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Collaboratively create a comprehensive thematic study guide for the NYS Regents exam, focusing on the period from 1750 to the present. Includes curriculum review, vocabulary, visuals, and exam questions.
Post WHAP World Researching thematically for the Regents
Contextualization • Now that the AP is finished ( I know, thank goodness) , its time to review for the Regents which will serve as 16% of you cumulative grade ( final exam June 20th 2019 at &:35 A.M rooms to be determined). Although the exam is far easier than the AP ( based on 1750-Present with 30 mc, DBQ with scaffolding and thematic essay) , students do occasionally perform poorly. In attempt to keep you inert, you will be working in groups to develop a thematic study guide based on the NYS Regents, its curricula and an assessment to be applied on all three components of the Regents. You will have 2 exams to illustrate your competency, a field exam on May 22nd ( you were chosen and it doesn’t count but serves as great practice) and that’s it!!!! You project will count for 20% of the 4th quarter grade and each and every single group member must work equally or lose points. We will have at least 7 class periods to work on this and due date is June 7th (Friday). You will present your findings and review to the class starting the 7th as the presentation portion. Here is what you are going to compile
Step 1Review curriculum and review sites available on my website pertaining to your theme 1750-Present. • https://curriculum.newvisions.org/social-studies/resources/resource/1011-regents-content-thematic-essay-topics-review-sheet/ • https://wagnerhigh.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=81145&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=555877 • https://ehs.eastchesterschools.org/m2/course/view.php?id=11707 • https://www.whiteplainspublicschools.org/cms/lib5/NY01000029/Centricity/Domain/305/REGENTS_REVIEW_PACKET_[Year_7_Edition_with_Index].pdf • https://sites.google.com/a/mhacademy.net/ms-ioffe-history-classes/global-regents-prep
Step 2: Create a One page overview ( front and back) of the theme, key vocabulary, examples, visuals (maps, pics, graphic organizers) all examples from global 2 ( not limited to suggestions) • https://sites.google.com/a/mhacademy.net/ms-ioffe-history-classes/global-regents-prep ( see study sheets)
Step 3: Create a review Kahoot!! of 20 actual MC questions from previous regents exams with visuals. • http://www.nysedregents.org/transitionghg10/home.html http://www.nysedregents.org/globalhistorygeography/ • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/ss/home.html ( newest exam for next year include SS MC, SAQ, Enduring issues)
Step 4: Examine how the theme has historically applied to thematic essays and DBQ’s ( explains in presentation how, where and when with some examples • https://curriculum.newvisions.org/social-studies/course/regents-readiness/regents-prep-resources/database-nys-regents-essays-global-and-us/ • http://www.mysocialstudiesteacher.com/wiki/index.php?title=Regents_Essay_Topics • https://mrklaff.com/regentsessays.html
Step 5: Provide a current event (from last 5years) outside the United States which has similar themes ( label cause and effect and provide article with source, date and author • https://www.boyertownasd.org/cms/lib/PA01916192/Centricity/Domain/780/WH_current_events_log.pdf
Resources to utilize • H:\2008_bigfatglobalreviewpartii.doc • H:\2018-global-flash-card.docx • Global Regents Review Packet Global 10.doc • H:\global_cheat_sheet__12_.doc • H:\Global History Thematic Essay Review.doc • H:\Global History Facts _1_.doc • H:\the global history and geography review packet teacher 2015.docx • H:\this_i_believe_essay_packet_doc.docx • H:\How to Guide for Thematic Essay Question.ppt • H:\WHAP Review Materials\Global Regents Review Packet Global 10.doc • Regents review project.docx • H:\Intro to Global History Review PPT.pptx