To become weak or feeble. • [When I grow old and languish, I am thankful that caring and responsible people like Jori Flood will be there to help me.]

  14. Mantle [noun] • A cloak. • [The figure was not easily seen, covered in a dark mantle].

  15. Orison [noun] • A prayer. • [The muslim man offered up his orison to the heavens.]

  16. Penury [noun] • A state of destitution; experiencing extreme want. • [The migrant woman grimly faced penury, not having prospects for food, clothing, or shelter.]

  17. Pernicious [adjective] • Evil; wicked. • [Mr. Rustin sometimes drifts off with a pernicious grin on his weird face….at these times, don’t bother him.]

  18. Poultice [noun] • A soft, moist mass of bread, meal, clay or other substance. • [After slicing his leg open on a jagged rock during his rock climb, the man quickly placed a poultice of grass over his wound].

  19. Presage [noun] • An omen. • [She didn’t need a crystal ball to see the future; the presage in her mind helped her to see the shape of things to come. ]

  20. Prorogue [verb] • To defer or postpone. • [Mr. Rustin has a horrible habit of proroguing tasks that should be done immediately.]

  21. Rancor [noun] • Bitter, deep-seated ill will. • [The look of rancor on his face said it all – it was easy to tell the man was bitter about life].

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