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Assessment and Evaluation, Part I: What are these, and why do they matter?. Week 9a. First Things First. We have completely shifted gears: from courses to units
Assessment and Evaluation, Part I:What are these, and why do they matter? Week 9a
First Things First • We have completely shifted gears: from courses to units • Much of your work is now INDIVIDUAL, which means you are just responsible for your work. But that also means that you are now responsible • WARNING! Deadlines are closer than they appear • If you wait until 2 to 1 weeks before the deadline to work on your units, you are approaching a heap of trouble (this project involves much more than you might think it does • How is fieldwork going?
So, you think you can teach… OK, so we teach something, or give students a project. There are two important questions to ask: How do we know they have learned anything? How do we know the lesson/unit was the way it should have been (to be effective)?
… but did learning take placE? How do we know they have learned anything? • This question is a matter of assessment. • By yourself, open a document, and start typing your answers to the following questions to the best of your ability • Define Assessment • What does assessment look like like (if you had to describe to someone “Hey! That’s an assessment,” how would you do that? • What are ten examples of types of assessments? • What does a teacher (or administrator) learn from an assessment? • Who is the target audience(s) of an assessment (who finds out the results, and why)? • What is the consensus?
… So, What do you think? • More questions: • Define Assessment as a process • Define “assessment tools” • What is the pop-culture definition of assessment, and why could a popular definition of assessment affect our jobs as teachers? • Can a student assess herself/himself? Why or why not? • Can students successfully and rigorously assess each other’s knowledge-skills-abilities?
What Assessment is • The determination of whether or not a learner has learned a desired concept, skill, or attitude/disposition • An active process – someone intends to assess learning • Teachers: homework, in-class observation, projects, tests, quizzes, oral questions • Students: Peer assessment, group assessment • Self: Reflections, self-assessments • Standardized testing (if used as an assessment: a comparative assessment of student KSA • Only possible if you have clear goals and objectives: If you do not know what the learner is supposed to know or do, how can you check for it? • It is possible to teach through an assessment, and assess through a teaching activity
What assessment is not • Assessment ≠ Grading • Grading is a system that is attached to assessment • Assessment can be a thick description, and not just a number • Assessment ≠ Feedback • Assessment is keyed to goals and objectives, and assessment is concerned with determining the degree to which a learner has met those goals and objectives • You can give feedback w/o assessing learning • Assessment ≠ Testing • Assessment should fit what you are measuring • A test is useless if you are checking for a performance (other than test taking!) • A test is meaningless if you want to assess something in its context • Projects, performances, reflections, oral responses, etc
What Assessment is NOT • A Hammer • …is useful if you want to hammer a nail • … is not useful to screw in a screw • A Quiz • …is useful if you want to check to see if a student knows or comprehends a concept • … is not useful if you want to see if a CompEd student can create a simple webpage (you can ask questions about how to do it, or concepts behind it
Begin with the end in mind • What do you want the student/learner to learn? • How can you know that they know THAT? • What tools can you use to get there? • How do you know that you will “get there” well?
Begin with the end in mind… Assessment drives instruction, and vice versa – Assessment is not an afterthought, but an equal half of the teaching process
Remember these questions? How do we know they have learned anything? How do we know the lesson/unit was the way it should have been (to be effective)?
…But did it work the way it should have? How do we know the lesson/unit was the way it should have been (to be effective)? • This question is a matter of evaluation • You will self-evaluate as a teacher, and administrators/others will evaluate you? • As a tech coordinator, part of your job will include evaluation, to see how you can best help teachers integrate and use technology in their classrooms – a good evaluation of the status quo is necessary to make recommendations
Is there a difference? • Is there a difference between assessment and evaluation? • It depends on who is defining the terms – some make a distinction, some do not. • To some, this is a silly distinction. Regardless, it is a matter of the object (end-goal) of your activity • Much K-12 literature conflates the two, but I am drawing a distinction, because I want you to focus on the object (what is being examined) and its nature • Assessment tends to look at whether or not learning has taken place and to what degree/under what conditions • Evaluation tends to look at the teaching process, how effectively, efficiently, and appropriately teaching and structured learning activities were executed
…so, what is evaluation? • Again, type in your own document, and try to answer these questions to the best of your ability: • Define evaluation (of teaching/materials/curriculum) • What does evaluation look like (if you had to describe to someone “Hey! That’s an evaluation,” how would you do that? • How is evaluation different from assessment? • What does a teacher (or administrator) learn from an evaluation of a.) curriculum; b.) teaching? • Who is the target audience(s) of an evaluation (who finds out the results, and why)? • When teachers are evaluated at the K-12 (or even college) level, is this evaluation, a good/bad evaluation, and why or why not? • What is the consensus?
Vocabulary • Instruction • Teaching • Evaluation • Assessment • Cycle of continuous improvement • Pre-test • Embedded test • Post-test • Pilot test • Formative evaluation • Summative evaluation • Triangulation • Transfer • Rubric • Observation checklist
Let’s list them! • What are the different types of assessments that a teacher could use in their classroom (any classroom)? • Let’s put these together in a Doc • Of these, what do you think would work best for the types of knowledge-skills-abilities discussed in the CompEd standards which you have been given? • Let’s revise/re-visit the list
Looking for what is out there • The “10 things” assignment • As a class, we will complete the following: • We are going to compile a list of examples of assessment activities for us to use as a reference from which to pull in this class • Each of you will be responsible for finding TEN (10) real-world examples of a teacher assigning a specific activity that is primarily assessment-oriented (as opposed to instruction-oriented) in nature • You will create a table or spreadsheet with the following info, with a worksheet for each of you (Google Spreadsheet): • Name of activity • Where did you find it? • What is it (brief description) • What tools (if any) were used for this? • [What tech-based tools could be used for this activity – instead] Find THREE • You will put these into the provided Google Doc, and share this with your instructor’s Google Account • Rules for this activity • RULE #1: You need to look for DIFFERENT examples. If someone else has already listed an option, find another one. • RULE #2: There is no RULE #2 • RULE #3: Posting even one bogus/fake resource invalidates your entire list
Looking for what is out there • This list can be a resource for you and your class-mates as you will have to include both instructional and assessment aspects in your units, and assessment is sometimes less visible to you as students. • Quality is valued as much as quantity, and the quality of what you find will help or hurt you in the weeks ahead
What’s Due… • Work on your units! • For next week: Read “Reading #4” on Assessment and Evaluation, and be prepared for an “assessment” in class. • Discussion 3 starts today: How do CompEd teachers assess learning in their classrooms?“As part of your ongoing team-based web resources, try to find out how at least 2 teachers assess learning in their CompEd classes (and give me any details that you may be able to find. Do they quiz/test? Do they use projects? Observation? Post your research by Thursday at 11:59pm, then converse with your classmates in a meaningful way until Sunday at 11:59pm”