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What is a drug that prevents or cures an illness or eases its symptoms?

What is a drug that prevents or cures an illness or eases its symptoms?. Medicine. What is a medicine that can be obtained legally only with a doctor’s written permission?. Prescription Medicine. Who is the person at the drug store that is trained to prepare and dispense medicines?.

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What is a drug that prevents or cures an illness or eases its symptoms?

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  1. What is a drug that prevents or cures an illness or eases its symptoms?

  2. Medicine

  3. What is a medicine that can be obtained legally only with a doctor’s written permission?

  4. Prescription Medicine

  5. Who is the person at the drug store that is trained to prepare and dispense medicines?

  6. Pharmacist

  7. What is the name of medicines that you can buy without the doctor’s permission?

  8. Over the counter medicine or OTC

  9. What is a reaction to medicine other than the one intended?

  10. Side effect

  11. Name 2 of the 4 positive effects of medicine

  12. Prevent Disease Relieve Pain Kill Germs Treat Conditions & Diseases

  13. Name an OTC pain reliever

  14. Tylenol, Ibprofin, motrin, aleve, aspirin, etc

  15. What medicines kill disease-causing bacteria?

  16. Antibiotics

  17. What is a substance other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind?

  18. Drugs

  19. What is it called to intentionally use drugs in a way that is unhealthy or illegal?

  20. Drug abuse

  21. What is the body’s need for larger and larger amounts of a drug to produce the same effect?

  22. Tolerance

  23. What is it called if a person is taking more of a drug than the body can tolerate or handle?

  24. Overdose

  25. What category of drugs speeds up the body’s functions?

  26. Stimulants

  27. Name a stimulant

  28. Caffeine, coffee, pop, cocaine, crystal meth, amphetamine

  29. What category of drugs slows down the body’s functions and reactions, including heart and breathing rates?

  30. Depressant

  31. What drug is from the Cannabis Sativa plant?

  32. Marijuana

  33. What category are illegal drugs that are found mostly in nightclubs or at all-night dance parties called raves?

  34. Club drugs

  35. What category of drugs get rid of pain and dull the senses?

  36. Narcotics

  37. What category of drugs distorts moods, thoughts, and mind?

  38. Hallucinogens

  39. What category of drugs are vapors of chemicals that are sniffed or inhaled to get “high”

  40. Inhallants

  41. What category of drugs are either human hormones or similar to hormones found in the body?

  42. Steroids

  43. What are the names of the sac in the lungs where drugs pass through before the bloodstream?

  44. Alveoli

  45. Name the injection that is injected directly into the vein Skin Popping Intramuscular Injection Mainlining

  46. Mainlining

  47. After drugs are swallowed, where are the drugs absorbed before the small intestine?

  48. Stomach

  49. After the alveoli and before the bloodstream, where does smoked drugs go?

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