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Training Documentation. SISP tool and supported services (SISP release 6.2). Table of contents. Overview: Tool, process and supported services Submitting a SISP Configuration sections SISP Express SISP Expert Mode File attachments Item configuration Review, change report, and Status Quo
Training Documentation SISP tool and supported services (SISP release 6.2)
Table of contents • Overview: Tool, process and supported services • Submitting a SISP • Configuration sections • SISP Express • SISP Expert Mode • File attachments • Item configuration • Review, change report, and Status Quo • Templates • Superdome and partitionable servers – specific features • Appendix • LVM details • Template details SISP release 6.2
Overview – What is SISP? • Short for “Solution Integration Service Plan” • Web based tool used to capture customer intent • Used to transport customization information into the factory/integration center • Supports specific service offerings, such as HP Factory Express • Supports customization of Superdome solutions Note: Term “SISP” often used to reference tool and resulting output file. SISP release 6.2
SISP tool is/is not SISP release 6.2
HP Factory ExpressWhat can be configured using SISP? More details on Factory Express available at • http://www.hp.com/go/factory-express (outside HP firewall) • http://factoryexpress.corp.hp.com (inside HP firewall) SISP release 6.2
Sales configurator Order SISP Item Product no. SPU Subitem Product no. SISP Subitem ... ... ... Operating system configuration Rack configuration ... EMEA only OMSdatabase configuration information order information SAP SISPdatabase What How Process Overview The order specifies WHAT goes into the system. The SISP tool specifies HOW the ordered parts go together and software has to be installed. • Information flow for order and SISP information exist independently!(SISP tool has no order link.) • Information entered into the SISP tool has to be checked carefully to be sure it matches the order! Superdome and partitioned servers process, some HP Factory Express orders: Sales configurator data are also sent to the SISP database. • Order information is partially available in SISP tool and can be used as a basis for configuration. SISP release 6.2
Order section 001 Server1 Server2 Server4 Server1 Server2 Server4 Server3 Server5 Server3 Server5 Rack1 Rack2 Rack3 Rack1 Rack2 Rack3 ‘SO’ Basic Ordering Guidelines I Single Order Solutions Customer desired configuration of several racks, each containing one or more severs ALL components need to be placed on only ONE order section. The special code ‘SO’ (Single Order Solution) must be added in WWOMS. SISP release 6.2
Order section 001 Order section 002 MS MS Server2 Server1 Server2 Server1 Server3 Rack2 Rack1 Rack2 Rack1 Server3 MS Order section 003 Basic Ordering Guidelines II Multiple Order Sections No hardware integration from one order section into another! Customer changes order from simple one rack/one server configuration to complex solution. For coordinated delivery every order section needs the special code ‘MS’ (Multiple Order Sections) in WWOMS. SISP release 6.2
Order Section 001 Server 1 ‘SO’ 0100 Rack 0200 Server … 0212 HP Factory Express … 0300 Server … 0317 HP Factory Express … Server 2 Disk Array Detailed Order Layout • Place SISP product (e.g. HP Factory Express) as a sub-item of the SPU • For Single Order Solutions (code ‘SO’) add SISP product to each SPU to be configured SISP release 6.2
Server1 Server2 Rack1 Rack2 Order section 2 Order section 1 Server1 Server2 Server2 ‘SO’ Rack1 Order section 3 What is not possible using SISP SISP configuration does NOT overwrite the order! • This means in particular: • Hardware integration from one order section into another is not possible. • Parts ordered as factory integrated cannot be shipped separately. SISP release 6.2
Starting point for submitting information Information needs to be entered on the web: http://www.sisp.hp.com(users outside HP network) http://sisp.bbn.hp.com(users inside HP network) External users need to apply for a login: • Fill in the fields on the login page and select “register” • Wait for an e-mail reply with a password Internal users can choose an alias and password to login: • Fill in the fields on the login page and select “request” • Use the chosen alias and password to login SISP release 6.2
SISP Information Order number: ABCD-12345-001 Quote number: test-990823 Customer: test Sales admin contact: who Order configuration: Rack: ... Database entry SISP naming conventions • The HP order number is used to identify a SISP. • If the order number is not known a preliminary quote number can be used instead. Once the order number is known, it needs to be linked to the quote SISP. • The order number is unique. A quote number can be assigned several times. SISP release 6.2
Main Page Available SISP actions: • Createnew/openexisting SISP • Reviewcontents of a SISP • Display Status Quo report • Display change report to compare order content to SISP • Manage SISPs (SISP Actions) • Copy/move/deletean existing SISP • Linka quote SISP to an order number • Create a new SISPfrom a template • List a user’s/group’s SISPs • Managetemplates • Edit user profile • Get help • Sign out and returnto login screen SISP release 6.2
