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An MOT is essential to use your electric car on the road within legal bounds. All you have to do is schedule an MOT check with your local MOT academy to get certified. <br>
AreElectricCarsRequiredToHave AnMot? If you're looking at getting your hands on an electric car, the first thing that probably popsupiswhetheryourvehicleneedsanMOT. Well, theanswer'syes.Itismandated by the law that you take your car to the MOT tester and renew your MOT every three yearstoensurethatit'ssafe ontheroad.However,while thisiscompulsoryforall
electricandfuel-basedvehicles,there'ssomestandarddifference betweenanelectric carMOTand a regularfuel car MOT. HowDoesAnElectricCarMOTDifferFromARegularMOT? If you're getting your car tested in an MOT academy, you will likely see two stark differences.Thefirstisthataninternalcombustionengineandexhaustsystemmustbe tested for MOT release in a regular fuel-based vehicle. Since an electric car doesn't havethesesystems,checkingthehealthofthesemechanismsbecomesnullandvoid. Next, the feature testing of electric cars is much different than that of fuel-powered vehicles. For instance, in an electric car, more emphasis is put on the type of battery poweringtheengine.The efficiency andhealthofthecarbatteryoccupytheforefront, whichisn't the casewith other types ofcars. WhatDoesAnElectricCarMOTEntail? Likeanyothervehicle,theprimaryfocusofanMOTistoassesstheoverallfunctioning ofyourcar.DoingthisallowstheMOTacademytocheckifyourvehicleissafetodrive without endangering yourself and others on the road while meeting prescribed legal requirements.Here area fewthings coveredin yourelectric carMOT. TyreQuality One of the first things checking in an MOT tester is the road condition of your vehicle's wheels. It is a comprehensive analysis to ensure that your tyres are functioning properly.Thetesterwilldeterminewhetheryouhavetherighttypeoftyrestocheckfor treaddepth, bulges orcuts on the surface. BodyOfTheCar This test includes looking for any damage to the exterior body, such as indicators of rust, corrosion, valid number plates and functional mirrors. Further, the wheels are checkedtoensurenosplitsorcracksatthetyrerimandtoseeifthenutsandboltsare secure.
BatteryCondition This is a no-brainer. Since electric cars rely on a high-functioning battery system to power them, the MOTschool will check for the wattage of the battery.Additionally, standardcompliancetestsarerunonthechargingporttolookfordamageorleaks whichcould causesevere damage ifleft undetected. SafetySystems Theseincludelookingatthebrakingmechanism,seatbelts,windscreensandlights. BeforetheMOTisreleased,theMOTtesterwillcheckwhetheryourcarhasadequate safetymeasures to be fitfor the road. FinalWords AnMOTisessentialtouseyourelectriccarontheroadwithinlegalbounds.Allyou havetodoisscheduleanMOTcheckwithyourlocalMOTacademytogetcertified.