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TAKLIMAT KEPADA AHLI –AHLI PARLIMEN LYNAS ADVANCED MATERIAL PLANT (LAMP). LYNAS Advanced Material Plant. 25 KMs North East of Kuantan. 600,000 Population Beautiful Beaches, Tourist Town One of the biggest Fishing port Seafood Industry
LYNAS Advanced Material Plant 25 KMs North East of Kuantan • 600,000 Population • Beautiful Beaches, • Tourist Town • One of the biggest Fishing port • Seafood Industry • Monsoon season and high rainfall Nov-Jan
Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd 100% Milik Australia
LAMP built over 100 hectare of land – With no inner buffer zone.
LYNAS Corporation • Satu Syarikat milik Australia • Di kecualikan dari membayar cukai selama 12 tahun – status “Strategik Pioneer Status” oleh MITI • Logi Lynas di Gebeng ini hanya akan mengambil 350 pekerja
Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd • Di miliki sebenuhnya oleh Lynas Corp (Tiada shareholder tempatan) • Authorised Capital RM500,000 • Issued Capital RM250,000 (semuanya di bayar oleh Lynas Corp) • Director Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd merupakan Nominee Director
LAMP – Lynas Advanced Material Plant • Apabila Logi Lynas (LAMP) beroperasi sepenuhnya akan mengeluarkan tanah nadir bernilai jumlah Export sebanyak RM8 bil setahun • Lynas Corp akan menguasai 30% pasaran dunia • LAMP akan menjadi logi pemrosesan Tanah Nadir yang terbesar didunia
Deportment of Radioactivity(Rujukan - Kertas Cadangan Lynas kpd Kerajaan Negri Trengganu) The Mt Weld Rare Earths ore contains a naturally low level of radioactive thorium, which is concentrated with the Rare Earths in the flotation process. The ore typically contains 23 ppm U3O8 and 750 ppm ThO2 which equates to a total radioactivity of 31 Bq/g for the two decay chains. The concentrate typically contains 29 ppm U3O8 and 1600 ppm ThO2 which equates to a total radioactivity of 61 Bq/g for the two decay chain
PIAWAIAN NEGERI CINA(Rujukan - KertasCadanganLynaskpdKerajaanNegriTrengganu) • For Chinese industry the classification of radioactive wastes is defined in the Chinese Standard GB9133-S3, which specifies that a solid waste with a specific activity of less than 74Bq/g is classified as non radioactive solid waste and can therefore be stored in a standard waste solids facility with impermeable lining
Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd • Insists that their Mt Weld ore is lathanide contrary to various other reports which states that Mt Weld ore are monazites in nature • Proposes to bring the Rare Earth concentrate into Malaysia NOT as radioactive material. • Declares that the residues (tailings) from processing in LAMP are not radioactive and not hazardous in nature. Thus can be disposed as municipal waste • Western Australian Minister has asserted in WA Parliament that the radioactive waste belongs to Malaysia and will not be accepted back into Australia Hon Norman Moore- Menteri WA
Menurut kertas kajian yang di keluarkan oleh Parlimen Australia No: 11 2007-08 Sumber utama Thorium di Australia ialah mineral Monazite yang merupakan tanah nadir kemerah merahan / coklat mineral phosphate yang mengandungi 8 - 10 % Thorium. Berdasarkan sasaran, LYNAS akan memproses 22,000 -32,000 (fully operational) metric tan tanah nadir setahun
Lynas Corp • Lynas mengambil alih Ashton Rare Earth Ltd dan mendapat lesen melombong di Mt Weld (1992) • Ashton telah mendapat kelulusan membina logi pemprosesan di Australian di bawah kawal seliaan EPA Australia dan mempunyai ‘Waste Management Plans’ untuk Concentration Plant di Mt Weld dan ‘Secondary Processing Plant’ di Meenaar dimana melibatkan menghantar balik sisa buangan radioaktif ke Mt Weld • Ashton menegaskan bahawa bahan rare earth ore dan sisa buangan haruslah di kendali sebagai hazardous material dan oleh itu telah pun berikan proposal yang menyeluruh berkenaan pengendalian, melibatkan pengangkutan sehinggalah pengendalian sisa buangan radioaktif
Radioactive Composition of Rare Earth Ore Mt Pass Ore Bastnaesite • Uranium 0.002 % • Thorium 0.02 % Mt Weld Ore Monazite • Uranium 0.0028 % • Thorium 0.075 % Mt Weld Concentrate • Uranium 0.0029 % • Thorium 0.16 %
Proposed Processing and Waste Management Plans Molycorp Minerals - Refinery Due to operate 2012-2024 • The plant operation is expected to run on an environmentally advanced standard due to extensive public approval procedure (EU Parliament Paper) Lynas – LAMP due to operate Sept 2011 • No Concrete Waste Management Plans yet • Menggunakan Piawaian Negeri Cina • No Public Consultation prior to construction • EIA –full report is not made available to the public
‘Public Consultation’ oleh PKNP • Lulus lesen untuk membina 2008 • 18 Nov 2008 di bawa ke Palimen buat pertama kali • AELB datang ke Kuantan 2009 • Tidak melibatkan rakyat. –hanya memanggil Ketua-Ketua Jabatan dan MP serta ADUN • 8 sesi penerangan yang di anjurkan PKNP bulan April 2011 di hentikan selepas 2 sesi. 5 April 2011
Status LAMP • Belum menerima Lesen Operasi / Lesen Operasi Sementara dari AELB • Panel Pakar akan diberi masa 1 bulan untuk memberi maklumbalas. Laporan panel IAEA di jangka siap pada 30 June 2011
CONCERNS – APA YANG MEMBIMBANGKAN • Malaysia tiada undang-undang ketat di dalam memelihara Alam Sekitar • Kerajaan Malaysia tidak menjadikan Public Consultation sebagai satu prosedur wajib didalam proses membuat keputusan. • Malaysia tiada ‘Freedom of Information Act’ • Sehingga kini Laporan EIA yang lengkap keatas Lynas tidak boleh didapat oleh orang awam • Banyak isu berkenaan penguatkuasaan undang-undang • Rasuah
Thank You STOP LYNAS!!! PROTECT KUANTAN By Concerned Citizens of Kuantan