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ECMPS Reporting under the MATS Rule Next Steps

ECMPS Reporting under the MATS Rule Next Steps. EPRI Conference---Raleigh, NC May 2013 Louis Nichols USEPA, CAMD. Next Steps. CAMD will revise draft ECMPS reporting instructions and schema based on initial feedback from vendors and stakeholders

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ECMPS Reporting under the MATS Rule Next Steps

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  1. ECMPS Reporting under the MATS Rule Next Steps EPRI Conference---Raleigh, NC May 2013 Louis Nichols USEPA, CAMD

  2. Next Steps • CAMD will revise draft ECMPS reporting instructions and schema based on initial feedback from vendors and stakeholders • CAMD requests that initial comments be submitted via ECMPS Support website by June 7, 2013 • Send an email to ecmps-support@camdsupport.com with the words “ECMPS MATS” in the subject line • Q3 2012 – Q2 2014, CAMD will continue to accept comments and revise MATS-related ECMPS reporting instructions and schema as necessary • Additional Webinar sessions may be held to review the instructions and receive comments

  3. Next Steps • After the Q2 and Q3 2014 Submission periods, CAMD will release test versions of ECMPS containing MATS monitoring plan, certification/QA, and emission records • Local version only to be run on separate workstation from “live” version • Possibility of sending files (no submissions) to SRA for informational feedback • Initial functionality includes import, evaluate, and export only. • After the Q4 2014 Submission Period, CAMD will release ECMPS version containing MATS monitoring plan, certification and QA records and emissions records with submission functionality • MATS monitoring plan, certification, and QA records with appropriate feedback (i.e. critical, non-critical) • MATS emission records feedback non-critical informational only

  4. Next Steps • Q1 2015, release ECMPS version containing all MATS related records submission functionality with critical and non-critical feedback as appropriate

  5. Questions? Contact Information: Louis Nichols USEPA, Clean Air Markets Division Nichols.Louis@epa.gov

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