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Annemiek Canjels – Dutch Interprovincial Assembly

Network Support Units and the European Innovation Partnership Agriculture Productivity & Sustainability. Annemiek Canjels – Dutch Interprovincial Assembly. My region can not succeed alone. Annemiek works / worked for:

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Annemiek Canjels – Dutch Interprovincial Assembly

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  1. Network Support Units and the European Innovation Partnership Agriculture Productivity & Sustainability Annemiek Canjels – Dutch Interprovincial Assembly

  2. My region can not succeed alone Annemiek works / worked for: Province of Limburg, Senior EU Public AffairsBrainport 2020, secondment, Manager EU Affairs 2012/13 Member of research team EU KP7 project "Foodlinks“ 2011/13 EU-related secondments:EU Commitee of the Regions as expert/writer/negotiator for rapporteur- on CAP Health Check Legislative Proposals in 2008/09- on Local Food Systems in 2010/11- on European Innovation Partnership APS in 2012DLA Piper Global Government Relations, Brussels Office 2007/08

  3. Presentation: More about the EIP Agri - WHAT INNOVATION AND WHY More about the EIP Agri - BASIC IDEA OF HOW A little about the importance of Triple Helix cooperation A little about Horizon 2020 in general How will the Netherlands work with the EIP Agri in detail • What should an ideal support structure look like in the Netherlands • What operational needs have existing “Operational Groups” in the Netherlands already expressed

  4. EIP Agri – What innovation & why

  5. Why is the EIP Agri a great tool ? • First instrument that and accommodates quick results and builts a powerful EU-knowledge community that can survive global competition • First instrument that seriously seeks to connect CAP and KF – EAFRD and Horizon 2020 – not only funds, but also the people involved • But EU Structural Funds (EFRD, INTERREG), national and regional funds are still needed !

  6. EIP Agri: welcomed by the regions The EU Committee of the Regions decided to embrace the EIP Agri by giving advice to the EC and by promoting it among the EU Regions – Dutch rapporteur The young ERIAFF Network - European Regions for Innovation in Agriculture, Food & Forestry – has already about 60 members that seek to adress opportunities together – Tuscany region leads

  7. EIP Agri: What is it ? A new EU development model for agriculture innovation – supported with existing – but improved - EU Funding instruments EIP’s for: • Healthy aging • Water • Raw materials • Smart cities • Agriculture productivity & sustainability

  8. EIP’s are meant to • Help setting the EU research agenda (+ prioritise Horizon 2020 calls) • Target research projects sharper, by putting them in the perspective of actual societal needs Help society articulate knowledge gaps • Encourage the quick use of research results by society and entrepreneurs • Turn research results into business opportunities • Start and maintain dialogue and cooperation

  9. EIP Agri: aims and topics 1 Sustainable and competitive agri-food sector for a safe and healthy diet: 1.Informed consumer choices 2.Healthy and safe foods and diets for all 3.A sustainable and competitive agri-food industry

  10. EIP Agri: aims and topics 2 Sustainable agriculture and forestry: 1.Increasing production efficiency and coping with climate change, while ensuring sustainability and resilience 2.Providing ecosystem services and public goods 3.Empowerment of rural areas, support to policies and rural innovation

  11. EIP Agri: aims and topics 3 Unlocking the potential of aquatic living resources 1.Developing sustainable and environmentally- friendly fisheries 2.Developing competitive European aquaculture 3.Boosting marine innovation through biotechnology

  12. EIP Agri: aims and topics 4 Sustainable and competitive bio-based industries 1.Fostering the bio-economy for biobased industries 2.Developing integrated biorefineries 3.Supporting market development for biobased products and processes

  13. EIP Agri: How

  14. Not so easy ….

  15. EIP Agri: Operational Groups The “Operational Group” is the key element in the process Key actors in “Operational Groups”: • Farmers and Foresters • Researchers • Agri-business and other business experts (cross – overs !) • Advisors (on business, marketing, design …) • NGO’s • Rural development authorities

  16. EIP Agri: Financing innovation stages 1. Idea, creating group, travelling, involving experts, hiring a knowledge broker and process facilitator: Rural Development funding 2. Creating or joining a research consortium (at least 3 member states), using existing research outcome, responding to a call: Horizon 2020 funding 3. Implementing R&D results, turning the idea into a business model, pilot, support early adopters: Rural Development or Regional Policy funding 4. Putting to market: European Investment Fund, revolving fund, venture capital

  17. Horizon 2020

  18. Horizon 2020 and EIP APS Eligible costs: • Research projects enhancing the knowledge base • Thematic networks and multi-actor projects • Support for innovation brokers and innovation centres

  19. EU Societal Challenges Food / Agri / Bio-economy Focus area Sustainable Food Security Sub-challenges: • Sustainable Food Production Systems • Safe food and healthy diets • Global drivers of food security

  20. EU Work Programme Food / Agri / Bio-economyTopics in calls • Increasing production efficiency + coping with climate change, while ensuring sustainability and resilience • Providing ecosystem services and public goods • Empowerment of rural areas, support RD policies, support rural innovation • Sustainable forestry • Informed consumer choices • Healthy and safe foods and diets for all • Sustainable and competitive agri-food industry • Fostering the bioeconomy for bio-based industries • Developing integrated biorefineries • Supporting market development for bio-based products and processes

  21. Triple Helix cooperation

  22. EIP Agri in the Netherlands

  23. EIP Agri: Agriculture in poll position ? • Higher costs to produce because of higher costs of feed, energy, animal welfare, environmental care, labour, technology …. • Only slightly covered by higher consumer prices …. • Higher demand for food because of population growth and welfare growth but …. • Lower income for farmers …. • Or ….

