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Learn about the history, integration, and structure of the PhD program offered by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Banja Luka. This in-depth program aims to address the lack of experts in the field of ICT in Bosnia and Herzegovina, preparing students to contribute to scholarship and research in the industry. Join a program with a rich history and a strong focus on developing experts for the future.
University of Banja Luka Faculty of Electrical Engineering “PhD in Information and Communication Technology”
Introduction History Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) is the oldest Faculty of the University of Banja Luka, growing from Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, founded in 1962, as the Department of the Technical Faculty of Banja Luka. In 1970s the need for electrical engineers increased and the Department was separated from the Technical Faculty, establishing the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1975. At the beginning, there were the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications and Department of Computer Science and Automatics. Since 1995 there has been the Department of Power Engineering also.
Introduction History Each year, 30-50 students received a Diploma Engineer degree at the FEE, and there have been about 2000 students who graduated so far. In addition to undergraduate programs, the FEE also offers programs at Master of Science and Doctoral (Ph.D.) level. Postgraduate studies are organized for specialized areas depending on student interests. For the first time postgraduate studies were organized in 1971/72.
Introduction Integration of the University Since June 2007, University of Banja Luka is an integrated university. The FEE as well as others faculties joined the University. University of Banja Luka has now 16 faculties, 53 study programs, with about 17000 students.
Introduction ECTS based study programs The FEE had started with ECTS based I cycle (8 semesters) study programs in academic 2004/05 year and with II cycle (2 semesters) study programs in academic 2008/09 year: 1. Study program for computer science and informatics 2. Study program for electronics and telecommunications 3. Study program for power engineering and industrial systems III cycle study programPhD in Information and Communication Technologystarted in2009/2010 academic year.
PhD in Information and Communication Technology (PhD in ICT) • Implemented by:University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Paderborn, International Graduate School ofDynamic Intelligent Systems, • as a twinning institution • Co-founded by: Degree Development Structure (DDS) WUS Austria, Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC)and ERP-Funds ( “Austrian Support to HigherEducationin Bosnia and Herzegovina 2008 – 2011”)
PhD in ICT Mission of the programme PhD in Information and Communication Technology, addressing the 3rd degree (Doctoral) study in the scientific field of ICT, would enable students to earn highest academic degree - Ph.D. Through this program, which should be ended with doctoral dissertation, the students are expected to become researchers and experts in the field of ICT, capable to give original contribution to scholarship or scientific knowledge, to exemplify the highest standards in the field of ICT and to be of lasting value to the intellectual community.
PhD in ICT Mission of the programme There's a major lack of the researchers and experts with Ph.D. degree in the field of ICT in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for example for university professor positions, consultants or research and development leaders in government departments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and in the private sector. The aim of this 3rd degree program is to strengthen the research potential and to overcome the gap between the existing state and actual needs.
PhD in ICT Structure of the programme By the law in Bosnia and Herzegovina doctoral study programs last 3 years (6 semesters) and are assigned with 180 ECTS. During the first and second semester students will be prepared for the final thesis through selected modules and courses (42 ECTS) and research (12 ECTS).
PhD in ICT Structure of the programme In the first three semesters, each student have to choose a topic of dissertation and prepare the thesis proposal. The thesis proposal should be delivered up to 18 months after starting the programme. The next three semesters students research closely related to the final thesis and in the last semester have to complete the final thesis (dissertation). Final thesis has to present original contribution to knowledge in the chosen research area. Each student receive individual guidance by a mentor. Beyond the regular mentorships, student's progress are monitored by a PhD committee.
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme • Preliminary activities • Study visit at University of Paderborn (11 professors, 7 days) • Access to academic databases • Literature purchase (500 EUR/course) • Individual course preparing, teaching material • Reorganization of the e-learning www.el.etfbl.net platform at Faculty of Electrical Engineering for doctoral study
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme • Preliminary activities • Brochure creation, adoption the Faculty’s web page • Workshop for DDS coordinators in WUS Austria • EESTEC Open day in Belgrade – project and doctoral study promotion at 23rd Congress of the Electrical Engineering Students' European Association • Two informative meeting with potential students • Promotion of the study – half an hour informative program at Radio-Television of the Republic of Srpska
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme • Preliminary activities • Meeting in the Ministry for education and culture: discussion about legislative and open issues in double curricula organization • The Ministry of education and culture published additional rules for III cycle accreditation • Meeting with the Ministry of science and technology, other universities and stakeholders representatives • Some changes in curricula based on International evaluation of academic content • The Ministry of science and technology issued the license for organization of the study programme.
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme • Preliminary activities • Adoption of the code on equivalence of previously gained higher education qualifications for enrolment at the University of Banja Luka, in the purpose of continuation of the study at the University of Banja Luka • Adoption of III cycle study rules
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme • Enrollment • A competition for enrollment, candidates selection, interviewing and enrollment • prerequisites • 300 ECTS • 12 ECTS from scientific filed Mathematics • 180 ECTS from scientific field Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering and/or Computer and Information Sciences • fundamental subjects from the specific scientific fields, according to the main module
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme • Enrollment • 17 candidates applied • Commission for realization of the 3rd study cycle enrollment • Commissions for individual modules • interviews with candidates • 9 candidates passed the admission criteria • 7 enrolled students
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme • Enrollment • Students chose the main module and elective courses form other modules • Each student is guided by a mentor and student's progress are monitored by a Commissions for his/her main module • Programme started
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme International Graduate School for Dynamic Intelligent Systems • coordinate the joint development of the curriculum • cooperate in the harmonization of management and administrative structures • exchange teaching staff (send four lecturers to Faculty of Electrical Engineering to hold courses) • take over four mentorships of final theses and eight memberships in dissertations commissions • invite 11 course lecturers from Faculty of Electrical Engineering to carry out their study visits at the University of Paderborn
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme International Graduate School for Dynamic Intelligent Systems • coordinate • preparing the Curriculum for accreditation by ASIIN • professors specializations in the field of ICT at universities of Paderborn and Mälardalen • professors education in centres of ICT competence for research based on accepting key competence (research management, knowledge management) • professors training in the field of reform on graduation and research at an European university
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme International Graduate School for Dynamic Intelligent Systems • coordinate • establishing joined research teams (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Paderborn, University of Mälerdalen)that will serve as base for research at doctoral studies and theplaned ICT center of competence at Faculty of Electrical Engineering supported by stakeholders and government • joint writing and publishing articles and books • publishing results of joined research at conferences and periodicals
PhD in ICT Implementation of the programme • This programme • internationalize the academic offer regarding education • introduce more research practice at universities in B&H • open the possibility for exchange modules/courses that will beautomatically recognized for students of the partner institution • leads to the integration B&H universities into the EU education and research area
PhD in ICT Future activities The PhD program established through this project should be continued for at least three academic cycles starting from the 2009/2010. The signing of the contract between project partners adds new possibilities of cooperation in the field of graduation and research in engineering science and permanent modernization of doctoral studies. The planned joined activities in the future would result in internationalization in the fields of academic education and research in Bosnia and Herzegovina, joint degree programs, as well as improvements and assurance of quality regarding the program of studies for postgraduate students.
PhD in ICT Future activities The foundation and establishment of an alliance for the Western Balkan with regard to the reform on doctoral programs and research in engineering and technology. The establishment of Graduate Schools as a „Center of Excellence” at public universities, they can be used as functional platforms for the reform and permanent modernization of doctoral studies. Internationalization and Europeanization in the fields of academic education and research in Bosnia and Herzegovina through integration and networking with other Graduate Schools in Germany, Sweden and Spain. Thank you for your attention!