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Potty Mouth. The GMO Gambit. BY THE NUMBERS According to the Grocery Manufacturers Association, between 70 to 80% of the foods eaten in the US contain ingredients that have been genetically modified . .
Potty Mouth The GMO Gambit BY THE NUMBERS According to the Grocery Manufacturers Association, between 70 to 80% of the foods eaten in the US contain ingredients that have been genetically modified. Much of the food we eat has been genetically modified, yet we rarely ever think about how exactly our food gets that way. The process is generally the same no matter which organism is being modified: a desirable trait from another organism is identified, that trait is isolated via DNA extraction and cloning the gene that produces the trait, and then that gene is inserted into the organism we want to express that trait. For example, some bacterium produce an insecticidal protein that has been inserted into GM corn. But should we really be genetically modifying organisms? Just like cloning brings up a plethora of ethical issues, so should genetic modification. It’s not just plants that get genetically modified, but animals too- sentient, feeling beings. Do we have the right to genetically modify whatever we want? of plant foods require pollination to produce the fruit parts we eat 30%
Organic Should be Obligatory GMOs spread!....But why? In recent decades, advances in genetic engineering have lead to precise changing of organisms, such as farm animals and crop plants. This genetic modification of food has rapidly altered the stores around the world, but what is the reason for this sudden change? Mostly the reason has to do with time and money. GMOs increase crop yields, reduced need for pesticides, better food quality, and resistance to pests and diseases. Many of the reasons why GMOs are used have to do with the farmer producing the crops. The farmer wants to make the most money possible, when they don’t have to constantly use multiple treatments of pesticide and don’t have to always check their crop but at the same time have an even bigger production than usual then they are more inclined to use GMOs. Other reasons why GMOs may be used is that they mature faster and can tolerate aluminum, salt, drought, frost, and other environmental factors. Concerns about the environmental and health impacts of pesticides and GMO’s has lead to a growing demand in organic foods. But what qualifies as organic? The organic label is essentially a set of regulated standards that fosters the cycling of resources, promotes ecological balance, and conserves biodiversity. For example, organic apple producers cannot grow their crops on land that has a slope of 15 degrees or higher because growing on steep land results in soil erosion, causing an ecological imbalance. Furthermore, synthetic and artificial aides such as pesticides cannot be used in the growing process. In fact the land has to be free from synthetic and artificial pesticides and fertilizers for three years before organic produce can be grown on it.This is good for consumers because it means no harmful pesticides that have been shown to cause childhood cancers, neurological damage, birth defects, and prostate cancer end up on the food we eat. However, due to these strict regulations, organic produce is more expensive, making healthier foods less accessible to the poor. People of lower economic status do not have the means to buy healthy foods, thus limiting their food choices. Other people who don’t have access to organic foods are college students like you who depend on their university meal plans for food. Access to food that is better for both the health of the environment and the health of our bodies should be considered a right, not a privilege.
DANGER: GMO’s Ahead GMO’s Save Lives? The risks of genetically modified foods have lead to the the question that many people in society still ponder on, “Are there any benefits related with genetically modified foods?” The answer is yes. It has been proven that GMO’s have overall better quality and taste since the genes used to modify the foods can enhance the flavors. Also GMO’s allow for a larger abundance of food to be produced because there is often a greater chance that these modified foods will be resistance to disease or insects that can interfere with the development process of the crops. GMO’s also can save people in society from unwanted trips to the doctors office as well. Here’s the reason why: Because these crops are modified with certain genes, specific genes inserted into the crop can add minerals and vitamins which can further aid the health of the consumers eating the GMO. There are many risks that go along with choosing to consume GMOs. Many of the health risks are not fully understood yet. For example, it is believed that consuming GMOs can lead to birth and pregnancy issues. In the US there was an incident that caused over two dozen farmers’ livestock to have false pregnancies, low birth weights, and stillbirths all after consuming a certain kind of GM corn. There is also social and ethical risks that go along with choosing to eat GM foods. The price of GM products tend to be a lot cheaper than the products that are not genetically modified. Due to these lower prices, some of the consumers who would be putting themselves at risk by consuming the GM products are college students just like you! This means that unless one has sustainable income, they are forced to buy foods that could potentially be detrimental to their health. See where this becomes unethical?
GM Foods May Not Be Worth The Risk Saving Money Leads to a Nutritious Life? Students who have allergies always have to be extra careful when choosing their foods but now, with the high prevalence of GM foods, you might have to be extra careful. Students with a soy allergy should be especially careful because the foreign proteins incorporated into the GM crop plants can have allergenic properties. Evidence of this is shown in skin prick tests that show how some people react to the allergens in GM soy but not wild growing soy. A prick test can be administered at the Health Center, if you believe you have been having increased reactions, it may be smart to get tested. Genetically modified foods do not only aid society with potentially health benefits but they can also promote ethical and social benefits too. Since genetically modifying foods creates a greater chance that the crops resist pest and environmental diseases, this allows for a larger amount of food production in a shorter amount of time. Hence, this mass amount of production allows farmers to sell the crops at a lower price which is a great social benefit for society! This benefits is great and helpful, especially to college students, since most of us have a low income job or we just don't have a great deal of money to spend. The main reasons why these genetically modified foods are cheaper is because foods such as corn and soybean, (common GMO’s) are heavily subsidized by the government because they are used as livestock feeds.
I Doing the deed... to make a seed It all begins in the flower.Just like humans, plants have male and female parts for reproduction...and their offspring is seeds. Plants can be broken down into two reproductive categories, self-pollination and cross pollination. Self pollinators transfer pollen from the male anther to the female stigma within the same flower or on the same plant. While cross pollinators transfer pollen from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another plant. A flower’s egg is contained in a capsule called an ovule. The tip of the pollen tube penetrates the ovule, injecting the male sex cell. This fuses with the egg, fertilizing it. In flowering plants another male sex cell has to be injected before the ovule can become a seed. This second male cell fuses with nuclei to form tissue that will make food for the baby plant, or embryo, as it develops inside the seed. Spring is in the air, bet you didn’t know plants were getting it on all around you. The Birds and The Bees We know that GMO’s are unnatural, so how are they affecting the very natural process of pollination? GM plants are usually changed to be insect resistant, virus resistant, or herbicide tolerant. With these changes come some potentially problematic environmental challenges and harmful effects to our beloved pollinators. A study by Global Researchsuggested that the increased usage of GMOs in agriculture has been a factor of CCD, Colony Collapse Disorder, (which is killing off bees by the millions). With the use of GM corn in North America, bees have been found with digestive degeneration when collecting pollen from GM crops, corn specifically. Pollinators are incredibly important to humans, and the earth’s ecosystem. What’s more important perfect pest resistant corn, or the future of humanity?
Reflection Time Being in college can make it tough to make the food decisions we know are best for us. But why? Is it that we don't have time to take care of ourselves the way we should? Are all the cookies and fries at the dining halls just too tempting? Are we afraid that our friends will look at us funny if we have a plate full of fruits and veggies? These are some questions we’ve got to answer very honestly for ourselves. School and social pressures have a surprisingly large influence on the diet of a college student and most often in a negative way. It’s important to be aware of these things and understand just how big of an impact they have on the quality of our lives. Vegetarian Times 5 percent of people in the United States consider themselves vegetarian. Some pertinent reasons why people are vegetarian are; they don’t want to be a part of the killing of animals, they don’t want to further harm the environment, or because they do not like meat and know they can get a well rounded diet full of protein without it.