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B uilding H ealthy C ommunities. Second Steering Group Meeting Bru ss els, September 15-17, 2008 Magdalena Affeltowicz City of Lodz. B UILDING H EALTHY C OMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector
Building Healthy Communities Second Steering Group Meeting Brussels, September 15-17, 2008 Magdalena Affeltowicz City of Lodz BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN
HIA and the use of urban health indicators City experience in the field: • HIA procedure has never been used on any proposals in Lodz • Health indicators collected by specialized regional agencies every year • A wider set of indicators collected for Lodz Healthy Cities Project and HEPRO project (socio-economic and lifestyle related determinants of health) Needs and challenges: • Lodz needs to establish cooperation with cities and agencies who have experience in HIA and introduce HIA for major projects implemented in the city. • It is necessary to improve the questionnaire used for HEPRO project and repeat the survey every 5 years Expectations: • A workshop in HIA for BHC partners BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN
Healthy places and healthy environment City experience in the field: The city has implemented a number of projects to improve the quality of the environment (construction of water waste treatment plant, communal wate management, renovation of the sewage system) Needs and challenges: Poor quality of city infrastructure in the older part of the city outside the centre, poor sanitary conditions of in some parts of the city, high level of traffic noise. Expectations: A comprehensive strategy of coordinated action of local government agencies and other organisations to improve the quality of city environment BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN
Policies and actions for a healthy and active aging City experience in the field: Financial support to the elderly population through NGOs who provide different forms of activity to senior citizens. Surveys on the lifestylesof senior citizens in Lodz. Needs and challenges: Action financed or organized by the city reaches only a small group of the most active senior citizens. Insuficient human and financial resources. Expectations: We expect that the Local Action Plan will include a strategy for the city addressed to a wide group of senior citizens to create possiblilities of active living. BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN
Use of Structural Funds in actions aiming at developing ‘health gains’ City experience in the field: • Before 2004: pre-accession funds (social inclusion projects, unemployment, schools) • 2004-2006: ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Funds used primarily for city infrastructure and environment protection and improving the situation on the labour market. • 2007-2013: first calls for proposals announced, the successful projects concern primarily city infrastruscure and social inclusion. Needs and challenges: Develop skills necessary to prepare successful projects Improve cooperation between departments in the city office and between the local government and its partners Expectations: Development of a comprehensive local action plan included in the city development strategy with a list of projects related to urban health to apply for structural funds BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN
The Lodz Local Support Group Informal contacts with representatives of different agencies and organisations whose area is related to the project. Those who expressed interest have been invited to the first meeting which will be held on October 7th. Local government agencies, regional government, transport businesses, universities, research centres, LOCAL TV and NGOs will be represented. The meetings will be organised by the Department of Public Health once a month. BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN
Building Healthy Communities „Statystyka Łodzi”, Urząd Statystyczny w Łodzi, Łódź 2006 „Informator Statystyczny Ochrony Zdrowia Województwa Łódzkiego 2006” Wojewódzkie Centrum Zdrowia Publicznego w Łodzi, Łódź 2007 ”Analiza stanu środowiska” , dr inż. Halina Jaroszewska, dr inż. Arch. Barbara Wycichowska, http://www15.uml.lodz.pl/prorevita/ „Raport z badania w ramach projektu Orientacja na zdrowie i dobrostan społeczny w Regionie Morza Bałtyckiego/ HEPRO”, dr Jacek Pyżalski, mgr Eliza Iwanowicz, mgr Patrycja Wojtaszczyk, Łódź, czerwiec 2007. „Razem dla zdrowia” – conference materials of the IV Lodz Healthy City Forum, 2006. www.lodzrowerowa.pl Survey report „Styl życia starszych mieszkańców Łodzi”, Patrycja Woszczyk, Łódź, 2007. ”Sytuacja społeczno-ekonomiczna w Łodzi 2006 rok” Wydział Strategii i Analiz, Urząd Miasta Łodzi, Łódź, 2007. ”Ludność Łodzi i innych wielkich miast w Polsce w latach 1984-2006” Włodzimierz Obraniak, Urząd Statystyczny w lodzi, Łódź, 2007. http://www.stat.gov.pl/urzedy/lodz Thank you BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Thematic Network and Co- co-financed by the URBACT II Programme City of Turin Urban Regeneration and Development Sector in collaboration with QeC - ERAN