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The Robert Gordon University Developing Effective Practice Assessment Process and Procedures. The Aims of Assessment?. Promote effective student learning Evaluating student knowledge, understanding, abilities or skills
The Robert Gordon UniversityDeveloping Effective Practice Assessment Process and Procedures
The Aims of Assessment? • Promote effective student learning • Evaluating student knowledge, understanding, abilities or skills • Providing a mark or grade that enables students performance to be established QAA 2006
The Aims of Assessment? ‘Enabling the public (including employers) to know that an individual has attained an appropriate level of achievement that reflects the academic standards set by the awarding institution’ QAA 2006
QAA requirement ‘...to make information and guidance on assessment clear, accurate and accessible to all staff, students, placement or practice providers, assessors and external examiners, thereby minimising the potential for inconsistencyof marking practice or perceived lack of fairness’ QAA 2006
Why complete the Assessment? • To evidence your achievements in completing the Developing Effective Practice course. • To allow you to develop your learning further. • To use the assessment towards CPD/further education.
Things to remember • This is an academic assessment therefore it is important to following the academic style of writing. • Write in the third person (a reflective section in the first person may be included) • Follow the RGU Health Sciences Style Manual • The assessment should be presented in a clear, concise way using headings etc where applicable.
What are the markers looking for? • An appropriate presentation and writing style for the level of work. • Appropriate and relevant use of literature. • Clear demonstration of the understanding of the topic in relation to the assessment.
The Marking Procedures • Assessments will be blind double marked. • Students will be provided with constructive feedback and grade subject to ratification at Exam Board. • An External examiner reviews the work. • Grades ratified at Exam Boards.
Resources • Information on the assignment is on NHS Grampian’s HI-Net website in the Health Promotion Learning Network area. http://www.hi-netgrampian.org/hinet/4901.661.664.html • QAA (2006). Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education. Section 6: Assessment of students. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education • RGU Assessment policies and proceduresaccessible through academic affairshttp://www.rgu.ac.uk/academicaffairs/assessment/page.cfm?pge=2294Assessment Handbook