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How Engineers Can Master Effective On-The-Job Communication Skills. James E. Vincler & Nancy Horlick Vincler. Engineering Your Presenting Success. Chapter 18 : Planning Your Presentation - oral presentation & technical lecture - those are the natural part of an engineer’s job
How Engineers Can MasterEffective On-The-JobCommunication Skills James E. Vincler & Nancy Horlick Vincler
Engineering Your Presenting Success • Chapter 18 : Planning Your Presentation - oral presentation & technical lecture - those are the natural part of an engineer’s job “ It takes three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech. “ Mark Twain (1835~1910) • Chapter 19 : Presenting – Front and Center “ This is it. Your show time!”
Chapter 18. Planning Your Presentation • Control : The Key to Successful Speaking • The Persuasive Tools of a Presentation • How to Organize Yourself and Your Presentation • Selecting Your Audiovisual Equipment • Your Script : The Foundation of Your Presentation • Developing and Controlling Easy-to-Use Materials
1. Control: The Key to Successful Speaking • 성공적인 presentation을 위하여 control해야 할 5 요소 ☞yourself - a knowledgeable speaker ☞your material - clear materials that reinforce your message ☞your equipment – easy-to-use and effective equipment ☞your environment – a conductive presentation environment ☞your audience – a responsive audience
1. Control: The Key to Successful Speaking • Good Presentation = well-controlled & well-written script “The script ( or 강의록/교안 ) is the starting point !” “An oral presentation is just a writing job taken into account another dimension.” • Enjoying Two-Way Communication ! “speaking is on-the-spot two-way communication” “청중의 집중도, body language, 질문 등을 통해 효과적인 발표가 진행되고 있는지 현장에서 즉각적으로 알 수 있다.” • Making the Whole Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts !
2. The Persuasive Tools of a Presentation ☞ voice with all its inflections ☞ gesture with all their verve ☞ visual aids with all their emphasis ☞ handouts with all their details 가장 중요한 Tool은 “speaker” 즉 “yourself” “Knowing your subject” is the key to controlling yourself. “Knowing your subject” is your greatest confidence builder.
3. How to Organize Yourself and Your Presentation • The first step of presentation is to “plan” your presentation. ▶ plan your script ( or 교안/강의록) ▶ plan your materials ▶ plan your equipment • Analyze your audience. - How are you supposed to know what an audience wants? Just “Ask” and “Give them some feedback” !!! • Know your purpose. - Are you informing, persuading, or teaching?
4. Selecting Your Audiovisual Equipment • The first rule is “Keep it simple” ! - Only board & chalk ? Seems to be O.K.! - All high-tech multimedia equipment cannot be replaced by speaker, yourself. • Stand-up presentations are about “human communication” ! - not about reading words on a screen or watching a movie. • To be believed, to be persuasive, we have to show up !
4. Selecting Your Audiovisual Equipment • As you consider your equipment, - should first ask yourself whether you need visuals at all ? - if you do, keep to the simple formats like flipcharts, overheads, and handouts - “Think of multimedia last, not first.” - “No eye contact” in the dark room = communication disaster • But what simple yet reliable equipment is available, - choose easy-to-use equipment that will fit your need
4. Selecting Your Audiovisual Equipment :AV Choices • Overhead projector is simple but versatile • Slides can Enlighten or Keep Audience in the Dark ! - short slide show can have a strong impact on an audience - dark room is the place for “sleeping” so “slide is risky” • Viewing Screens with Tilt Option Work Best - keystone image vs. square image - projector 수평위치보다 screen 위치가 높을수록 “keystone 효과” • Boards, Flipcharts, and Posters Augment Projectors • Microphones Vary to suit Your Purpose - wireless handheld microphones are good for a large group
5. Your Script : The Foundation of Your Presentation • An Easy Script Structure • Writing Your Script • Deciding How to Present Your Script Smoothly • Reducing Your Script to a Handy Key-Point Outline
5. Your Script : The Foundation of Your Presentation • An Easy Script Structure - orientation ; introduce the main points to orient the audience 강의의 경우도 학기초 학습의욕 동기부여에 매우 중요! - body ; explain all your points in the same order you introduce them - close ; summarize your key points, answering for your listeners any leftover “So what?” questions that are probably in their minds
5. Your Script : The Foundation of Your Presentation • Writing Your Script - The entire time that you are writing your script, keep imaging yourself saying every word that you are write - strong script → strong presentation strong lecture note → strong lecture ☞ 그러나 타인의 훌륭한 강의록이 자신의 강의를 성공으로 보장해 줄 수는 없다! ☞ 수년간 강의하여 익숙한 내용도 반드시 강의 전에reviewing simulation필요 - 어떤 예시를 들어 어떻게 명쾌하게 설명할 것인가? - 이해를 돕기 위하여 어떤 예제를 준비할 것인가? - 어느 대목에서 어떤 농담으로 학습분위기를 북돋울 것인가? - 강의록 외의 보조자료로 무엇을 준비하여 어떻게 활용할 것인가?
