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Transportation Element October 2, 2014

Comprehensive Plan Rewrite. Transportation Element October 2, 2014. Comprehensive Plan. Introduction Vision Sustainability Framework. 2. Environment & Conservation. 3 . Land Use. 3. Housing. 6. Parks, Recreation & Open Space. 7. Utilities, Public Services. 8 . Capital Facilities.

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Transportation Element October 2, 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comprehensive Plan Rewrite Transportation Element October 2, 2014

  2. Comprehensive Plan Introduction Vision Sustainability Framework 2. Environment & Conservation 3. Land Use 3. Housing 6. Parks, Recreation & Open Space 7. Utilities, Public Services 8. Capital Facilities 9. Shorelines Transportation 2

  3. Planning Framework • WA Growth Management Act • Vision 2040 • King County Countywide Planning Policies • City of Sammamish • Transportation Goals and Polices • Concurrency Management • Public Works Standards • Capital Improvement Plan • Impact Fees • Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program

  4. PSRC /Growth Management Act Key Requirements • Adopted levels of service (LOS) standards • A forecast of traffic for at least 10 years, including land use assumptions used in estimating travel • A pedestrian and bicycle component • A description of any existing and planned transportation demand management (TDM) strategies • An analysis of future funding capability 4

  5. Vision 2040 King County Countywide Planning Policies • Supporting Growth – focusing on serving the region with a transportation system that furthers the Regional Growth Strategy • Mobility– addressing the full range of travel modes necessary to move people and goods efficiently within the region and beyond • System Operations – encompassing the design, maintenance and operation of the transportation system to provide for safety, efficiency, and sustainability 5

  6. Land Use Creates Travel Demand 6

  7. Transportation and KCPP Growth Targets 7

  8. Auto Trips Created by Increase in Sammamish Growth Target • 640 additional housing units create 300 to 640 new PM peak trips • 288 additional jobs create 100 to 400 new PM peak trips • Current housing creates over 16,000 PM peak hour trips • Reducing current residential travel demand 6.5% would result in no increase in auto traffic 8

  9. Existing Transportation Conditions • Majority of travel is automobile oriented • Access to and from Sammamish is significantly impacted by land use and transportation policies of other agencies (Issaquah , Redmond, WSDOT) • Non-motorized travel is limited by lack of connectivity and distance between origins and destinations 9

  10. Walking to Dinner 10

  11. Walking to the Bus 11

  12. Past Transportation Investments • Major investments have been made in arterial improvements • 228th Ave , 244th Ave, and East Lake Sammamish Pkwy • Transit Investments - Park & Ride at 228th Ave SE/IPL Road • Sound Transit Funded • More recent investments have been made in non-motorized projects • 244th Ave, Sahalee Way, SE 20th Street, SE 24th Street 12

  13. Regional Transportation Trends • Travel per capita in Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT) is decreasing 13

  14. Regional Transportation Trends:Commute Trip Reduction Works 14

  15. Regional Transportation Trends:People are making longer trips by bicycle 15

  16. Regional Transportation Trends:People are literally moving by bicycle 16

  17. Sammamish Transportation Trends • Traffic volumes continue to increase and shift to other routes as demand increases • Transit service at risk due to funding shortfalls • No travel time savings with transit since buses use general purpose lanes • More interest in non-motorized/active transportation • Town Center will support non-motorized travel, trip sharing, and internal capture 17

  18. Transportation Level of Service and Capacity • Level of Service is based upon the volume on arterial streets and intersections and is already multi-modal • The arterial system is near capacity using 2031 growth targets • There is likely adequate capacity to meet LOS standards for 2035 18

  19. Key Policy Considerations • Support Planned Growth – focusing on a transportation system that supports desired growth • Mobility – address the full range of travel modes necessary to move people and goods efficiently within the city and beyond • System Operations –strive to maximize the efficiency of the existing system rather than look to expansion first. Emphasize auto demand reduction and mode shift over auto capacity expansion 19

  20. Questions? 20

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