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Specialized connective tissue _________________

2. Connective Tissue. Specialized connective tissue _________________. Contains ______blood cells, _________blood cells, and _________within a fluid called ______________ Made in the red ___________of ______________. 3. Muscle Tissue. Muscle Tissue Properties of Muscle Tissue.

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Specialized connective tissue _________________

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  1. 2. Connective Tissue Specialized connective tissue_________________ • Contains ______blood cells, _________blood cells, and _________within a fluid called ______________ • Made in the red ___________of ______________

  2. 3. Muscle Tissue Muscle TissueProperties of Muscle Tissue • _____________________ • respond to ____________released from _________++cells • _____________________ • ability to propagate ________________signals over membrane • _____________________ • ability to shorten and generate __________ • _____________________ • ability to be _______________without damaging the tissue • _____________________ • ability to return to original shape after being _________________

  3. 3. Muscle Tissue MUSCLE TISSUE CHARACTERISTICS • There are 3 types of muscle tissue: • ___________muscle is ___________, with many ___________, long, ___________ cells with very obvious ___________. • ___________ muscle cells are usually separated within an ___________. The cells are spindle shaped with ___ nucleus. • ___________ muscle is ___________, with many branched, singular nucleated, lightly ___________ cells, which are ___________ by ___________ discs.

  4. 3. Muscle Tissue MUSCLE TISSUE GENERAL FUNCTIONS Muscle tissue performs 4 important functions in the body. It produces: • ___________ • ___________ ___________ • ___________ ___________ • ___________ ___________

  5. Skeletal muscle tissue is composed of cells (___________) which are long, ___________, ___________ and are ___________. It is a ___________ tissue. This type of muscle tissue is also known as ___________ and ___________. 3. Muscle Tissue SKELETAL MUSCLE

  6. Note that the cells are long, ___________ with bands which are light and dark which are termed ___________. 3. Muscle Tissue SKELETAL MUSCLE TISSUE NUCLEI

  7. Visceral/ smooth muscle cells are ___________ shaped with ___ nuclei, usually in the ___________ of the cell. These cells do not have ___________ and arranged to form ___________. 3. Muscle Tissue VISCERAL MUSCLE TISSUE


  9. Cardiac muscle is ___________, with many branched, singular ___________, lightly ___________cells, which are interconnected by ___________discs (double membrane that helps with contractions). Cardiac muscle is found only in the ___________. 3. Muscle Tissue CARDIAC MUSCLE TISSUE

  10. 3. Muscle Tissue CARDIAC MUSCLE TISSUE

  11. 4. Nervous Tissue NERVOUS TISSUE CHARACTERSITICS • Nervous tissue is the main component of the nervous system, the ___________, ______________________, and ___________. • Nervous tissue is composed of ___ types of cells. The ___________is large and branched. These cells generate nerve impulses and ___________them within the body. The other type of cell is the ___________cell. It is a ___________cell that ___________, ___________, and ___________the neurons.

  12. 4. Nervous Tissue NERVOUS TISSUEGENERAL FUNCTIONS • ___________, one of the processes of a neuron, act as ___________to receive ___________ both inside and outside the body. • Neuron’s cell ___________process and interpret sensory ___________and decide that should be done as a result. • Neuron’s ___________convey the decision to an effector organ and the effector produces a response.

  13. ___________are large branched cells, with cell processes and a cell ___________. This ___________ functions to ___________, ___________, and interpret ___________. 4. Nervous Tissue NERVOUS


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