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Independent Study Mentorship. Why An Internship?. HAIS seniors: Have completed 60 hrs college credit unlike most high school graduates Required to select a major immediately upon admission to a four year university Will not have time to “feel-out” fields of interest, that time is now.
Why An Internship? • HAIS seniors: • Have completed 60 hrs college credit unlike most high school graduates • Required to select a major immediately upon admission to a four year university • Will not have time to “feel-out” fields of interest, that time is now. • Students gain real world experience and general professional knowledge.
Major Goals Integrate academic knowledge within a suitable field experience and provide for intellectual and professional growth Build critical professional contacts for future employment Identify requisite knowledge and skills needed in particular career options in order to better plan for post-high school academic work Build contacts and a résumé of experiences for future employment.
Internship Overview All Seniors are: Enrolled in the ISM class Must work an average of 10 hrs/wk On Fridays Seniors will: Scan out in office by 9:00am Arrive at work station by 9:30am Mentor will email attendance every Friday Work station site visits every 6 weeks Mentor Orientation Night Sep. 10
Internship Overview • Workstation • Extension of the classroom • ALL HAIS/HISD rules apply • Workstation location cannot be changed • Mentor: • Directs job responsibilities • Dress appropriate for the workstation • Program dates: • Sep 6, 2013 – May 16, 2014
Pre-Internship Field Work Mentor and work station approved on or before Sept. 3, 2013 Work station assigned if student did not find one on their own. BEFORE student may go to work station HISD/TEA work forms must be on file at district office (contract between student/parent/mentor/HISD/TEA) Mentor must complete VIPS background check
Mentor Responsibilities • Pre-Field Interview – along with student determine specific responsibilities and expected dress code. • Background Check- Complete online VIPS • Verify intern attendance • Evaluate intern performance –every six weeks • View and evaluate final presentation.
General Role of Mentor I • Representative of your career or degree area –introduce intern to company, industry, or business. • Provide a comprehensive view of organization. Focus on roles, responsibilities, and functions of the business. • Share information about skills, knowledge, and background essential to success in your position. • Offer opportunities to complete a project.
General Role of Mentor II • Share positive and negative aspects of the job. • Provide supervision of project and presentation work. • Assist intern in identifying realistic goals. • Communicate any problems to the ISM facilitator (Mrs. Sherman)
Student Responsibilities I • Parent and student responsible for transportation • Submit mentor form and ISM contract to facilitator by Sep. 3, 2013 • Meet with ISM facilitator to obtain approval • Have Guardian and Mentor sign HISD/TEA required forms • Return signed forms to facilitator by Sep. 4, 2013
Student Responsibilities II • Assist mentor with: • VIPS/background check • Submitting daily time log • Make copy of mentor drivers license. Submit to Mrs. Sherman • Journal entries logging experience.
Student Responsibilities III • On-Site: • Seek responsibilities to enhance learning experiences. • Complete all assignments on or before due date. • Demonstrate: • good attendance professionalism • accuracy orderliness • promptness maturity • appropriate dress grooming • proper business etiquette
Capstone Project Proposal • During first two weeks of work, student and mentor will collaborate on a topic question student will use for research and their Capstone project. • Ex: Are dental hygiene habits different between economic social groups, and how does that impact their dental health? • 3rd week Research question will be approved
Capstone Project Guidelines I Review task instructions and assessment rubric. Choose a topic or question of studythat is: Significant to your field of interest Intriguing and you want to explore Maintains your long-term interest Provides adequate opportunity to demonstrate impact on self and others Founded in the TEKS—English language arts and reading mathematics, science, social studies or business Scope allows in-depth original study that includes analysis of primary sources
Capstone Project Guidelines II not dependent on summarizing secondary sources able to be addressed in the period of time available 3. Write a proposal – Submit and get approve from facilitator Major part of the entire project Requires you to think through various aspects of project. Should include: a. Topic or question b. Statement of project’s relationship to TEKS c. Explanation of why the subject or question is of interest to you. e. Budget
Capstone Project Guidelines III 4. With your mentor, decide focus of project, final product, and format for the process record. 5. By midterm, submit the following information to your teacher: a. Format of the final product and process record b. Ethical considerations c. Timeline the process of project development: 1) project planning and research 2) periodic project reviews 3) final product development and presentation 4) final documentation e. Bibliography
CapstoneProject Guidelines IV 6. Develop a product. 7. Write an abstractsummarizing: project purpose or goals description of the product brief description of project’s relation to the TEKS 8. Prepare a process record in final form. Along with documentation of your research methods. 9. Prepare a public presentation: product methods of research Q & A session with the audience
Facilitator Responsibilities • Every six weeks conduct on-site performance reviews with student and mentor • Available to mentors • Respond in a timely manner. • Monitor student progress in internship. • Keep contact with mentors to head-off problems before they begin. • Form community partnerships
Summary • Sep 3 Submithardcopy Mentor forms and ISM contract to facilitator • Meet with ISM facilitator to obtain approval • Get required TEA forms signed by Guardian and Mentor • Assist mentor with VIPS/background check • Make copy of mentor drivers license • Invite mentor to orientation meeting • HAIS Sep. 10 6:00 – 6:30pm • Sep 4 Return required info listed above to facilitator • Sep 6 Fall Semester Internship Window Begins – digitally document work experience • Sep 12 – May 16Weekly Log due every Friday • Sep 22Topic or question of study due • Sep 291st review of digital documentation
1. ISM facilitator meeting with Mentor every six weeks 2. ISM class training in work force skills3. Lessons aligned with TEKS curriculum4. Guest speakers - Men’s Warehouse “Dress for Success” - Work Force Solutions “8 Week Youth Skills Training” - JA Financial Planning and Entrepreneurship - College and Career Day5. VIPS background check6. HISD/TEA enforcement of Child Labor Laws and Non - hazardous workplace environment Tools in your briefcase