5. Your Script : The Foundation of Your Presentation • Deciding How to Present Your Script Smoothly ► memorize your paper ? ► read your paper ? (청중을 모독하는 행위) ► speak extemporaneously ? ≠ spoken without any preparation = spoken with some preparation but not written out or memorized
5. Your Script : The Foundation of Your Presentation • Reducing Your Script to a Handy Key-Point Outline - Recite your presentation out loud to the mirror. Practice enunciating! - After you’re comfortable with your script, make a copy, and reduce the copy to an outline of key points. - Just using your outline as a prompt, give your speech to the mirror again. ☞ You will use this key-point outline, along with your visuals, to give an extemporaneous presentation. ☞ GOOD PRESENTATION = random-access memory with the key-point outline ≠ read-only memory
6. Developing and Controlling Easy-to-Use Materials • The visuals & handouts should not be the primary focus of your presentation. “ Your talk is the primary focus !” • The best visuals : Visible, Simple, and Controllable
6. Developing and Controlling Easy-to-Use Materials • Visible visuals : light blue is eye-friendly - use a 24- to 30-point Helvetica font or equivalent. it’s simple and easy to read. - light-blue-background slides are frequently recommended • Simple visuals : The One-Six-Six Trick - One idea per visual - No more than six words per line - No more than six lines per visual
6. Developing and Controlling Easy-to-Use Materials • Horizontal Visual vs. Vertical Visual - landscape orientation vs. portrait orientation - horizontal (or landscape) orientation may help you to limit the number of lines • Break down the complex ideas hierarchically on several visuals - overall idea → specific major component - top down approach
Fuel Types - solid fuels - liquid fuels - gaseous fuels Gaseous Fuels - coke-oven gas - blast-furnace gas - water gas - enriched water gas - producer gas 6. Developing and Controlling Easy-to-Use Materials (Examples)
Blast-Furnace Gas Discharged from blast furnaces 55% nitrogen 20% carbon monoxide Blast-Furnace Gas was your point ! You break down the complex ideas hierarchically. This is top down approach. Start from the overall idea and guide your audience to the specific major component. 6. Developing and Controlling Easy-to-Use Materials (Examples)
6. Developing and Controlling Easy-to-Use Materials • When to hand out the handout? ☞ types of materials to distribute : - note-taking materials such as course outlines or workbooks - supplementary materials such as graphs, charts, or copies of your visuals ☞ The supplementary materials are divided into : - handouts needed during the presentation - handouts needed after the presentation • The best policy is to hand out materials as they are needed !
6. Developing and Controlling Easy-to-Use Materials • By controlling your materials, you can control your audience! • Your simple but well-controlled equipment and your well-organized materials are “value-added” peripherals that help you sell your ideas to your audience. “You are the center of the presentation!”
Chapter 19. Presenting : Front and Center • What Sets You Up for a Good Show • The Wrap-Up to a Well-Packaged Talk • Enjoying the Question-and-Answer
Chapter 19. Presenting : Front and CenterWhat Sets you Up for a Good Show ? • You’ve already prepared the set. - lecture note & digital file, handouts, notebook computer, multimedia classroom, etc. • Giving yourself the energy edge. - 아침식사 거르지 말고, 과음은 훌륭한 강의를 망친다는 것을 잊지 맙시다! • Dressing for credibility. - power dressing? - a black suit with a red tie can make magic ? - looking good will gain you a measure of respect ! - Avoid vest suits in the presentation. Psychologically, the formal vest puts a barrier between you and the audience.
Chapter 19. Presenting : Front and CenterWhat Sets you Up for a Good Show ? • Rechecking the room and equipment. - With your key-point outline or brief notes already up front with your other materials. • Preparing to start and building rapport. - 발표/수업 시작 전 청중/학생과 가벼운 대화를 주고 받음으로써 우호적이고 친근한 분위기를 조성할 수 있다. • Engineering your audience control. - speaker가 청중에게 준 첫인상으로부터 audience control은 시작됨. - Dealing with people (or audience) is always nebulous! - “You can keep experimenting until you find out which solutions work most consistently over the long run !!!”
Chapter 19. Presenting : Front and CenterWhat Sets you Up for a Good Show ? • Engineering your audience control. - Eye–contact & Establish two-way communication. - Do not-absolutely do not-talk down to your audience!
Chapter 19. Presenting : Front and CenterWhat Sets you Up for a Good Show ? • What Audiences Complain About Most Often ☞ speakers who aren’t prepared ☞ speakers who read their scripts → use key-point outline on stage ☞ big hype ; little or no substance ☞ speakers who mumble → please enunciate ☞ speakers who don’t take control → self-confidence & preparation ☞ participants who hog attention → disperse attention fairly
Chapter 19. Presenting : Front and CenterThe Wrap-Up to a Well-Packaged Talk • Example : Presenting a Technical Proposal to Your Top Management - in opening remarks present your justification, three options, and recommendation for upgrading your company’s computer system - in the body explain why your company needs the upgrade, and you compared three computer systems - in the wrap-up summarize your justification, highlight the main thing your three-product comparison revealed, recommend the most cost-effective system upgrade stressing the business benefits “Stay within your time limit.”
Chapter 19. Presenting : Front and CenterEnjoying the Question-and-Answer Period • Enjoy the spotlight. But stay alert! - 질문을 경청. 청중 전체가 질문 내용을 잘 듣지 못한 경우 질문 내용을 확인하면서 청중에게 질문 내용을 명확히 전달한다. - 여러 개의 질문을 한꺼번에 받는 경우, 각 질문의 key word를 기억하여 이들 순서에 따라 답변한다. - 질문에 답변하기 전 질문 내용을 명확히 이해해야 한다. • 학기말 강의평가 결과 Review - Enjoy the praise! - Look for constructive criticism.