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WELCOME. Financial Statement 2010-11 (Rs. In lacs). NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-WHEAT Physical & Financial Progress –2010 - 11 (Rs. in lac).
Financial Statement 2010-11 (Rs. In lacs)
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-WHEAT Physical & Financial Progress –2010 -11 (Rs. in lac)
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-WHEAT Physical & Financial Progress –2010 -11 (Rs. in lac)
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES Physical & Financial Progress –2010 -11 (Rs. in lac)
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES Physical & Financial Progress –2010 -11 (Rs. in lac)
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES Physical & Financial Progress –2010 -11 (Rs. in lac)
NFSM – Media & Publicity Physical & Financial Progress –2010 -11(Rs. In lac)
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-A3P Physical Progress –2010 -11 (Rs. in lac)
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-A3P Physical Progress –2010 -11 (Rs. in lac)
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-A3PFinancial Progress(spent/booked) –2010 -11 (Rs. in lac)
Input Planning for Rabi and implementation status of rabi plan under NFSM Wheat 2010-11
Input Planning for Rabi and implementation status of rabi plan under NFSM – Wheat 2010-11
Input Planning for Rabi and implementation status of rabi plan under NFSM Pulses 2010-11
Input Planning for Rabi and implementation status of rabi plan under NFSM – Pulses 2010-11
APY- 2007-08 to 2009-10 Productivity increase or decrease and reason thereof.
APY- 2007-08 to 2009-10 Productivity increase or decrease and reason thereof.
Monitoring status by State / district level monitoring committees
Status of online submission of QPR at state/ district levels
Constraints and Achievements in implementing with suggestions Constraints • Scarcity of seed • Lack of irrigation water. • Erratic and less rains. • Higher temperature during February-March.
Constraints and Achievements in implementing with suggestionsClimatic Parameters & Productivity of wheat and pulses
IMPACT OF NFSM • Productivity of wheat during 2008-09 and 2009-10 increased inspite of high temp.at maturity and without winter rains. This increase in productivity is due to NFSM interventions. • Productivity of Kharif pulses increased during 2007-08 and 2008-09 inspite of less rainfall than 2006-07. • Due to severe drought during 2009-10 all Kharif crops failed.
Suggestions • Provision of Local Initiatives and PMT should be made in all the newly included NFSM-Pulses districts. • Relaxation of 10 years age limit on production of foundation and certified seed of pulses required due to inclusion of all the districts and shortage of seed. • Honorarium of Consultants and Technical Assistants be increased.