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Unit 2. Assertive Behaviours and Skills for Work . Facilitator Support Materials for Assertive Behaviours and Skills for Work. Unit Aim.
Unit 2 Assertive Behaviours and Skills for Work Facilitator Support Materials for Assertive Behaviours and Skills for Work
Unit Aim The aim of this unit is for learners to develop the knowledge and understanding of assertive techniques and behaviours as well as to develop the appropriate skills and behaviours for assertiveness at work. This unit is 30 Guided Learning Hours
Unit Description Assertiveness is about appropriate individual communication and self-management. Knowing and understanding how and when to be assertive in the workplace is essential. Being assertive is, in essence, a positive behaviour which can be developed in a number of ways. It is applicable to all interaction within the workplace where it is appropriate to identify personal wants and needs as well as offer compromises and set limits.
Unit Description Continued • Assertiveness training, therefore, focuses on the individual building self-awareness and confidence in expression and articulation of opinion as well as acknowledging and respecting the opinions and desires of others. • It is also important to manage one’s own feelings and emotions well and to be flexible in how events are perceived. Therefore, listening skills are essential as well as being attentive to emotional cues and sensitive to group differences. • This unit focuses on developing key assertiveness skills and behaviours for the individual.
Unit Description Continued • In the first part of the unit, learners explore assertiveness and the role of assertive behaviour in the workplace. Assertiveness techniques for the workplace are also considered. • Learners demonstrate different assertive techniques in workplace scenarios and the behaviours for assertiveness in the second part of the unit.
Unit Description Continued • In the third part of the unit, learners assess the effectiveness of the assertiveness techniques used and reflect on their skills and behaviours for assertiveness. • Learners consider ways to develop the skills and behaviours they require for the place of work based on feedback and self-assessment.
Learning Outcome 1: Understand assertiveness at work Amplification of the Learning Outcome: Assertiveness: bringing issues out into the open;respecting the needs and goals of others; respecting one’s own right to be heard and to express issues/opinions; being clear and honest; offering feedback; not playing head games; not expressing passive-aggressive behaviours; being open to dialogue; working together to reach a solution; being open and not having one’s own agenda at heart
Amplification of the Learning Outcome Continued • Role of assertive behaviour in the workplace: workplace contexts eg frustrating situations, anger, confusion, rumours not being expressed constructively, not being heard in a meeting, not voicing issues that are of concern, behaviour, which is aggressive or bullying, unclear communication, job insecurity; encourages open discussion and debate; brings issues out into the open; respects the needs and goals of others; respects individual right to be heard and to express issues; clear and honest; enables collaborative working to reach a solution; encourages positive behaviour and prevents potential misunderstandings
Amplification of the Learning Outcome Continued • Assertiveness techniques: techniques eg fogging, broken record, negative assertion, conflict management; advantages and disadvantages; useopen, secure body language; communicate clearly, positively and directly; know the facts and have them to hand; use open questions; use questioning to clarify; be aware of emotional cues; anticipate the responses of others; keep calm when dealing with negative attitudes and aggression; respect the rights and values of others to express opinions; offer alternative solutions; summarise the situation and take ownership and responsibility for what you say by using “I” statements
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 1 Assessment Criteria: 1.1 Explain the characteristics of assertive behaviour Open discussion with Learners 1.2 Explain the role of assertive behaviour in the workplace Open discussion with Learners 1.3 Compare a range of assertiveness techniques for use in the workplace Open discussion with Learners
Learning Outcome 2: Be able to demonstrate assertiveness skills and behaviours for the place of work Amplification of the Learning Outcome: Assertiveness techniques in workplace scenarios:techniques eg fogging, broken record, negative assertion and conflict management Assertive behaviours: self-regulation eg self-control, focused under pressure, adaptable; social awareness eg empathy, sensitivity and understanding perspectives of others; social skills eg conflict management and tact
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 2 Assessment Criteria: 2.1 Successfully demonstrate different assertiveness techniques in workplace scenarios 2.2 Demonstrate assertive behaviour in workplace scenarios to include: empathy conflict management self-control
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to reflect on own capacity for assertiveness at the place of work Amplification of the Learning Outcome: Effectiveness of assertiveness techniques: was a favourable solution/outcome reached; were individual rights respected eg were all involved able to express opinions Review own assertive behaviours: awareness of own strengths and weaknesses; stages in reflection eg description (What happened?), analysis (What went well? What was less successful?), clarification (What needs to be done differently?) and action (What needs to be done next?)
Amplification of the Learning Outcome Continued • Different ways to develop own assertiveness skills and behaviours based on self-assessment and feedback: sources of feedback eg tutor, peers, workplace supervisor, manager, colleagues; take feedback on board; build on strengths; seek opportunities to develop identified weaknesses; know what triggers negative behaviour; use a mentor; try out new techniques and move out of one’s comfort zone
Assessment Criteria for Learning Outcome 3 Assessment Criteria: 3.1 Assess effectiveness of assertiveness techniques used in given scenarios Open discussion with Learners 3.2 Review own assertive behaviours demonstrated in given scenarios Open discussion with Learners 3.3 Recommend four ways to develop own assertiveness skills and behaviours for the place of work based on self-assessment and feedback Open discussion with Learners
Appropriate Books Goleman D Emotional Intelligence & Working with Emotional Intelligence: "Emotional Intelligence", "Working with EQ" (Bloomsbury Publishing 2004) ISBN 978-0747574569 Molden D & Hutchinson P How to be Confident: Using the Power of NLP (Prentice Hall Life 2008) ISBN 978-0273718093
Appropriate websites www.ndsu.edu/counseling/self_help/assertiveness_skills/ Definitions of the 4 assertiveness styles www.leadership-and-motivation-training.com/assertiveness-in-the-workplace.html Examples of assertiveness in the workplace www.opinion.wikia.com/index.php?title=Ten_assertive_rights_of_an_individual The ten assertiveness rights