Main Page Actions I For all actions where order and quote numbers are required: If one of the entered numbers (order or quote) cannot be found, a list containing possible selections will be displayed. New/Open:Create a new or open an existing SISP.Enter an order number or a quote number or both.If the SISP is still in use or has not been closed correctly (browser crash) a warning message with the user data for the SISP is shown. User can “Take Ownership” of the SISP, but should contact the other user to avoid conflicts. Review:Show a summary of data entries for a specified SISP. Status Quo: Show a summary of the customer intent status of a specified order including factory default configuration where applicable. Change report: Display a table containing the contents of the SISP and the corresponding (most recent) sales configurator data. User needs to compare these data and decide if changes to the SISP are necessary. The order and/or quote number have to be entered. SISP release 6.2
Main Page Actions II Link: If a SISP was created based on a quote number (“quote SISP”) the final order number needs to be assigned to activate the SISP. If items were specified in the quote SISP, the item numbers can be renamed now to match the order structure. Copy:Copy an existing SISP to up to five destinations. If an activated (sent) SISP is copied to another order number, the copy is activated as well. Copy modules: Create a new SISP out of several other SISPs. Copy from template:Create a new SISP from a template. Move:Move an existing SIS to a new name (rename). If an activated SISP is moved to a quote SISP it will no longer be activated! Delete:Delete an existing SISP. SISP release 6.2
Main Page Actions III List my SISP’s:Display information about all SISPs created and/or changed by the user. Search can be restricted by selection SISP status (sent, saved, locked etc.). List group SISP’s:List SISPs of group members. Template management:Provides options to search for templates, create new modular or super templates or modify them, and delete templates.Also allows to assign modular or super templates to a SISP. User profile: Change user information like password, e-mail address etc. Help: Display the help pages. Technical support: Display a list of support personnel. FAQ: Display a page with frequently asked questions. Sign out: Return to the SISP login screen. SISP release 6.2
Order Information Section Mandatory information for a new SISP: SISP type, operating system, and customer company.Information on this page can be changed later. Superdome and partitionable servers, HP Factory Express orders: If sales configurator data are available, the correct SISP type will be pre-selected. No other SISP options will be shown. It is recommended to wait for sales configurator (WATSON) data before entering a SISP for Superdome and partitionable servers. SISP release 6.2
Lock Messages • Lock message when trying to open a SISP: • A SISP can be blocked by a user because: • he/she is working on the SISP • the SISP has not been closed correctly (e.g. browser crash) • It is recommended to contact the SISP owner before taking ownership (to make sure nobody is working on the SISP). Lock message when trying to work on a SISP: An item gets locked if the device with the item number comes into production. A locked item cannot be changed in the SISP any longer. If a locked item has not been specified separately the order configuration will be locked as well. SISP release 6.2
What to do after SISP is filled out? save: Brings a SISP from a temporary storage area into the database. send and close: SISP is activated, i.e. SISP can be processed by manufacturing.If sent, the ‘save’ command will no longer be available. A SISP can only be updated by the ‘send’ command. save as template: SISP is stored in the personal template archive. Any attachments are saved with the SISP. It is possible to add a comment for the template. close: SISP is closed. Always exit a SISP with ‘close’, otherwise changes may be left in the temporary storage area. If a SISP has not been closed the user will be asked to “Take Ownership” of the SISP the next time he/she tries to open it. SISP release 6.2
SISP Express vs. SISP Expert Mode SISP Express • Allows quick and easy configuration using templates and/or attachments • No tables • Guided data entry SISP Expert Mode • For in-depth customization • Full range of configuration pages and tables SISP release 6.2
SISP Express – step 1Assign template – search • Enter search parameters: • Template name (optional) • Owner (HP Best Practice and User Templates pre-selected) • Select “Next” to display search results or • Select “Next” to skip template assignment SISP release 6.2
SISP Express – step 1Assign template – select from results • Select template from search results • Select “Next” to continue with step 2 or • Select “Next” to skip template assignment and continue with step 2 SISP release 6.2
SISP Express – step 2Attachments • For each file to be attached choose scope and file type and select “upload” • Select “Next” when finished or • Select “Next” to continue with step 3 SISP release 6.2
