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Aviation Training and Readiness (T&R) Program Manual NAVMC 3500.14B (20 May 09) Major Changes. T&R as a System.
Aviation Training and Readiness (T&R) Program Manual NAVMC 3500.14B (20 May 09)MajorChanges
T&R as a System USMC aviation’s standardized method of objectively linking operational command’s Mission Essential Tasks (METs), training standards, training resource requirements, and training readiness reporting.
Changes to the Program Manual • Two significant revisions to the Program Manual since Sep 08 • 9 Sep 08 (NAVMC 3500.14A) • 20 May 09 (NAVMC 3500.14B)
Program Manual Updates (9 Sep 08) • Mission Essential Task (MET) incorporation. • Mission Skills incorporation. • Align the Aviation T&R Program with the Defense Readiness Reporting Systems (DRRS) interim guidance. • Addition of a readiness chapter to provide guidance for reporting in DRRS and continued SORTS reporting. • Renumbering of phases from 3 digit to 4 digit codes. • Standardized NATOPS / Instrument evaluation policy.
Marine Corps Task (MCT) • Incorporation of MCT vice Universal Joint Task List (UJTL). • MCT = MET (Mission Essential Task) • METs identify missions that units are designed to perform. • Assigned METs • Missions established by the Gaining Force Commander via the Force Synchronization conference • Missions a unit is required to train for prior to deployment • Reporting based on Mission Skills vice Core Skills.
Core Skill Core Skills are fundamental, environmental, or conditional capabilities required to perform basic functions (1000 - 2000 phase). These basic functions serve as tactical enablers that allow crews to progress to the more complex Mission Skills. Core Skills are introduced in the FRS and entry-level school training and are further refined and expanded at the squadron level.
Core Skill Proficiency (CSP) • Individual CSP • e.g. individual aircrew proficient in TERF • Crew CSP • e.g. crew proficient in TERF • Unit CSP • e.g. entire unit proficient in TERF • measured against the Core Model Minimum Requirement …Attain and maintain a “proficient” status in all T&R designated events, by core skill.
Mission Skill Mission Skills enable a unit to execute a specific Mission Essential Task (MET). They are comprised of advanced uniqueevent(s)(3000 phase) that are focused on MET performance and draw upon the knowledge, aeronautical abilities, and situational awareness developed in Core Skill Training.
Mission Skill Proficiency (MSP) • Individual MSP • Crew MSP • Unit MSP • Mission Skill Proficiency is equivalent to “MET Ready”. Units strive to become Mission Skill Proficient. An MSP unit possesses the T&R required number of Mission Skill Proficient crews (CMMR). …Attain and maintain a “proficient” status in all T&R designated events, by mission skill.
Readiness Reporting • Emphasis on Mission Skills vice Core Skills. • Incorporation of structural changes to align the Aviation T&R Program with MET based reporting. • Guidance provided for continued SORTS reporting and simultaneous reporting in DRRS.
Readiness Reporting Requirement • SORTS • CRP: Retired (SORTS Advisory 1-07) • MET based (METs “Trained to Standard”) reporting • Combat Leadership • Ordnance Proficiency(Future) • How do you figure it out? Chapter 7, Program Manual • DRRS • METL standardization is first step – complete • MET output standard assessment • Combat Leadership • Ordnance Proficiency (Future) • How do you figure it out? Chapter 7, Program Manual • DRRS will eventually supplant SORTS
Core Model Training Report (CMTR) • Designed for PTO, OPSO, and CO use. • Based on SORTS guidance to date. • Based on DRRS guidance to date. • Required input (M-SHARP automated - Fall 09) • Aircrew manning O/H • MSP Crews • Combat Leaders • Ordnance Proficiency • Identify “operational focus” • Identify “CO observation” of MET capability • Capability to perform to the MET output standard
CMTR (Matrix and CSP/MSP Input) SORTS CSP. Provided for information only as CSP will no longer directly impact readiness (in order to be MSP you’ll have to be CSP first. If chaining done well, MSP will maintain appropriate core skill events). SORTS METL Assessment: See Chapter 7 to determine separation between T-levels. DRRS METL Assessment: Based on DRRS Guidance provided to date. See Chapter 7. For Specific METs only. Both a T-Level (SORTS) and a Yes/Qualified Yes/No (DRRS guidance) will be provided. See Chapter 7 for detail. This section is based purely on Mission Skill Proficient crews in comparison to the CMMR. Unit SORTS T-Level. Lowest of SORTS METL Assessment or Combat Leadership (and Ordnance Proficiency if applicable). Unit DRRS Assessment. Lowest of DRRS METL Assessment or Combat Leadership (and Ordnance Proficiency if applicable). For reporting purposes, units will insert their T/O manning number under the On Hand category. For a snap shot of how the unit is doing with the number of crews it has on hand, simply insert the appropriate numbers. The CMTR will do an adjustment to provide the Operations Department with a “how well am I doing with what has been provided”. Includes Combat Leadership, Ordnance Proficiency (if applicable) and Instructors. Neither Ordnance Proficiency nor Instructors are applicable to the readiness output. For Operations knowledge and planning only. Based on M-SHARP data if integrated. Otherwise, blue font editable. Operations can insert data in blue font areas. If incorporated in M-SHARP—non-editable. If M-SHARP not baselined or data is wrong, readiness assessment will be inaccurate. Operational Focus MET Assess Core Skills Mission Skills Selectable Core and Mission Skills. De-selection eliminates from readiness calculation. Make sure you have approval from Chain of Command if not training to a Core or Mission Skill. Matches T&R METL to Core Skill Matrix. Shows relationship only. Colors will change as CMMR met (green) or not meet (red/yellow). Indication for squadron. Not directly related to readiness calculation. Matches T&R METL to Mission Skill Matrix. Shows relationship only. Colors will change as CMMR met (green) or not meet (red/yellow). Indication for squadron and directly related to readiness calculation. METL Assess Combat Leadership. If a unit is short here, all METs impacted and therefore the overall assessment is impacted. Ordnance Proficiency. Based on same reasoning as Combat Leadership. Ordnance requirement will be up to the community and captured in the T&R. Not tied directly to readiness assessment—yet. Not presently used for anything but we may find use for it similar to the Crew Availability section. CSP/MSP Input (M-SHARP Logged Data) CMTR provides Objective, T&R based assessment. CO may override as appropriate with comments. CMTR Output
4 Digit Codes • Changed to 4 digit codes as a place holder for Aviation Ground and expanding training requirements. • Accommodate for future requirements and expand the training management capability. • Renumbering of phases from 3 digit to 4 digit codes. • 100 phase is now 1000 phase • 200 phase is now 2000 phase • Etc.
