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Explore the highlights of the 18th EDAMBA Summer Research Academy 2009 hosted by Dr. Stephen Gourlay. The Academy aimed to foster research dialogue, showcase participant research, motivate scholarly perseverance, and facilitate networking opportunities. Held in Sorèze, France, the program blended theory and practice, offering structured lectures, workshops, and discussions for students at various research stages. Networking, collaboration, and valuable feedback were key components, with participants from diverse backgrounds sharing their work and engaging with faculty and peers. Looking ahead to the 19th Academy in July 2010, your support is appreciated. Visit www.kingston.ac.uk for more details.
Report on the 18th EDAMBA Summer Research Academy 2009 Dr Stephen Gourlay Reader, Knowledge Management Faculty of Business & Law Kingston University; EDAMBA Summer Academy Convener. www.kingston.ac.uk
Aims and Objectives of the Academies • provide a forum for dialogue on research paradigms and methodologies • allow participants to present their own research • motivate them to continue with their research • build a scholarly network www.kingston.ac.uk
Location Hôtellerie de l’Abbaye de Sorèze, Sorèze, France • Small ancient city • Rural France • Ambience • Faculty and students living and working together • Limited opportunities to ‘lose’ students! • Unique combination of theory and practice www.kingston.ac.uk
Organisation • Initial stages stream • Students in or at end of 1st year of study • (normally) the literature review is fairly advanced and they are preparing the research design • Advanced stages stream • About to enter final year of programme • Advanced data collection stage, writing-up, preparing to defend their thesis www.kingston.ac.uk
Structure • formal lectures • workshops • plenary discussions • presentation of students’ research • critiquing others’ research • opportunities to discuss ideas with faculty and peers on a one to one basis www.kingston.ac.uk
Paper and Presentation requirements • Initial Stages Written paper, 2000 words outlining the proposed research focusing on the methodology and the underlying philosophical assumptions. 15 minute presentation, 15 minutes critique and discussion. • Advanced stages Written paper, 3000 words on the philosophical and methodological aspects of the research. 15 minute presentation, 30 minutes critique and discussion www.kingston.ac.uk
Network building and collaboration • Before arrival students allocated to small groups within streams (4/5) based on methodological approach and subject compatibility as far as possible. • Papers available on the web in advance. Upon arrival students find 2 members from their group to provide critiques at presentations. • Each student has a Faculty member who also attends the presentation and offers advice etc. www.kingston.ac.uk
Initial Stage22 Studentsfrom 14 institutions in8 countries Advanced Stages17 Studentsfrom 11 institutions in 6 countriesFaculty8 from European Universities 1 from the USA www.kingston.ac.uk
Student Feedback: (Likert Scale 1-5) www.kingston.ac.uk
Aspects most valued by the students • Opportunity to present • Individual feedback from members of Faculty • Opportunity to talk with peers • International dimension • Food and Drink! www.kingston.ac.uk
Next Stop 19th EDAMBA Summer Research Academy July 2010 With your support! Thank you! www.kingston.ac.uk