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english iv h

english iv h. with Mr. Smith. Welcome to. About me. Who is this guy?. The basics. Grew up in upstate New York (country, not city) Taught at PCHS in 2009-2010 First year at NBHS. The basics. Went to college at UNC Chapel Hill Class of 2008: BA in English Class of 2009: MAT in English.

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english iv h

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Presentation Transcript

  1. english iv h with Mr. Smith Welcome to

  2. About me Who is this guy?

  3. The basics • Grew up in upstate New York (country, not city) • Taught at PCHS in 2009-2010 • First year at NBHS

  4. The basics • Went to college at UNC Chapel Hill • Class of 2008: BA in English • Class of 2009: MAT in English

  5. The basics • Taught at PCHS in 2009-2010 • First year at NBHS

  6. Likes • Reading and writing • Drama • Snowboarding • Guitar Hero • Video editing • Drums • SCUBA diving

  7. Favorites • Movie: Back to the Future • TV shows: Lost, The Wire, and Mad Men • Bands: Coldplay, The Killers, Vampire Weekend • Books: The Catcher in the Rye and Death of a Salesman • Podcast: This American Life

  8. About you Who are you people?

  9. Tell us… • Your name • Where you live • Plus one of the following: • Your favorite TV show, band, or food; OR • One unique or interesting item about you

  10. Who are you? • “Who Are You?” survey • Contact sheet • Goal writing

  11. Goal writing • What are your goals for this semester? • Why do you have these goals? • How will you accomplish them?

  12. Classroom philosophy Who are we?

  13. Classroom philosophy • We are all scholars. • We are all different. • We all make mistakes.

  14. We are all scholars. • Each member of the classroom community is capable of making insightful, original, illuminating contributions in class. We all have valuable things both to teach and to learn, and we arrive in our classroom community mentally and physically prepared to do so. We engage in this scholarly learning process through open, respectful discussion.

  15. We are all different. • Each member of the classroom community has unique perspectives, experiences, and areas of expertise with which they can enrich our discussions. We respect this diversity for the wealth of knowledge it can bring to our learning.

  16. We all make mistakes. • No one member of the classroom community—teacher or student—is perfect. We recognize not only that we all will make mistakes, but that we must do so in order to learn. We value mistakes for the progress they allow us to make in learning, and establish our community as a safe place in which to make this kind of progress.

  17. About the class What will we do?

  18. Topics and readings • British literature • Anglo-Saxons to present • Poetry, novels, plays, nonfiction • Writing • Grammar • Vocabulary

  19. Honors-level work • Honors-level coursework is expected to be more intense and challenging • Be ready, willing, and excited to meet these challenges – they’ll be unique and interesting, and they’ll make you a better, more critical student • Bottom line: it’s work, but it’s worth it

  20. Graduation Project • Counts as final exam • Product = 50% • Presentation = 25% • Portfolio = 25% • Due dates on calendar count as quiz grades

  21. Grading • Total points system • Each assignment has a point value • Point values based on difficulty and/or length of assignment • Final grade = Points earned / Total points possible • E.g.: 1500 points earned / 2000 possible points = 75

  22. Engrade • Grades posted on Engrade – www.engrade.com/ismith1 • Each student can check grades and download missed work online • Parents/guardians are also able to view grades online • Check frequently to avoid falling behind

  23. How to succeed • School = your job • Come with the right attitude • Do quality work on time • If you do your job (i.e. coursework), you get paid (i.e. earn good grades) • Do the best you can each day

  24. Class procedures How do we do things?

  25. Warm-up (journal, sentence corrections, etc.) will be listed on the board as you enter class • Check the assignment, then immediately get to work • When the bell rings, you should already be working Warm-ups Get your brain in gear!

  26. Major component of the course • Your own opinions/reflections • Should be written in a thoughtful, thorough, complete manner • At least 5 sentences • Graded weekly using stamp sheet Journals Get writing!

  27. Stamp sheets are issued for each nine-week period • Journals are checked each day and stamps are given • Complete (i.e. five-sentence) journal responses receive a stamp on the sheet • Half-credit may be earned • Stamp sheets are collected every Friday and journal grades are entered Stamp sheet Easy points!

  28. Each student puts his/her name on a card • Cards are used to pick students for groups, to share journals or writing in class, to answer questions, etc. The Cards Feeling lucky?

  29. Name • Date • Course name and period • Assignment name • Points deducted for missing/incorrect heading Assignment heading Use it always.

  30. Borrow one from the cup • Return at the end of the period • When they’re gone, they’re gone Pencils Bring your own.

  31. Papers are kept in student files • Students notified when assignments are handed back • Leave completed work here in class Returning papers Stay organized.