  24. EIP APS: Agriculture in poll position ? • Agriculture collectives stronger price negotiator for food and feed because of new skills, new activities and partnerships …. • Agriculture new supplier of resources, energy, health and materials – cross overs with other sectors like high tech systems, life sciences, logistics, chemistry …. • EU farmers shareholders of enterprises global, co-owner of Intellectual Property, involved in remote management ….

  25. EIP Agri: New jobs and value Business opportunities: On farm level; more results, more added value and income New jobs in the agri-industry and the food supply chain New jobs in adjacent industries: biotech, high tech systems, healthcare, transport, ICT, energy, trade Societal value: Food security, sustainable environment, health, resource efficiency, inclusion

  26. EIP Agri in the Netherlands • Innovation experts from the farmer organization LTO, Wageningen University, the Dutch Triple Helix cooperative for “topsectors Agri & Food and Horticulture and Seeds”, the national government and the regions have created a “help install the EIP” - team • The draft Rural Development plan was sent to the EC • Article 35 (and 14 and 16) has a specific EIP section that fits the demands of the EIP - team • The team has drafted detailed EIP – measurement for this section, ready to do a “call for proposals” with asap

  27. EIP Agri details: Dutch budget • Part of EAFRD: less than 5%, disappointing • Co-financed / doubled by Dutch provinces, still poor budget But • Enough to start like a dozen OG • And when soon proven promising – or even succesful • More budget will be added – already lobbying on this

  28. EIP Agri details - OG • An OG may be small or big – up to you – just motivate • An OG has at least a farmer involved – preferably in the lead • The OG project must at least involve R&D partners – scientists or engineers from a public or a private institute • The OG must have sufficient internal or hired capacity for project management and innovation brokerage • The OG must be open to fresh blood – different expertise, partners, applications, buyers, go cross border, go EU • The OG must look beyond developing a solution: marketing, business model, competition, cooperation opportunity • An OG can propose several projects over time • An idea is probably a good idea if it comes from the heart – passion is a key to success – PITCH !

  29. EIP Agri details – Costs & support rates Up to 100%: • Operational / process • Capacity (additional) • Prototype / model / demo • Research applied • Investments (non profitable) Up to state aid level / pre-competitive • High risk investments • Market introduction Why so “generous”: Urgency !

  30. EIP Agri details: Project approval Of course general / minimum requirements Of course the usual eligibility check And criteria as mentioned before, made public in the call But true innovation can not be defined in advance So proposals will be judged by an independent, expert-team A broad range of disciplines and stakeholders Flexible and well connected to practice and science Who will dispense advice to the MA and co-financer Which will follow up on the advice (motivated exception possible)

  31. EIP Agri support in the Netherlands Already there, but not yet connected: • Topsector SME desks – national support / R&D cooperation with public R&D / tax deduction for hiring researchers / support for R&D consortia • New Chamber of Commerce desk for SME new business ideas • Regional Innovation and Investment Support Desks • National Enterprise Service Agency – expertise on Horizon 2020 calls / expertise on CAP – direct payments and RD • Business Development and Fund raising units of public and private R&D institutions • Commercial advisors, financial advisors

  32. EIP Agri support in the Netherlands New: NSU of national EIP Network / extended RD Network National EIP platform of current members of EIP – team plus RvO, MA Independent expert team for judging / evaluating / ranking proposals

  33. Network Support Unit tasks could be • Help spread the news about the EIP Agri and the next call for proposals, help handling calls • Divert initiators to the correct desk* for first assistance • Help initiators to write a “quick scan” proposal, when accepted: • Help initiators to find a innovation broker or business developer • Collect practical operational problems that come with the new EIP tool and find answers / offer models to OG • Offer practical assistance to the expert-team • Create an environment for a triple helix - platform • Help create publicity for OG • Help OG get in touch with the EIP Service Point

  34. Needs expressed by agri-networks & OG • We have little money, are you happy if we invest time and effort ? • Do we have to share all the results of our hard work, or do we keep a head start in making business out of it ? • Can we keep ownership of part of the IP ? • How do we legally organize an OG without creating an administrative burden and without making just one of our members responsible for the whole project ? • Who can help us on the spot with the project administration ? • Who can help us disseminate results in a practical way ?

  35. Make way for future agriculture guys !

  36. …. And galls !

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