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Galileo Avionica Technologies. Galileo Avionica Technologies for Electro-Optical Equipment. February 2005. Summary: technologies for E/O Instruments. Summary Space trends (mission, technology) Overview of space technologies
Galileo Avionica Technologies Galileo Avionica Technologies for Electro-Optical Equipment February 2005
Summary: technologies for E/O Instruments Summary • Space trends (mission, technology) • Overview of space technologies • Optical instrumentation for Scientific missions by Galileo Avionica • Workshops and special facilities for space instrumentation Jupiter and Ganimede imaged by VIMS (courtesy of INAF-Roma)
Satellite mission trend SPUTNIK 1 Launched on October 4th, 1957 The satellite lasted 57 day observing the Earth’s atmosphere CASSINI Launched on October 15th, 1997 The satellite has been captured into Saturn orbit on July 2004 and will release the Huyghens probe on December 2004 Courtesy of ESA
Galileo Avionica vacuum technology Galileo Avionica – Site of Carsoli Center of excellence for vacuum technologies applied to material surface treatment • Optical treatments / coatings • Hardwearing treatments • Functional treatments • Micronic photolitography • Industrial process development • Electronic microscopy
Galileo Avionica for space Science Galileo Avionica: the Space Mission Design & Development of on-board equipment and instruments for operational and scientific satellites by using state-of-the-art electronics, electro-optical and precision mechanics technologies Galileo Avionica capabilities for space Science • Electro-optical instruments for Science and Earth Observation • Attitude sensors for guidance and navigation of space-crafts • Radio-frequency equipment • Power generation and conditioning equipment • Robotic arms for space operations and drilling systems for in-situ science
Galileo Avionica for space Science Galileo Avionica: the Space Mission Design & Development of on-board equipment and instruments for operational and scientific satellites by using state-of-the-art electronics, electro-optical and precision mechanics technologies Galileo Avionica capabilities for space Science • Electro-optical instruments for Science and Earth Observation • Attitude sensors for guidance and navigation of space-crafts • Radio-frequency equipment • Power generation and conditioning equipment • Robotic arms for space operations and drilling systems for in-situ science Need strong interaction between the Industry and the scientific community since the mission start-up SCIENCE push for innovation SPACE highly reliable tech. solutions
Galileo Avionica Equipment for Space Reference: www.galileoavionica.it • Attitude (Earth, Sun, Stars) Sensors • Videocameras Electro-Optical Sensors • Optical Spectrometers & Cameras • Precision Mechanisms • Microgravity Facilities • Laser Equipment Mission Payload
Galileo Avionica contribution to the S/C Optical Spectrometers & Cameras Platform Equipment: Attitude sensors (Star, Earth, Sun) Precision Mechanisms
Galileo Avionica contribution to the S/C control • Star Trackers • Galileo Avionica have developed more than 25 Flight models, all working without failures • Main features: • high accuracy (up to 0.5 arcsec) • very long operating life (up to 15 ys) • “lost in space” capability Attitude sensors provide the spatial coordinates to the satellite; according to themission, they use as reference the stars, theEarth or the Sun ISO STR Autonomous STR • Earth Sensors • Galileo Avionica have developed more than 250 Flight models, all working without failures; the principle of operation is based on optomechanical modulation of radiation coming from Earth horizon in the 14-16.25 m wavelength band • Main features: • accuracy < 0.02 deg • Low mass (2 Kg) and power (3.8 W) Earth sensor: IRES Smart Sun Sensor: SSS
Galileo Avionica contribution to space missions Optical Spectrometers & Cameras Optical Payload Equipments For Space Science and Earth Observation Precision Mechanisms
Galileo Avionica: Electro-Optical Instruments Aladin TXA GOME for ERS2 & METOP VIMS for Cassini FAST on Shuttle MIPAS interferometer VIRTIS for Rosetta
Galileo Avionica contribution to Giotto mission Giotto Mission (1985): 1^ international planetarymission towards comets: - Halley (1986) - Grigg-Skjellerup (1992) Reference: www.sci.esa.int Galileo Avionica contribution: • Scanning mirror and baffle for Halley Multi-Colour Camera in cooperation with MPAE (Lindau, Germania) • Attitude Sensors (Earth and Sun) • Power and electrical distribution subsystem
Galileo Avionica contribution to SOHO mission SOHO mission (1995):Solar Observatory (study of sun coronal phenomena) Reference: www.sci.esa.int Galileo Avionica contribution: • Precision mechanisms - expected life of 4/8 years - for the UVCS instrument (UltraViolet Coronograph Spectrometer) (with Astronomy Dep. University of Florence and Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) • Star Sensors for satellite attitude measurement • Power and electrical distribution subsystem • SOHO/UVCS mechanism requirements • Very long operating life (4/8 years operations) • Very high precision variation and control slits width of the spectrometer (6-350 µm) • Very accurate driving of the gratings during the coarse and fine motions (0.3 µm dispersion axis - 0.15'' max.rotation around the spatial axis) • Insertion of neutral density filters during calibration phases • Rotation of an optical component for the polarization analysis in the visible field (accuracy: +/- 0.1°)
