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Global Technical Assistance on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

Learn about current technical assistance projects addressing human trafficking and migrant smuggling globally, with a focus on prevention, data collection, legislative assistance, and more. Get insights on strategic planning, criminal justice responses, victim protection, and international cooperation efforts. Discover ongoing initiatives and resources provided by the UNODC.

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Global Technical Assistance on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling

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  2. Constraints in responding to human trafficking & migrant smuggling: • Gaps in national legal frameworks • Limited government capacity and lack of institutions and planning • Limited law enforcement and criminal justice capacity and expertise • Lack of data • Limited protection for victims and of rights of smuggled migrants

  3. ApplyingMandate of TOC & Protocols…Strategic areas of technical assistance: 1. Prevention and Awareness-raising 2. Data Collection & Research 3. Legislative Assistance 4. Strategic Planning & Policy Development 5. Criminal Justice System responses 6. Protection of Victims & Rights of Smuggled Migrants 7. International Cooperation

  4. Current Technical Assistance projects Trafficking in persons, 23 projects global, regional and national; Regional & national projects: Africa & Middle East; Central & Eastern Europe; Latin America & Caribbean; South & EastAsia & Pacific; West & Central Asia. Several global projects and activities. Smuggling of migrants, 3 projects Current projects in Africa; Number of forthcoming projects in East Asia; Increasing global activities. Outreach On both topics, currently assisting 80+ countries

  5. 1. Prevention and Awareness-raising • Blue Heart Campaign (new campaign launched in February 2009); • Training films, trafficking in persons (TIP) & smuggling of migrants (SOM); • Public Service Announcements (part of the continuous UNODC prevention campaign).

  6. 2. Data Collection & Research Global Report on Trafficking in Persons (Feb. 2009); Linkages between TOC, TIP and SOM; Technical papers on trafficking in persons and related issues (e.g. Islamic law and trafficking, corruption and trafficking, money laundering/financial crime & human trafficking/migrant smuggling) Regional SOM Reports: India to Europe; North Africa; West Africa Bibliography of research on smuggling of migrants

  7. 3. Legislative Assistance Assistance in legal drafting Comprehensive Model Law on Trafficking in Persons Comprehensive Model Law on Smuggling of Migrants Handbook for Parliamentarians to combat trafficking in persons (UN.GIFT, UNODC, IPU)

  8. 4. Strategic Planning & Policy Development • Framework for Action (Implementation of Protocols) • Toolkits to Combat Trafficking in Persons & Smuggling of Migrants • Policies and action plans on trafficking in persons (Black Sea Region, Eastern and Southern Africa)

  9. 5. Criminal Justice System responses Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons, promising practices Toolkit to Combat Smuggling of Migrants, promising practices TIP First Aid Kit, tools for frontline law enforcement SOM training manuals – basic and in-depth TIP in-depth training modules Delivery of specialized training (e.g. training for NATO officials) Assessments (e.g. regional assessment on penal prosecution capacities to investigate trafficking in persons in Central America (Feb. 2009))

  10. 6. Protection of Victims & Rights of Smuggled Migrants TIP and SOM Model laws Victim centered approach (supported within all 23 TIP technical assistance projects) Promotion of Law enforcement – NGO Cooperation (e.g. regional project on fostering NGO – Law Enforcement cooperation in preventing and combating human trafficking in, from and to the Baltic Sea Region)

  11. 7. International Cooperation Regional workshops & Handbook on International Cooperation in TIP cases Balkans; East Asia; Central Asia UN.GIFT Alliance against Trafficking in Persons, OSCE Global Migration Group MTM and I-map ICAT

  12. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Anti-Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Unit (AHTMSU) UNODC Email. ahtmsu@unodc.org Tel. +43 1 26060 5687 http://www.unodc.org/

  13. Model Law against Trafficking in Persons • Covers prosecution, protection and prevention. • Includes commentaries and examples. • Available on-line at http://www.unodc.org/documents/legal-tools/Model_Law_TiP.pdf (English only). • Finalized in an EGM: Experts were from Canada, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, France, Georgia, Israel, Lebanon, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Slovakia, Thailand, Uganda and the United States of America, as well as representatives of the International Labour Organization and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

  14. Model Law against Smuggling of Migrants • Covers criminalization, cooperation at sea and return. • First EGM March 2009, Second EGM on 14-16 October. http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/treaties/expert-group-meeting-on-model-law-on-smuggling-of-migrants.html • Experts are from Albania,Australia, Belgium, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, France, India, Jamaica, Nigeria, the Philippines, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, the United Kingdom, the US., as well as legal experts from the Commonwealth Secretariat, the International Labour Organization, the International Organization for Migration, and the UN High Commissioner for human Rights, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. • Will be translated to other UN languages in 2010.

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