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REVIEW Chapter 15

REVIEW Chapter 15. h` zw/h. to.n qeo,n. kardi,a. su,. ui`oj. eivpen. euv. to, euvagge,lion. o` `Ihsou/j. mh,. ou-toj. “This”. w[ste. “Therefore”. eiv. “If”. eiv mh,. “Except”. ei-j. “One”. mi,a. “One”. h[dh. “Now, already”. o[noma. “Name”. ou`dei,j. “No one, none”.

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REVIEW Chapter 15

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Presentation Transcript

  1. REVIEWChapter 15

  2. h` zw/h

  3. to.n qeo,n

  4. kardi,a

  5. su,

  6. ui`oj

  7. eivpen

  8. euv

  9. to, euvagge,lion

  10. o` `Ihsou/j

  11. mh,

  12. ou-toj “This”

  13. w[ste “Therefore”

  14. eiv “If”

  15. eiv mh, “Except”

  16. ei-j “One”

  17. mi,a “One”

  18. h[dh “Now, already”

  19. o[noma “Name”

  20. ou`dei,j “No one, none”

  21. pa/j “All”

  22. peri, With the Genitive “Concerning”

  23. peri, With the Accusative “Around”

  24. sa,rx “Flesh”

  25. su,n “With”

  26. sw/ma “Body”

  27. teknon “Child”

  28. ti,j “Who?” “What?” “Which” “Why?”

  29. tij “Someone” “Something” “Anyone”

  30. Petroj hvn evn th/| Galilai,a|\

  31. aivw,n “Age, eternity”

  32. aivw,nioj “Eternal”

  33. dida,skaloj “Teacher”

  34. euvqu,j “Immediately”

  35. e[wj “Until” Or As far as (with the Genitive)

  36. e;sesqe, mou ma,rturej e;n te VIerousalh.m kai. evn pa,sh| th/| VIoudai,a| kai. Samarei,a| kai. e[wj evsca,tou th/j gh/jÅ Ya’ll shall be

  37. maqhth,j “Disciple”

  38. w[ste diV avnqrw,pou qa,natoj hvn

  39. me,n “On the one hand” (followed by de) “Indeed”

  40. o` me.n ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou u`pa,gei kaqw.j ge,graptai peri. auvtou/( ouvai. de. tw/| avnqrw,pw| evkei,nw| diV ou- o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou paradi,dotai “goes up” “it has been written” “woe” “whom” (Matt 26:24) “is given over”

  41. mhdei,j “No one”

  42. mhde,n “No one”

  43. mo,noj “Alone, only”

  44. o[pwj “How, that, in order that”

  45. e;dwken e`auto.n u`pe.r tw/n a`martiw/n h`mw/n( o[pwj evxe,lhtai h`ma/j evk tou/ aivw/noj tou/ evnestw/toj ponhrou/ kata. to. qe,lhma tou/ qeou/ kai. patro.j h`mw/n (Galatians 1:4) “He gave” “he might deliver” “present”

  46. o[soj “As great as, as many as”

  47. o[soi de. e;labon auvto,n( e;dwken auvtoi/j evxousi,an te,kna qeou/ gene,sqai( toi/j pisteu,ousin eivj to. o;noma auvtou (John 1:12)/ “he gave” “received” “believing” “to become”

  48. ou=n “Therefore, then, accordingly”

  49. ovfqalmo,j “Eye, sight”

  50. pa,lin “Again”

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