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Paragraph Formatting

Paragraph Formatting. Lesson 4 Step by Step Exercises . Step-by-Step: Set Indents – Review Skills 4-1. Connect your USB flash drive to one of the USB ports on your computer. Click the File tab, then click Open . The Open dialog box appears.

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Paragraph Formatting

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  1. Paragraph Formatting Lesson 4 Step by Step Exercises

  2. Step-by-Step: Set Indents – Review Skills 4-1 • Connect your USB flash drive to one of the USB ports on your computer. • Click the File tab, then click Open. The Open dialog box appears. • Use the vertical scroll bar to scroll down and locate the data files for this lesson on your USB flash drive. Double-click the datafilesfolder for this lesson to open it. • Locate and OPEN the file named acknowledgement. • Click the View tab. Then, in the Show group, click the check box that displays the Ruler. • Click to place the insertion point at the beginning of the first paragraph.

  3. Step-by-Step: Set Indents • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the drop-down arrow to display the Paragraph dialog box. The Indents and Spacing tabis the active tab. • In the Indentation sectionof this tab, change the Specialselection by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting First line. The By box lists 0.5 inches by default, as shown here. Click OK.

  4. Step-by-Step: Set Indents • The figure below displays the paragraph with the first-line indent you just set. • Click to place the insertion point in the second paragraph. • On the horizontal ruler, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the hanging indent marker to 0.5 inches.

  5. Step-by-Step: Set Indents • Your screen should look like the figure below. • Place the insertion point in the third paragraph. • On the Page Layout tab, in the Paragraph group, click the up arrow next to Indent Left 10 times to indent the left side of the paragraph to 1 inch on the ruler.

  6. Step-by-Step: Set Indents • Click the up arrow next to Indent Right 10 times to indent the right side of the paragraph to 1 inch on the ruler (see figure). Notice the paragraph has movedin 1 inch from both theleft and the right marginand the paragraph isindented on both sides. • Place the insertion point in the last paragraph.

  7. Step-by-Step: Set Indents • On the ruler, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the left indent marker into the left margin at –0.5 inches, as shown in this figure.

  8. Step-by-Step: Set Indents • Your document should look similar to the one shown here. • SAVE the document as handbook_acknowledgement in the lesson folder on your USB flash drive, then CLOSE it. NOTE: Changing paragraph indents can be completed using the Ruler or the Paragraph dialog box on the Home or Page Layout tabs.

  9. Step-by-Step: Change Alignment – Review Skills 4-2 • OPENintroduction from the data files from this lesson. • Click to place the insertion point in the first paragraph. • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Justify button. The paragraph is justified between the left and right margins. • Place the insertion point in the second paragraph. • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the drop-downarrow to launch the Paragraph dialog box. The Indents and Spacing tab should be selected. • In the Alignment list under General, click the drop-down arrow, then click Centered. Click OK. The paragraph is centered between the left and right margins.

  10. Step-by-Step: Change Alignment • Place the insertion point in the third paragraph. • Press Ctrl+R to align the text on the right. The right side of the paragraph is now even, while the left is uneven. • On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setupgroup, click the drop-downarrow to open the Page Setup dialog box. Then, click the Layout tab. • In the Vertical alignment list under Page, click the drop-down arrow and select Center.

  11. Step-by-Step: Change Alignment • In the Apply Tolist under Preview, Whole document is selected, as shown inthis figure. • Click OK.

  12. Step-by-Step: Change Alignment • The text is centered between the top and bottom margins, as shown in this figure. • SAVE the document as handbook_introductionin the lesson folder on your USB flash drive, then CLOSE the file.

  13. Step-by-Step: Shade a Paragraph – Review Skills 4-3 • OPEN the diversity file from the data files for this lesson. • Place the insertion point in the first paragraph. • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the drop-down arrownextto the Shadingbutton to display the menu shown in this figure. • In the Theme Colorspalette, click the color in the third row of the last column (Orange, Accent 6, Lighter 40%), as shown in the figure on the next slide.

  14. Step-by-Step: Shade a Paragraph • Choosing the Orange, Accent 6, Lighter 40% color: • SAVE the document as handbook_diversity in the lesson folder on your USB flash drive.

  15. Step-by-Step: Place a BorderAround a Paragraph – Review Skills 4-4 • USE the document that is open from the previous exercise. • Place the insertion point in the second paragraph. • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group,click the drop-down arrow next to the Border button to display the menushown in this figure. • Click Outside Borders on the menu.

  16. Step-by-Step: Clear Paragraph Formats- Review Skills 4-5 • USE the document that is open from the previous exercise. • Select the first two paragraphs. • On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Clear Formatting button. • SAVE the document as handbook_eeo in the lesson folder on your USB flash drive, then CLOSE the file.

  17. Step-by-Step: Set Line Spacing in a Paragraph- Review Skills 4-6 • OPEN the handbook_introduction document you completed earlier in this lesson. • Place the insertion point in the first paragraph. • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group,click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button to display the Line Spacing menu, as shown in this figure. • Select 2.0 to double-space the selected text.

  18. Step-by-Step: Set Line Spacing in a Paragraph • Place the insertion point in the second paragraph. • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the drop-down arrow next to the Line and Paragraph Spacing button to display the menu. • To set more precise spacing measurements, click Line Spacing Options to display the Indents and Spacing tab of the Paragraph dialog box. • In the Line Spacing section, click the drop-down arrow and select Exactly in the Line Spacing list. In the At list, click the up arrow until it reads 14 pt. The line spacing is increased.

  19. Step-by-Step: Set Line Spacing in a Paragraph • Click OK. • SAVE the document as handbook_introduction_1 in the lesson folder on your USB flash drive.

  20. Step-by-Step: Set Spacing Around a Paragraph – Review Skills 4-7 • USE the document that is open from the previous exercise. • Place the insertion point in the third paragraph. • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the drop-down arrow to display the Paragraph dialog box. The Indents and Spacing tab is the active tab. • In the Spacing section, click the up arrow next to Before until it reads 24 pt. • Click the up arrow next to After until it reads 24 pt. • Click OK. Notice the spacing between the paragraphs.

  21. Step-by-Step: Set Spacing Around a Paragraph • With the insertion point still in the third paragraph, click the drop-down arrow next to the Line and Paragraph Spacing button in the Paragraph group to display the Line Spacing menu. • Click Remove Space Before Paragraph. • SAVEthe document as handbook_introduction_2 in the lesson folder on your USB flash drive, then CLOSE the file. ANOTHER WAY: You also can use the Paragraph command group on the Page Layout tab to change paragraph spacing..

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