  32. Designate “captains” for papers and materials • Paper captains pass out/return any papers (e.g. homework, handouts, etc.) • Material captains pass out/collect “crafty” materials (e.g. markers, paper, glue sticks, scissors, etc.) • Captains will change as seating chart changes Captains Papers and materials.

  33. Everyone has a neighbor • Neighbors are default partners, especially for journal sharing • Neighbors will change with the seating chart Neighbors It’s like the buddy system.

  34. 5 bathroom visits per semester. Period. • Non-transferrable • No refunds • Water fountain trips count as bathroom visits • No bathroom visits during first or last 15 minutes of class • Signal Mr. Smith; when acknowledged, sign out and take yellow pass Bathroom trips Use wisely.

  35. If you are not seated and working when the bell rings, you are late • Enter quietly and take your seat • When appropriate, ask a classmate or Mr. Smith where we are/what we’re doing • First: verbal warning • Second through fourth: make up time after school on Friday (5 minutes late = 5 minutes after); parent contact • Fifth and subsequent: office referral Late arrivals Be on time.

  36. Check with Mr. Smith as soon as you return to class • Get missed assignments from daily folders, file cabinet, and/or Engrade • Grace period for legitimate absences = length of the absence (e.g. out 2 days, work must be in within 2 days of return) • NBHS policy: more than 10 absences = no credit for the course Absences Don’t miss out.

  37. 5 points off per day up to one week • After one week: half credit • Late work accepted until end of marking period Late work Don’t do it.

  38. Fix any and all incorrect responses • Staple to the original quiz/test and resubmit – corrections without original quiz/test will not receive credit • Earn back half of the points you lost • Must be done within two weeks of original quiz/test date Quiz/test corrections EASY points!

  39. Be seated and quiet by 2:20 • If you are exempt from seminar: • Have your progress report and seminar pass on your desk • Wait quietly • If you are not exempt from seminar: • Have English work on your desk • Work quietly • No talking unless approved by Mr. Smith Seminar …is not free time.

  40. Class rules How should you act?

  41. Class rules • No inappropriate language (profanity, hate speech, etc). • No cell phones or other electronics. • No edibles of any kind (food, drinks, gum, mints, etc). • No makeup and/or cosmetics (lotion, etc). • One speaker at a time. • Follow the Golden Rule. • Be responsible. • Be respectful.

  42. NBHS policy: No cell phones or MP3 players (iPods) allowed during the school day – not to be seen or heard (or suspected) • First offense: 10 day confiscation • Subsequent offenses: 30 day confiscation • Refusal to give up a phone: • First offense: 2-4 days OSS • Subsequent offenses: 10 days OSS Cell phones/iPods Shut ‘em off and put ‘em away.

  43. Makeup or cosmetics of any kind are not to be applied in class at any time • Chapstick (not lip gloss) is acceptable • First offense – warning • Second offense – makeup confiscated until end of school day • Third and subsequent offenses – makeup confiscated; returned after discussion with parents Makeup This is not a beauty salon.

  44. NO FOOD of any kind. • Applies to any edibles: gum, mints, candy, etc. • Applies to fundraiser items • Clear water is acceptable Food NO FOOD.

  45. NBHS policy states: • No sagging pants/short shorts • No headgear (hats, scarves, do-rags, etc.) • No piercings • No leggings (even under other garments) • No gang/drug/alcohol-related items • Violators will be sent to Chill Out to write the dress code • Zero-tolerance enforcement: no warnings, no passes, no second chances Dress code Cover up!

  46. Cheating is academic dishonesty – e.g. copying another person’s work (knowingly or otherwise) on any assignment or aiding others in doing so • Plagiarism is claiming another person’s words, ideas, or style as your own without credit • First offense: • assignment returned without grade to be resubmitted • parents and administration notified • Subsequent offenses: • immediate zero on assignment with no chance of makeup • parents and administration notified • When in doubt, give credit where it’s due Cheating & Plagiarism Don’t do it. Ever.

  47. Consequences • 3 strike policy before consequences begin • 1st offense – leave room temporarily and/or go to Chill Out; parents contacted • 2nd offense – disciplinary referral; parents contacted • Automatic referral: • Profanity • Threats/violence • Blatant disrespect • Insubordination

  48. Expectations What do I want?

  49. I expect you to… …be respectful. …pay attention. …be quiet while others are talking. …listen to your classmates and the teacher. …treat your classmates as you want to be treated. …leave problems with others at the door.

  50. I expect you to… …be responsible. …come to class prepared and on time. …keep track of your assignments. …complete assignments on time. …act honorably as a member of this class. …put in 100% effort at all times. …never give up. …ask questions.

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