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Introduction to World History. August 4 th 2014. Quote of the Day “ “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Ben Franklin. Welcome to World History. Welcome to World History. King Tut. The Roman Coliseum. The Assassination of Julius Caesar.
August 4th 2014 • Quote of the Day • ““Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” • Ben Franklin
Welcome to World History King Tut The Roman Coliseum The Assassination of Julius Caesar The Parthenon Athens, Greece Great Pyramids of Giza Raising of the American Flag At Iwo Jima WW II Mona Lisa By Leonardo Da Vinci Assassination of JFK Dallas, TX Palace of Versailles France Knighthood MLK “I Have A Dream” Speech Washington, DC Genghis Kahn Attack on the World Trade Center 9/11/2001 President Barak Obama The Atomic Bomb WWII Moon Landing July 1969 Storming of the Bastille French Revolution Voyage of Columbus Washington Crossing The Delaware The American Civil War Uncle Sam WW I Poster Attack on Pearl Harbor
Why Do We Study History “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past”. - Anonymous “To fail to learn from history is to remain a child”. - Cicero
World History Early and Classical Civilizations 3000 BC – 476 AD
World History The Middle Ages 476 – 1500 AD
World History The Modern Era 1500 - Present
HOW WE DIVIDE HISTORY HISTORIC PERIOD ANCIENT MEDIEVAL MODERN 1 BC1 AD 3000 BC 476 AD 1500 PRESENT Anno Domini “In the Year of Our Lord” CE- Common Era Birth of Christ BCE - Before Common Era
August 5th 2014 • “If any one is committing a robbery and is caught, then he shall be put to death.” • Hammurabi’s Code • Take out your signed syllabus. Only the signed page.
Civilization • Get into 10 groups of 3 or 4 • 1. 1-3 7. 19-22 • 2. 4-6 8. 23-26 • 3. 7-9 9. 27-29 • 4. 10-12 10. 30-33 • 5. 13-15 • 6. 16-18
Game Pieces Non-Tradable Items Tradable Items Money Card Oil Card Water Card Food Card • Population card • Vehicle Card
How to Play? Organize Trade You will have 8 minutes to trade with everyone in the class. You may barter any tradable item for any tradable item You set the prices. Example:5 oil sells for 10 food, or 10 oil sells for 20 water Oil, food, and water sell in units of 5. Money trades in units of 10 • You will be allotted 3minutes to organize your country. Find out what you have, and what you need.
How to win? • For every person in your country, you must have 1 water and 1 food. • For every car you must have 1 oil. • After you have enough food and water and oil, try to accumulate as much money as possible by trading items. • Who ever meets the needs of their country, and has the most amount of $ wins the game
Game Review • Was there enough for everyone to survive? • How does this compare to the real world? • What would you be willing to do to feed your people/family? • Would it have been easier to steal someone else's items? • Why did some countries have supplies that others did not? • can you understand why Hammurabi needed to set laws for his people?
Aug 7th • “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” • Mahatma Gandhi
Geography of the Fertile Crescent The Fertile Crescent Environmental Challenges Around 3300 B.C. Sumerians begin farming southern Mesopotamia Environment poses three disadvantages: 1. floods are unpredictable; sometimes no rain 2. land offers no barriers to invasion 3. land has few natural resources; building materials scarce • Fertile Crescent: arc of land between Persian Gulf and Mediterranean • Includes Mesopotamia:“land between the rivers” • Tigris and Euphrates rivers flood once a year, leaving rich soil.
Solving Problems Through Organization Sumerians Work Together • build irrigation ditches to control water, • produce crops • build walled cities for defense • trade grain, cloth, and tools for raw • materials—stone, wood metal • Organization, leadership, and laws are beginning of civilization
City States of Mesopotamia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-6HOQiuIgE • By 3000 B.C. Sumerians build cities surrounded by fields of crops • Each is a city-state—an independent political unit • Sumer city-states Uruk, Kish, Lagash, Umma, and Ur • Each city has temple and ziggurat; priests appeal to gods
Culture Religion Society Sumerians have social classes—kings, landholders, priests at top Wealthy merchants next; at lowest levels are slaves Women have many rights; become priests, merchants, artisans • Sumerians believe in many different gods polytheism • Gods are thought to control forces of nature • Gods behave as humans do, but people are gods’ servants • Life after death is bleak and gloomy
Hammurabi’s Code • Hammurabi creates a code of laws for the Babylonian Empire • 282 laws on all aspects of life; engraved in stone and made public • Set different punishments depending on social class, gender • Goal for government to take responsibility for order, justice
August 8th • “Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” • Lao Tzu
Vocabulary Shoot Out • Individually define as many of the 20 terms on the board as possible. You will have 20 minutes to complete this assignment. • After 20 minutes the class will be divided into two teams. • Each team will be asked to define a term (without looking at their definitions) If a player gets a questions right, they earn a point for their team and earn a chance to shoot a basket • Each basket is worth 2 extra points.
August 11th • “I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.” • Abraham Lincoln
Egyptian Geography Nile River – annual flood, predictable Natural barriers – deserts on both sides Delta – land formed by silt deposits at mouth of river; triangular
Pharaoh God-kings Theocracy – government is based on religious authority
Mummification Belief in afterlife Mummification
Religion Polytheistic Ra – sun god Osiris – god of the dead Horus – pharaoh Amun – god of creation Akhenaten (1364-1347 BCE) – monotheism w/ Ra as only god
Writing Hieroglyphics: Egyptian pictograph writing Scribe: person who wrote things down
Government King Narmer unified the kingdom from 3000 BCE to 2180 BCE – Old Kingdom 2040 BCE – 1640 BCE Middle Kingdom 1570 BCE – 1075 BCE New Kingdom Then controlled by others – Kush, Assyrians
August 12th • “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” • Sun Tzu
Movie Quiz • 1. why were the Pharaoh's bodies moved from their temples to hidden locations in the valley of kings? • 2. Before mummification, how did the Egyptians dry out bodies to preserve them? • 3. According to the Egyptians, in the afterlife your heart is weighed on the scales of truth. This determined if you were a ______ or ______person while you were alive. • 4. The Egyptians left detailed writings of every aspect of their way of life except what?
Work Sheets • Working alone, complete sections 3 and 4 in your chapter two packet. • On section 4, answer questions 1-7 in regard to the Shang Dynasty. Questions 8 and Letter B answer in regard to the Zhou Dynasty • DON’T ANSWER NUMBER 9 • Packets are due at the end of the Class.
August 13th • “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” • MLK • TURN YOUR PACKETS IN AT MY DESK
Geography Mountains (N) and desert (E) separate India from the rest of Asia Indus and Ganges Rivers Monsoons: cyclical, seasonal winds that bring rainor dryness
Civilization!! • 7,000 BCE domestication and agriculture • 2,500 BCE first cities • Harappan civilizations – made of large cities • Mohenjo-Daro • Harappa
Planning Language Harappan cities were planned! (page 46) Not deciphered Believed to be similar to hieroglyphics and cuneiform
Culture Religion Few weapons Artifacts – toys! (prosperous & could afford nonessentials) Animals very important to society Possible theocracy Artifacts link to Hindu culture (will cover later) Important figures still used today (example: bull)
Geography of China Gobi Desert Taklimakan Desert China’s Heartland Huang He (Yellow) River Yellow Sea Plateau of Tibet Himalayas East China Sea Yangtze River Kunlun Mountains South China Sea