Galileo Avionica for the EO: ozone monitoring GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Equipment)StatusGOME I in flight onboard ERS 2 (1995)GOME II under development for METOP (first launch on 2005) Ref: www.eumetsat.de; www.esa.int The instrument has been developed forESA / EUMETSAT in co-operation with CNR Bologna FunctionHigh spectral resolution (0.2 - 0.4 nm) spectrometer in the band 240-790nm for measurement of ozone concentration in the Earth atmosphere
Galileo Avionica contribution to Cassini mission (1/2) Cassini Mission (1997)1^ international mission on Saturn and its moon Titan (Cassini orbiter, Huygens probe developed by ESA) The Saturn rings imaged by Cassini (ESA courtesy) Reference: www.sci.esa.int Galileo Avionica contribution: • V-VIMS, hyper-spectral VNIR camera (cooperation with CNR-IAS Rome) • HASI, instrument for Titan atmospheric sensing (cooperation with University of Padova) • TX chain for the Titan Radar Mapper • Navigation Camera (Stellar Reference Unit) for JPL (USA)
Galileo Avionica contribution to Cassini mission (2/2) VIMS - Visible InfraRed Mapping Spectrometer VIMS is a remote sensing instrument developed for the Italian Space Agency (PI A.Coradini INAF-Rome) for CASSINI-HUYGENS mission. VIMS is located on the CASSINI Orbiter in the Remote Sensing Pallet. Its primary scientific objective is to provide two dimensional, multi-spectral high resolution images for detailed study of the composition and structure of Saturn’s ring system, dark materials and atmospheric composition. • Reflective telescope (Shafer), pushbroom with pointable primary mirror • 512x256 frame transfer passively cooled CCD • Spectral range: 325 to 1025 nm with spectral resolution: 1.46 nm • Field of view: 1.8 x 1.8 deg - IFOV: 0.01 x 2 deg • Pointing angle: 1 deg • Budgets: Mass: < 7 Kg, Power consumption: < 6.5 W (max) HASI – Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument HASI is a sensing instrument developed for the Italian Space Agency (PI M.Fulchignoni) for CASSINI-HUYGENS mission. HASI is located on the Huygens Probe, which has been ejected from the orbiter and has landed on the Titan surface. The scientific objective of HASI has been to provide direct measurement of the Titan atmosphere by measuring its temperature, pressure, electromagnetic characterstics and, through deceleration measurements, the density. Galileo Avionica spa responsibilities have been the integration and AIT/AIV of the Instrument (including all sensors and relevant hardware developed by Institutes), plus the development of the Instrument power & data handling and the HASI flight software, specified by HASI science team.
Galileo Avionica contribution to micro-gravity FAST Facility for Adsorption and Surface Tension Description FAST is a multiuser and multi-mission Facility suitable for performing basic studies in the field of Physical-Chemistry of surfaces under Microgravity environment. More in details, FAST is designed to carry out experiments on the interface between immiscible liquids, on the dilational properties of surfaces, and on the dynamic surface tension of surfactants solutions This Facility has been proposed by ICFAM-CNR of Genova and designed and manufactured by Galileo Avionica. First flight on October 1998, on board the Spacehab module, assembled on board the Discovery STS-95 mission, experiments are performed by Italian and German joint Teams. Second flight on January 2003 (STS107 Mission ). An enhanced version of this Facility, named FASTER, is a candidate for the ISS (phase B study is ongoing). • FAST optical components: • - Each cell has its own optical subsystem and CCD camera with the relevant image processing card. • *Optical magnification: 1x or 2x. • *Illumination: diffusive/monochromatic. • - Bubble/drop measurement: • *accuracy: 1µm for radius, 4µm for height • *resolution: 1µm for radius, 1µm for height
Galileo Avionica contribution to Rosetta mission Rosetta Mission (2004)ESA planetary mission to the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (in 2014) Reference: www.sci.esa.int Galileo Avionica contribution: • VIRTIS imaging spectrometer for VIS/NIR remote sensing (with CNR Roma) • GIADA dust analyser ( with Astronomical Observatory of Napoli) • SD2 drill, comet sample acquisition and distribution system (with Politecnico Milano) • Navigation camera and star tracker for satellite attitude control • Solar panels for Orbiter & Lander The Earth-Moon system taken from Rosetta Navigation Camera(ESA courtesy)
Galileo Avionica for next programs Optical Spectrometers & Cameras Galileo Avionica Programs under development Precision Mechanisms
Galileo Avionica contribution to VEX mission Venus Express Mission (2005)ESA first mission to Venus for studying its atmosphere and surface Reference: www.sci.esa.int Galileo Avionica contribution: • VIRTIS imaging spectrometer for VIS/NIR remote sensing (with CNR Roma) • Star tracker for satellite attitude control Vex images: ESA courtesy
