1. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 1
2. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 2 Normalisation in Context
3. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 3 Aim of lecture
4. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 4 Contents First normal form
Why normalisation is useful
Information redundancy
Various types of anomaly
Functional dependency
How to normalise
Second normal form
Third normal form
(but not Boyce-Codd form)
5. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 5 First Normal Form
6. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 6 Tables NOT in First normal form
7. 18/09/2012 7 Converting department table to 1st normal form
8. 18/09/2012 8 What to do if there are several multi-valued attributes
9. 18/09/2012 9 How repeating groups might arise
10. 18/09/2012 10 Removing repeating groups
11. 18/09/2012 11 Exercise on 1st normal form
12. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 12 Exercise on 1st normal form
13. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 13 Staff and Branch Data
14. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 14 Insertion Anomalies
15. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 15 Modification Anomaly
16. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 16 Deletion Anomaly
17. 17 A better design
18. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 18 Anomalies in the Purchase Item table
19. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 19 Functional Dependency
StudentID ? Student_surname
u0006610 ? Smith
Student_surname ? StudentID
Smith ? u0006610Smith ? u0107554Smith ? u9801718
20. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 20 Full Functional Dependency
21. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 21 Functional Dependencies
22. 18/09/2012 22 Removing partial dependencies
23. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 23 Second normal form
24. 24 Exercise
25. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 25 Redundancies in the Purchase Order table
26. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 26 Transitive dependency If A ? B and B ? C, then we can write
A ? B ? C
OrderNo ? SupplierNo ? SupplierName
We say C is transitively dependent on A
Or A determines C via B
Supplier name is transitively dependent on OrderNo, or
OrderNo determines SupplierName via SupplierNo
A table is in third normal form if
It is in second normal form, and
There are no transitive dependencies
27. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 27 Removing Transitive Dependencies from the purchase order table
28. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 28 Note on transitive dependency
29. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 29 Exercise
30. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 30 Summary UN-normalised DBs cause problems
Redundancy/Waste of time and space
Anomalies (Insert, Update, Delete)
Each table should have a single topic
This will be indicated by the primary key
An UN-normalised table
tries to combine SEVERAL topics
Contains inappropriate dependencies
31. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 31 Summary
32. 18/09/2012 The Robert Gordon University 32 The Normalisation Process