NATOPS / Instrument Evaluation Policy • Specific guidance for standardized NATOPS and Instrument requirements and procedures. • The Program Manual tasks Marine Aviation Training System Sites (MATSS) with the responsibility of oversight and standardization of the NATOPS / Instrument programs. • Information for this POI is contained in Chapters 2 and 6. • Supported by specific evaluation forms in Appendix F.
Program Manual Updates (20 May 09) • T&R Table of Organization (T/O) Information • T&R Core Model Minimum Requirement (CMMR) Instructor Tables • Fleet Replacement Squadron Instructor (FRSI) • Basic Instructor Pilot (BIP) • Aviation Career Progression Model (ACPM) • KC-130T Flight Leadership Model Manager • MV-22 Transition Training Unit (TTU)
T&R Table of Organization (T/O) Information Include FRS structure on T&R T/O table in addition to the number of fleet aircraft and T/O. If applicable, standardized detachments shall also be listed.
T&R CMMR Instructor Tables FRS Instructor CMMR shall also be listed in individual T/M/S T&R manuals.
Fleet Replacement Squadron Instructor (FRSI) • Fleet Replacement Squadrons (FRS) shall ensure standardized FRSI syllabi are included in individual T&R manuals. • Standardized FRSI workup/evaluation events shall be delineated in individual T&R manuals under the Instructor Training Phase (5000 Phase). • FRSI designations require successful completion of a community standardized syllabus and a designation letter from the CO.
Basic Instructor Pilot (BIP) • Assault Support communities (Rotary Wing, Tiltrotor, and KC-130 T/M/S) shall ensure standardized BIP syllabi are included in individual T&R manuals. • This syllabus introduces the fundamental skills required of instructor pilots in fleet squadrons. • Standardized BIP workup/evaluation events shall be delineated in individual T&R manuals under the Instructor Training Phase (5000 Phase). • BIP designation requires successful completion of a community standardized syllabus and a designation letter from the CO.
Aviation Career Progression Model (ACPM) PURPOSE To enhance professional understanding of Marine Aviation and the MAGTF and ensure individuals possess the requisite skills to fill battle command and battle staff positions in support of the ACE and the MAGTF in a joint environment.
Aviation Career Progression Model (ACPM) • T&R syllabus sponsors (MAWTS-1) shall ensure all ACPM training requirements are integrated into each T/M/S T&R manual. • The progressive training phases include the 2000, 3000, and 6000 phases of training. • These training requirements will be tracked and managed in M-SHARP. • Commanding officers shall ensure the requisite ACPM training requirements have been met prior to designating flight leaders.
Aviation Career Progression Model (ACPM) Applicability • All DIFOP Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers shall complete ACPM training commensurate with their current flight qualifications and designations NLT 20 May 10. • All DIFDEN Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers shall complete ACPM training commensurate with their current flight qualifications and designations NLT 12 months after returning to DIFOP status.
KC-130T Flight Leadership Model Manager • Wings are assigned as Flight Leadership Model Managers for specific T/M/S. • Since the KC-130T is now only assigned to 4th MAW, the T&R Program Manual policy is changed to reflect 4th MAW as the KC-130T Flight Leadership Model Manager.
MV-22 Transition Training Unit (TTU) • The MAG-16 MV-22 Transition Training Unit (TTU) is authorized to conduct selected MV-22 transition Core Skill Introduction training per the MV-22 T&R Manual and in accordance with VMMT-204 standardization requirements. • Training shall be limited to selected portions of the 1000 phase ground school and simulator training as delineated by VMMT-204 and in accordance with DC AVN guidance. • VMMT-204 shall exercise oversight to ensure certification and standardization of MAG-16 TTU academic ground school and simulator instructors.
Location - ATB website https://www.intranet.tecom.usmc.mil/hq/branches/atb1/Homepage%20Web%20Part%20Pages/Training%20and%20Readiness%20Manuals.aspx
ATB Standards Contact Info LtCol Wise (Standards Head) DSN 278-4053 Comm (703) 784-4053 eric.s.wise@usmc.mil Maj Rakov DSN 378-1960 Comm (703) 432-1960 bradley.rakov@usmc.mil Maj Benjamin DSN 278-4023 Comm (703) 784-4023 erin.benjamin@usmc.mil Maj Rivera DSN 378-0159 Comm (703) 432-0159 duane.rivera@usmc.mil • LtCol Close (ATB Director) • DSN 278-3701 • Comm (703) 784-3701 • bradley.close@usmc.mil