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Justin Kangas Debra Dufault Barbara Benjamin-McManus Caren Lederer (Facilitator) Lewiston Middle School Those who could not be here: Rick Meyers Ben Hauptman Christine Cole Beth Miller Irene Marshall. Who Are We. Mission.
Justin Kangas Debra Dufault Barbara Benjamin-McManus Caren Lederer (Facilitator) Lewiston Middle School Those who could not be here: Rick Meyers Ben Hauptman Christine Cole Beth Miller Irene Marshall Who Are We
Mission • PBIS is taking what we all do and adds uniformity and consistency to the way we do it. Every teacher teaches and expects positive behavior from our students. PBIS looks to make how we do that consistent across the board so students don't get mixed messages. • How we view behavior also changes: • Give more of your attention to the positive behavior. • Acknowledge the positive behavior. • Model the behavior you want to see. • Approach the negative behavior with a positive direction. • Correct the behavior you don't want to see.
How We Came To Be Sub-sections of staff voted for a representative. Sub-Sections Include: 7th Grade Teacher 8th Grade Teacher Educational Technicians Special Educators Unified Arts English Language Learners Program Un-Team (Guidance, Nurses, Counselors, etc)
Demographics • 614 Students for 2010-11 Year: • APPROXIMATELY: • 71% White • 25% Black • 2.4% Hispanic • 1.5% Other • 65% Free or Reduced lunch • LEP population 18.3% of population • 200 Students transfer in or out per year • Special Education 15.6% of entire population
Discipline • 2829office referrals (2002-03) • 2163 office referrals (2009-10) • Average number of office referrals per month 261 • 15% of student population is responsible for 85% of referrals (92 students responsible for 1838 referrals). • 94% Attendance rate • .
Spring: In March Caren Lederer was hired to help guide us through the process. We established 6 full school days dedicated to PBIS Meetings. This was possible due to time allotted to use from the SIPS plan. We have made leaps and bounds since.. A Brief History Fall: • The PBIS process began. • We encountered a lot of difficulties. • Our direction was unclear. • The PBIS facilitator was spread among 8 schools in our district. Winter: • A consistent facilitator/leader was needed. • Short after school meetings seemed to rush the process.
To End a meeting: Plus/Delta Acknowledgments Minutes sent out Tentative agenda for next meeting Final decisions reviewed by administration How We Function(Rules) • To start a meeting: • Develop an agenda • Vote on priority. • Review previous Plus/Deltas During Meeting: • Two note takers • Decision making: Advocate, then vote. • Majority rules
Time Keeper Facilitator How We Function(Roles) Team Leaders Note Takers Technology Integrator Newsletter Publisher Recorder Photographer Videographer
The Website www.lewistonPBIS.com
They give us a good perspective on what motivates students! Student Team • Provide us with valuable feedback on PBIS. • Especially the website!
Student led virtual school tours. All videos available for download or stream. LMS Newscast(Tentative) • Under Construction! • Student run podcasts about the positive events in our school. • Previews of school events.
Student Acknowledgements(Tentative) The Demon Dollar!
We are currently gathering data on what rewards to offer. Rewards don't necessarily have to cost the school money. How Does It Work? • Students earn Demon Dollars for modeling appropriate behavior. • Students, Teams and the School can earn rewards. • Student rewards range from $1 - $50
Rewards: Parking Spot Raffle Gift Card Raffle Jean Day Raffle Miss Period 1 Raffle Possible Store Teacher Acknowledgements(Tentative) • Teachers give each other Golden Dollars. • For what? Reinforcing and modeling positive behaviors.
You need staff followthrough and accountability! This is for the kids! Remember! • This is a reflective and evolving process. • It takes 3-5 years for full implementation and big change to take place.
Visit www.LewistonPBIS.com All posters, action plans, matrices, etc that were shown today are available to download there. See Something You Like?