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Discover the impact of over 180 INDCs on global emissions and the role of NGOs and civil society in implementing the legally binding Paris Agreement. Explore how these organizations support mitigation, adaptation, and resilience to natural disasters through capacity-building, finance, and technology transfer initiatives. Learn about EU's cooperation on energy and climate change mitigation, promoting sustainable energy access and conservation agriculture. Find out about funding opportunities for renewable energy projects to combat climate change.
NGO, CSO NGOs, Civil Society at the heart of solutions for Climate Change – EU Support
Impact of the 189 INDCs on global emissions (GtC02e, total excluding sinks) and percent change in emission intensity per unit of GDP Source: POLES – JRC Model
The Paris Agreement • A legally binding, universal agreement • 189 nationally determined contributions (NDCs) • Ambitious long-term goals (well-below 2°C/pursue 1.5°C/global peaking asap/climate neutrality in the second half of the century) • A new "global goal" on adaptation • Dynamic 5-year ambition cycle • Enhanced transparency and accountability • Adaptation at political par with mitigation • Support for poor and vulnerable countries
Implementing the Paris Agreement Transparency rules Pre-Paris Post-Paris 5-yearly ambition mechanism 2018 Dialogue 2023+ Global Stocktake Action on the ground Action Agenda NDCs Solidarity Multilateral climate regime ADAPTATION CAPACITY-BUILDING MITIGATION MARKETS FINANCE TECH LAND SCIENCE
Supporting Mitigation • OBJECTIVES • Promotinglow emissions and climate-resilient development through, amongothers: • supporting countries in building capacity for low emission development strategies (LEDS) and related nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) • supporting development countries in designing, preparing and submitting Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC), which allow governments to determine what effort they will make to reduce emissions • promoting Low-Emissions Urban Development Strategies in Emerging Economy Countries • promoting International Cooperative Initiatives (ICI) and encouraging low-emission development pathways in key sectors like energy efficiency, renewable energy or the reform of energy subsidies • promoting the development and transfer of climate relevant technologies ENGAGEMENTS It is planned to continue mitigation programmes with at least € 150-200 million over the coming years (2014-2020).
Supporting resilience to natural disasters • Given the inextricable links between climate change and • natural disasters , support resilience and disaster risk prevention, management and reduction through, among others: • incorporating disaster risk reduction into its development cooperation activities • promoting an integrated approach to building resilience, bringing together humanitarian action, long-term development cooperation and on-going political engagement, and maximising synergies between interventions across thematic areas and international agendas • promoting DRR and adaptation as twin drivers of sustainable and resilient development • supporting and accelerating the implementation of the comprehensive regional disaster risk reduction strategies and frameworks • enhancing disaster risk management (DRM) and climate change adaptation • supporting the mainstreaming of climate change risk assessment and adaptation into policies and programmes • promoting, innovating and scaling-up ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction in vulnerable countries and regions
Energy and climate change mitigation EU Cooperation on energy OBJECTIVE:help provide affordable and reliable access to sustainable energy, and contribute to sustainable development ENGAGEMENTS: The EU has initiative focal energy cooperation with more than 30 partner countries, to which the EU will allocate more than €3 billion through bilateral and regional envelopes over the next seven years, helping leverage between €15 and 30 billion in loans and equity investments Sustainable Energy for all (SE4All) initiative OBJECTIVE: improving access to sustainable energy in developing countries and helping end energy poverty ENGAGEMENTS: It invests €400 million, leveraging an additional €8 billion ElectriFI OBJECTIVE: blending instrument leveraging private finance for the provision of access to sustainable and clean energy ENGAGEMENTS: €75 million, with an estimated leverage of additional €150 million of private financing over the next seven years period
EU International cooperation: delivering on finance commitments
Promoting renewable energy for climate change mitigation • To promote and support mitigation strategies and sustainable actions that contribute to renewable energy usage and energy use efficiency in rural communities • 1,6 million Euros • Call for proposals closed by now, implementation foreseen as of beginning of 2017
NGO,CSO 11th EDF • Enhancing participatory democracy in Namibia thru the implementation of public policies and programs by strengthening the interaction between civil society GRN and Parliament - Civil Society Support program • 6 million Euros • Implementation is foreseen to start 2017 - technical assistance • Calls will be opened 2017/18
Civil Society program to support : • - implementation of life skills programenvironmental awareness • - implementation of land reform and land development in the NCAs • - implementation of water supply and sanitation policies and programs • - the implementation of community based natural resource management program
Livestock support program in NCAs • Support to adaptation, resilience to climate change by improving livestock farming system • Support to more sustainable use of natural resources – range land • 20 million • Implementation to start 2017 • Calls will be opened to NGOs and private sector mid 2017
Lessons learned • Cooperation, implementation with and thru NGOs has been very positive success story • Civil society approach to adaptation, mitigation, renewable energy, efficiency should be strengthened • Public awareness must be risen much higher, public awareness campaigns are much needed