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Apprenticeships in England Presented by Andrew Barlow International Skills Development Manager. Apprenticeships in England . Subtitle here. Apprenticeships are the centre-piece of the Government’s approach on vocational training
Apprenticeships in EnglandPresented byAndrew Barlow International Skills Development Manager
Apprenticeships in England Subtitle here • Apprenticeships are the centre-piece of the Government’s approach on vocational training • Ambition is to create a vocational pathway of equal value to that of higher education • England has had a long history of Apprenticeships, with first mentions dating back to the 13th century • Recent successive Governments’ support has reinvigorated the programme with funding at 1.5bn this year National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeships in England Straddles Dept for Education and Dept for Business Innovation and Skills (16-18 and 19+ learners) – unusually, the Apprenticeship Unit is joint, with a joint Minister: Matthew Hancock An expanding programme with 700,000 apprentices on 200 Apprenticeships programmes in 2010/11 Modern, online application, matching and support tools A programme for all ages (16+) and increasingly at all academic levels National Apprenticeship Service for operational delivery
Key Features A job with training” Demand led - for employers and apprentices All sectors (250+ sector frameworks, and expanding) 3+ levels (Intermediate, Advanced, Higher) Standards of core content for all Apprenticeships: S.A.S.E. Employer pays the Wages National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeships - Funding Funding from Government for Training costs = 100% age 16-18 Training costs = 50% age 19+* The Apprentice’s wages are paid by their employer Each apprentice must have a registered training provider (which can also be their employer) There are 1,100 providers in England Each apprentice must have an employer and be paid. About 170,000 workplaces in England had apprentices in 2010/11 Government funded apprentices must study one of 200 Apprenticeship ‘qualification framework’ areas. Frameworks are at European qualification framework levels 2, 3, 4 or 5 5
Apprenticeship Frameworks The largest frameworks by volume: 2010/11 1. Customer Service 2. Health and Social Care 3. Retail 4. Business Administration 5. Hospitality and Catering 6. Management 7. Children's Care Learning & Development 8. Engineering 9. Active Leisure and Learning 10. Hairdressing Top 10 = about 72% of all starts
Key Features Advanced level apprentices earn on average between £77,000 and £117,000 more over their lifetime than similar people with Intermediate qualifications; Intermediate level Apprentices earn between £48,000 and £74,000 more than those with lower qualifications High success rate for completions: higher still for 11/12 National Apprenticeship Service
Apprenticeship Growth For AY10/11, around 457K new starts took place (compared to 280K in AY09/10); - around 50K new workplaces began Apprenticeships
Apprenticeship Priorities Ministers have identified 3 key priorities for the programme: 1 - to drive up standards and safeguard quality to meet the evolving needs of employers and learners 2 - to make it as easy as possible to recruit an apprentice, speeding up processes and cutting red tape 3 - to give most focus in expanding future opportunities where returns and benefits are greatest, including younger people (16-24), smaller firms, some sectors, and Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships […and made clear that Apprenticeships are not the answer for those with basic skills and employability problems further from job readiness]
Raising standards and quality Measures announced: all apprentices to be supported to study towards a good GCSE standard qualification in English and maths, where they have not already achieved thisan independent employer led review will look critically at how effectively the programme is delivering the professionally recognised qualifications and skills that employers need and that improve learners’ career prospects better information on providers and their performance, to empower employers and learners as consumers and drive quality and responsiveness setting minimum durations: 16-18 and 19+
Better and faster services, and less red tape Measures announced:Reducing the time to recruit an apprentice; removing all health and safety requirements that go beyond those for other employees More targeted support for smaller firms, including tailored guidance and a dedicated National Apprenticeship Service team (SBU) New flexibility for small employers (less than 10 employees) to get funding/co-funding for wider business skills modules, recognising the broader scope of roles in such businesses that may exist
Focusing where returns and benefits are greatest Measures announced New incentive payments (£1500) for small employers taking on young apprentices (16-24), where these are new jobs Funding to expand Higher ApprenticeshipsPrioritising younger people, higher return sectors, Advanced and Higher qualifications
There is evidence of strong benefits to employers from investing in the Apprenticeship Programme
The National Apprenticeship Service Founded in April 2009 to offer support to all parties Helps create new Apprenticeship markets Provides support to employers interested in starting Apprenticeship programmes (30,000 since its inception) Informs individuals, stakeholders and partners about Apprenticeships Develops new internet based tools and guides pprenticeships.org.uk Oversees the growth of the Apprenticeship programme and monitors quality For more information regarding Apprenticeships in England please contact; Andrew.Barlow@Apprenticeships.Gov.uk
Apprenticeship Grant for EmployersA.G.E. In November 2011 the Government announced the Youth Contract - a £1 billion package of support to encourage small & medium sized businesses to employ young people The National Apprenticeship Service will provide up to 40,000 Apprenticeship grants (AGE 16 to 24) of £1,500 to organisations employing less than 250 employees recruiting their first 16 to 24 year old apprentices Our priority is to support those employers NEW to Apprenticeships AGE 16 to 24 aims to support those priority sectors that will give the greatest return to the economy
AGE Eligibility Our aim is to support employers new to Apprenticeship delivery to offer NEW jobs in support of young people At least 20,000 grants to small employers (under 50) The remaining 20,000 grants to small (under 50) or medium (under 250) employers The employer must recruit a 16 to 24 year old who is living in England and not in full-time education The employer must be NEW to Apprenticeships not eligible if started an apprentice since April 2009)