SISP Express – step 3Review and confirm • Review settings • Confirm by selecting • “save” • “send & close” (i.e. activate for production) or • Cancel action with “discard changes” SISP release 6.2
(3) (4) (2) (1) Configuration Pages Configuration information can be given (1, 2) and certain SISP actions can be performed (1). The status bar shows general SISP information (customer name, order/quote number, service type, attachments) (3) and SISP status (4). A SISP can be in different states (4): • New - nothing shown in status line • Saved - SISP was saved, but not sent • Sent - SISP was sent and activated Note: First page contents (here: rack configuration) may vary depending on ordered service type and operating system. SISP release 6.2
OS dependent configuration SISP supports 3 operating system platforms: • HP-UX • Microsoft Windows • Linux Most configuration options were designed for HP-UX, basic Windows/Linux configuration exists (more to be added in future releases) SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Rack I Follow these steps to enter data: • Select a rack type. • Select ‘list’ to get a list of rackable products and populate the table. • Consider top of the table as top of the rack. • When done, ‘fill up’ unused slots. Only products in the list are allowed. For special products and cabling a Visio drawing can be attached. If the rack section is not filled, rack definition from the sales configurator tool (WATSON) or default racking will be used. SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Rack II If rack information available from sales configurator tool (WATSON): • Rack type pre-selected • Rack table populated with products ordered rack integrated • Order of components in rack based on Watson rack layout or factory default rules No deletion or addition of components possible, just moving components up and down within the rack. SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Cabling Cabling information can be entered • On order level, clearly separating server, storage or rack items • On item level (per server) Cable type selectable from pull-down menu, all other fields free-entry text. Mandatory fields: • Cable type • Location (from/to) • Port (from/to) SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Disks I Define all disks to be configured, including internal disks. Mirror target disks should be omitted. • Add disk of desired type to configuration • Use one entry for each disk product (internal disks, external disks, disk array, virtual array) • If applicable, enter product number and description Superdome and partitionable servers: • Disks are imported automatically when the SISP is opened the first time.* • In most cases, all available disks on the order are present in each partition domain (PD) configuration. • Define detailed layout of a certain disk only in the PD the disk is connected to. • The physical device path can be selected from a pull-down menu* and needs to be completed with SCSI-ID and LUN. *) If WATSON data available! Changes in disk configuration will not automatically be taken into account in LVM and Mirror configuration SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Disk II Disk Arrays: • Enter the quantity of modules to be joint in a logical unit • Select the raid level for that unit • Specify the physical device path and the volume group for the logical unit Changes in disk configuration will not automatically be taken into account in LVM and Mirror configuration SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Storage overview • Basic RAID configuration of internal and external storage devices • Complex storage (e.g. EVA5000, XP, MSA1000) cannot be configured here • use file attachment for detailed configuration • Complex storage will be referenced in the high end storage section SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Storage I RAID configuration for a server’s internal disks: • Select RAID level from storage type pull-down menu • SISP will automatically create array sets for this connection in the background • If desired, select “edit” to modify array set layout suggested by SISP (see slides on storage details) SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Storage II RAID configuration for a server’s external disks: • On a storage shelf row, select server from host pull-down menu • Select RAID level from storage type pull-down menu • SISP will automatically create array sets for this connection in the background • If desired, select “edit” to modify array set layout suggested by SISP (see slides on storage details) SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Storage details • Access through “edit” action on overview page • Displays all storage connections for one particular server as selected on overview page • SISP suggests array set layout based on built-in rules • Array set layout can be adjusted by user SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Storage details: array set creation rules • Array set names reference the RAID controller they are connected to(e.g. ‘0A’ and ‘0B’: array sets A and B, respectively, on embedded