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Forum on National Plans and PRSPs IN EAST ASIA April 4 - 6, 2006, Vientiane, LAO PDR

Forum on National Plans and PRSPs IN EAST ASIA April 4 - 6, 2006, Vientiane, LAO PDR. By Ms. Heang Siek Ly Deputy Director General Ministry of Planning Cambodia. RESULTS ORIENTATION IN CAMBODIA’S NATIONAL STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN (NSDP), 2006-2010. OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION.

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Forum on National Plans and PRSPs IN EAST ASIA April 4 - 6, 2006, Vientiane, LAO PDR

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  1. Forum on National Plans and PRSPs IN EAST ASIA April 4 - 6, 2006, Vientiane, LAO PDR By Ms. Heang Siek Ly Deputy Director General Ministry of Planning Cambodia RESULTS ORIENTATION IN CAMBODIA’S NATIONAL STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN (NSDP), 2006-2010

  2. OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Institutional arrangements Integrating sectoral and Cambodia MDGs/PRS indicators into NSDP Monitoring and evaluation

  3. Institutional Arrangements Set up NSDP Secretariat within MOP in October 2004: Drafted Royal circular and technical guidance for NSDP formulation Adopted work plan for preparing NSDP  NIS/MOP conducted CSES 2003-2004 to monitor the trend of poverty, update CMDGs & provide new data to support NSDP.  18 TWGs were set up covering RGC, donors, civil society & private sector

  4. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR NSDP FORMULATION CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SENATE/ ASSEMBLY GOVERNMENT-DONORS TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP ON PLANNING AND POVERTY REDUCTION (TWG-PPR) SECRETARIAT (MOP) DONOR WORKING GROUP LINE MINISTRIES WORKING GROUP Implementation (Inputs, process, outputs) Coordination/Facilitation (Process, Outputs) Implementation (Inputs, process, outputs) Decision Making Level Policy-Dialogue/ Consultation Level Policy/Program- Formulation, implementation, & ME Level

  5. NSDP 2006-2010 FORMULATION The 18th TWG (TWG/PPR) formed to assist MOP in preparing a CMDGs-based NSDP & work in close coordination with other TWGs and relevant agencies.  Over last five years, RGC has prepared many documents:  SEDP II, NPRS, CMDGs, NPP, RS & many sector strategies RGC decided to prepare a single NSDP to implement RS to achieve CMDGs and other priority goals.

  6. Integration sectoral & CMDGs/NPRS indicators in NSDP  The NSDP 2006-2010 reflects a comprehensive planning approach focusing on strategic goals & actions.  To ensure results orientation, NSDP results matrix was preparedwith 6 columns:  1st column: Rectangular Strategy (RS)/ Elements of RS  2nd column: Goals/Targets  3rd column: Identified constraints  4th column: Actions to overcome the constraints

  7. Integration sectoral & CMDGs/NPRS indicators in NSDP (cont’d)  5th column: Costing  6thcolumn: Monitoring & evaluation - Output indicators - Outcome indicators TWGs/ line ministries filled-in the results matrix  Inputs from line ministries including the results matrix were used to formulate NSDP, identify priority goals and targets/indicators of NSDP.  The resetting of CMDGs -consistent NSDP benchmarks & intermediate targets for 2010 for relevant CMDGs indicators was done in parallel.

  8. Integrating sector & CMDGs/NPRS indicators in NSDP (cont’d)  Priority goals and targets/indicators for NSDP M&E: 15 macro-goals/CMDGs (9 goals) 43 core indicators/targets/CMDGs (89 indicators excluding goal 8 which is not localized yet).  NSDP focuses attention on achieving at national level some high priority, strategic & macro goals/ core targets (indicators) with poverty reduction at the top  NSDPprovides the road map & guidelines for taking the country where it is at the end of 2005 to where it ought to be in 2010.

  9. Monitoring and Evaluation of NSDP  Responsible ministries/agencies to work out detailed goals, targets, actions in sector plans covering national and sub-national levels.  The data on input and output indicators will mostly be collected through administrative systems.  NIS/MOP will play the key role in ensuring regular availability of data on NSDP indicators for M& E purpose and preparing yearly progress report.  Statistical Master Plan (SMP) sets out the long term priority plan for the National Statistical System.

  10. Monitoring and Evaluation of NSDP (cont’d)  NSDP is a “ live “ document to be adjusted and updated annually using agreed monitoring framework.  A three year rolling PIP 2006-2008 has been prepared to support NSDP implementation. Both NSDP & PIP were approved by RGC on 27 January 2006 and presented to the aid-mobilization meeting in March 2006. The NSDP progress report & the rolling PIP will be considered at future aid mobilization meeting. NSDP & PIP2006-2008 provide guidance to EDPs to align & harmonize their efforts to improve aid effectiveness and secure higher “net transfer of resources” to Cambodia.

  11. Thank you for your attention !

  12. ABBREVIATION & ACRONYMS NSDP: National Strategic Development Plan NPRS: National Poverty Reduction Strategy NPP: National Population Policy RS: Rectangular Strategy PIP: Public Investment Programme RGC: Royal Government of Cambodia EDP: External Development Partners NIS: National Institute of Statistic MOP: Ministry of Planning SEDP: Socio-Economic Development Plan CSES: Cambodia Socio-Economic Surveys TWG-PPR: Technical Working Group on Planning & Poverty Reduction.

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