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Office 365 is the worldu2019s most popular productivity suite and needs to be enabled on BYO mobile devices. What is the best way to keep employees secure and productive without putting your company at risk? There are 5 building blocks in any successful BYOD program
TABLE OF CONTENTS Table ofContent Abstract Introduction How itWorks. ByodPolicy Challenges 3keysforsuccessfulimplementation Conclusion 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 2
ABSTRACT As an increasing number of companies begin to support the trend of remote working, BYOD is on the rise. BYOD allows organizations to empower their workers, by allowing them to use the devices they feel most confident and familiar with. While having the ability to work from outside of a corporate office has been feasible for a few decades, working remotely is only now becomingmainstream. 3
INTRODUCTIONTO- BYOD BYOD is the term used to refer to “bring your own device” practices in the workforce.According to research, around 61% of Gen , along with more than 50% of workers over the age of 30, believe that the techtheyuseathomeisbetterthanthetoolstheycan access at work.The rise of BYOD began as a smaller partofthelargertrendforITconsumerization,where software and hardware in the consumer space is permitted into the business premises.As IT departments struggle to remain on top of constant changes in the tech environment, the BYOD definition has started to evolve. Some organizations are even allowing for things like “bring your own technology”, “bring your own PC” and “Bring your own software”. The BYOD meaning that your organization adopts will depend on your individual requirements.Fundamentally, however, the idea is to ensure that employees can continue working on their owndevicesintheworkplace,eliminatingtheneedto switch betweentools. How ItWorks! trendforIT bygiving Part of the more significant consumerization,BYODworks employees the liberty to use the tools that they like most in and out of doors of the office. This could be a laptop that they take with them wherever they are going, a tablet, or a smartphone. The workforce today may be a lot more tech-savvy than it once was. Things like digital transformation and therefore the introduction of latest generations into the office spacehavechangedanexcellentdeal.Youremployees know their own devices better than anyone. meaning that companies embracing BYOD frequently requireless training. 3
HOWTOESTABLISHING BYODPOLICY As tools emerge to support trends like remote working, flexible schedules, and mobile employees, the BYOD definition continues to expand across the planet . We’re entering an era where companies can either sanction and manage their BYOD policies or risk the increase of Shadow IT within theworkforce. SPECIFY YOURDEVICE Enabling teams to use a variety of popular devices on platformslikeiOSandAndroidistypicallyanhonestidea. This caters to the most important population in your group. However, it’s best to specialise in one device at a time.Consider starting your BYOD strategy with smartphones before you progress onto things like tablets and laptops, as an example . Once you recognize which devices are goingto bepermitted in your business, you’llgottoimplementusagerulesforyourteams. EXPLAIN BYODSERVICE POLICY Information isimportantwhen rollingoutanynew technology. While you’re answering the question of “what i BYOD?” for your employees, confirm that you simply se some guidelines for what they will expect when using thei owntoolswithintheworkplace. ACCESS MOBILE DEVICEMANAGEMENT There’s always a risk that your employees could lose their personal devices or have themstolen.Installing MDM softwareishowyouprotectyourcompany’sdata.Withthese solutions in situ , you'llaccess devices remotely, wipe off business data, and restorethe deviceto factory settings.MDM software are often a troublesome sell to your employees. You’ll got to state the advantages toyour teams to assist them see why you would like this added security. 4
CHALLENGES TOBYOD Controlsecurityofyourcompanydatawithoutcontrollingamobile device. Thereareanumberofapplicationsyoucanusetosecuredataonmobile devices. Finding a solution that secures your data without controlling a deviceisattheessenceofagoodBYODimplementation. Maintain employeeprivacy. Security measures over employee mobile devices must secure company data while at the same time balancing employee privacy. This means the softwaresolutionseparatesemployeesphonedataandcompanydata. Gettingyouremployeestofollowcompanyguidelines. Concise BYOD strategies involve the development of a thorough BYOD policy so your employees clearly understand their rights, benefits and obligationswhenusingtheirowndevice.
3KEYSTOSUCCESSFULLY IMPLEMENTINGBYOD Carry out a business analysis and assess requirements Determine the correctsoftware solution to implement BYOD CreateaBYOD policy foryour business and employees
CONCLUSION BYOD solutions can potentially create efficiencies in the wayemployees work. However, they also introduce vulnerabilities in the network through accessing sensitive data on unsupported and/or unsecured personal devices.BYOD has both advantages and disadvantages, but its growing ubiquity means that all IT departments must be aware and proactive. Policies on BYOD management are becoming more prevalent within organizations and are important to addressing what can be a daunting security challenge.The rapid consumerisation of smartphones and tablets is coming to your business. Employees want to use their own smartphones and tablets to work because they believe their mobile applications are necessary to get jobs done. They are also more comfortable using their own device, not to mention the complications of having to carry around two devices (one for work and one for personal use).In short, BYOD is the practice of employees bringing their own devices to work and using these instead of the company’s. In this way, employees can enjoy the comfort and familiarity they have with their owndevice.
AbouttheCompany The values that guide ourbusiness. Denis O’Shea founded Mobile Mentor in New Zealand in 2004 to unlock the potential of mobiletechnologyandnowoperatinginAustraliaandtheUSA,theMobileMentorteam is a unique combination of mobile app developers, security engineers and support analysts.We share a commonpassionto unlockthe massive potential of mobile technology in the enterprise. We believe that mobile technology will positively impact the way people work in every industry. Our job is to develop, secure and support that technologysoourclientsenjoythebenefits. VISITUS: https://www.mobile-mentor.com/ USA:18777073848 NewZealand:+6498880512 Australia: +61 2 95754827