controller; ‘1A’: A on first installed controller etc.) • Array sets may only contain disks of the same type, i.e. of same speed and size. • Starting from the embedded controller (then 1st, 2nd, 3rd), for each controller sort disks by highest quantity in descending order.If array sets have equal amounts of disks, those containing the disks with bigger size and higher speed have higher priority. • The embedded controller will initially be suggested with a RAID 1 RAID level, all subsequent controllers will have RAID 5. • If the array set's disk quantity is not sufficient for the intended RAID level, SISP will automatically reduce the RAID level to an appropriate value. • RAID levels can be changed by the user given that enough disks are available to support the selected configuration. SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Windows Select from pull-down menus to assign • Array set (A, B, C, …) • Partition name (C, D, E, …) • File system type (FAT32, NTFS) and enter sizes for partitions Legacy BCS (Integrity servers) configuration options only allow to specify • Target disk • Partition size SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Linux Select from pull-down menus to assign • Array set (A, B, C, …) • Additional mount points • File system type and enter sizes for mount points (minimum sizes cannot be reduced further) Legacy BCS (Integrity servers) configuration options only allow to specify • Target disk SISP release 6.2
page continues.... (next slide) Configuration Sections – OS/LVM I Specify parameters for the layout of the operating system/logical volume manager. Basic functionality includes: • de-select free software (HP-UX 11.00 only) • defer automatic increase of logical volumes Note: If automatic increase of logical volumes is deselected, user needs to ensure that enough space is left in each logical volume for the ordered software. Selected file system (FS) will be used regardless of what has been ordered. If no FS is selected, the default (or the ordered FS) will be applied. Superdome and partitionable servers: OS will be selected automatically.* *) If WATSON data available! SISP release 6.2
page continues.... (next slide) Configuration Sections – OS/LVM II Functionality includes: • free names for volume groups and logical volumes • selectable block size for each logical volume • selection of physical device path from pull down menu (values predefined in disk configuration section) • distribution of logical volumes over several disks (select ‘ALL’ in physical device path) Changes in LVM configuration will not automatically be taken into account in disk and Mirror configuration SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – OS/LVM III Striping: Each volume group can be selected to be striped. The requirements/limitations are: • at least two disks in the volume group • “ALL” in the physical device path in LVM configuration selected • SWAP, DUMP and RAW devices will not be striped • number of stripes ≤ number of disks in the volume group • striped vg’s cannot be mirrored Extended disk layout: • maximum number of physical volumes per volume group • physical extent size • maximum number of physical extents Additionally, the maximum disk size needs to be entered. SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Mirror Disks defined on the OS/LVM page can be selected to be mirrored. • ONLY disks specified on OS/LVM page are selectable for mirroring. • Disks listed as ‘Source Disk’ are not allowed as ‘Mirror Disk’. • If ALL was specified in the physical device path (LVM section) all disks of that volume group need to be mirrored. • If DEFAULT was selected in the physical device path (LVM section) only “default mirror” can be chosen. • Disks in a striped volume group cannot be mirrored. Changes in disk and LVM configuration will not automatically be taken into account in Mirror configuration SISP release 6.2
Recommended fill-in sequence Disks OS/LVM Mirror Specified disks can be selected on OS/LVM page Mirror settings depend on OS/LVM Only disks (physical device paths) defined here can be selected for mirroring Changes in one configuration section will not automatically be taken into account for the other sections. SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Kernel • Kernel parameters can be entered • in decimal format • in hexadecimal format(preceded by “0x”) • as a formula(preceded by “=“) • Kernel limits and dependencies need to be checked carefully. • Default values and short description of the kernel parameters can be found on the help pages. SISP release 6.2
Configuration Sections – Network • If a time zone is assigned a hostname needs to be entered • Systems with multiple network devices: IP addresses can be assigned to each card • LAN cards are identified by logical number or physical device paths. No mix of LAN numbers and device paths is allowed. • Network devices are numbered (lan0, lan1 etc.) by ascending physical device path (i.e. lan0 will be assigned to the lowest physical device path). • Network interface type in LAN port configuration is optional; can be used for the identification of the LAN cards, but will not be taken into account for card placement. SISP release 6.2