Galileo Avionica contribution to Dawn mission Dawn Mission (2006)NASA Discovery mission for studying the formation and evolution of the early solar system; Dawn is the first mission to orbit two planetary bodies, Vesta and Ceres Reference: dawn.jpl.nasa.gov Galileo Avionica contribution: • VIR-MS imaging spectrometer for VIS/NIR remote sensing (with CNR Roma) Ceres (left) and Vesta (upper) as imaged by HST Courtesy of Orbital and JPL
Galileo Avionica contribution to Herschel mission Herschel Mission (2007)ESA Space Observatory' for photometry & spectroscopy in the 60-670 µm range Reference: www.sci.esa.int Galileo Avionica contribution: • Optical modules for the Wide Band Spectrometer for the HIFI instrument (with IRA/CNR Florence) • Star tracker for satellite attitude control • Solar panels
Galileo Avionica contribution to Planck mission Planck Mission (2007)ESA mission to detect anisotropies of the cosmic µw background (CMB) of the whole sky (30 to 857 GHz) Reference: www.sci.esa.int Galileo Avionica contribution: • Cryogenic pre-amplifier (J-FET box) for the HFI instrument (with University La Sapienza, Rome) • Star tracker for satellite attitude control • Solar panels Courtesy of Boomerang
Galileo Avionica activities for planetary exploration Optical Instruments for Mars ExplorationGalileo Avionica have studied some optical Instruments (spectrometers, microscopes) which could be embarked on a Lander / Rover for in-situ analyses on Mars or other planets The studies have been performed under ASI and ESA contracts Artistic view of an in-situ science Facility showing Galileo Avionica robotic drill Schematic view of a VNIR spectrometer (MA_MISS), studied with IFSI/CNR Rome. Scope of the spectrometer, located on the drill rod, is to perform spectroscopy in the range 0.4-2.8m on images collected near the bottom of the borehole. The images are acquired through a sapphire window placed on the lateral wall of the drill tool as near as possible to the drill head and transported to the spectrometer by means of an optical fibre system. The system can acquire a whole ring image by using the drill rotational motion. The spectrometer has a spectral resolution of 20nm and spatial resolution < 100 μm
Galileo Avionica activities for planetary exploration 2/2 Facility for in-situ Mars ExplorationGalileo Avionica have studied the drill system, the sample handling and manipulation tool and the integration of a suite of Instruments which could be embarked on a Lander / Rover for in-situ analyses on Mars or other planets.Several studies have been performed under ASI & ESA contracts Schematic view by Galileo Avionica for an in-situ science Facility (close view of robotic drill and sample handling and manipulation) Galileo Avionica is presently the Responsible of ESA “Pasteur” integrated package within ExoMars Study (under EADS-UK primeship). Left: Tests on different kind of soil and rocks have been performed with a drill tip prototype (DEEDRI) developed under ASI contract in cooperation with Politecnico di Milano and IFSI-INAF Prototype and 3D view of DEEDRI System (Multi and Single Rod Drill Layout)
Galileo Avionica activities for Science & E/O S-POSHSMART PANORAMIC OPTICAL SENSOR HEAD • For use in several space applications in Science and Earth Observations: • Electrical disharge/lightning • Disharges in sand storms • The entering of meteors in planetary atmosphere • The impacts of meteorites on surfaces
Galileo Avionica Equipment for meteorology • Contribution of Galileo Avionica for EUMETSAT and Meteorology as Flight units: • GOME • attitude sensors for Meteosat • GERB (mechanism) • MIPAS • Studies under development: • ALADIN • VIRI-M • MSI
Galileo Avionica for the EO: ADM/AEOLOUS ADM/AEOLUS Mission (2007)ESA mission for 3D wind measurement with global Earth coverageThe ADM Instrument is ALADIN (a Direct Detection Doppler Wind Lidar) Galileo Avionica contribution: • Laser Transmitter Assembly (TXA), an all-solid-state laser source. • Solar panels ADM-AEOLUS mission – ESA courtesy ALADIN – ESA courtesy Characteristics • Laser Material:Nd-YAG • Wavelength:1.06 + 0.532 + 0.355 µm • Pulse Energy:500 mJ @ 1.064 µm; 150 mJ @ 0.355 µm • Pulse Length:15 ns • Pulse Repetition Rate:100 Hz (burst mode) • Single Longitudinal and Transverse Mode • Frequency tunable (>15 GHz @ 1.064 µm) • Volume: 30 lt Weight:28 kg • Power: 500 W AVG Ref:www.esa.int/export/esaLP/aeolus
Galileo Avionica for the EO: HypSEO mission Study • HypSEO • Hyperspectral System for Earth Observation • Galileo Avionica is developing for ASI an hyperspectral camera to be used in an experimental mission: • to provide real data for application development • to verify the technology HypSEO hyperspectral camera characteristics: • strip and snapshot operating modes • 120 selectable spectral bands • 20m ground resolution • 20km ground swath HypSEO mission – Earth observation operational modes
Galileo Avionica for Ground based telescopes Laser Telescope Assembly (LTA/LLT) LTA/LLT is an instrument specifically designed to support some of the most huge ground telescopes of the world – as VLT (ESO) and Subaru (NAOJ) – to correct or mitigate the effects of the air turbulence on the astronomical objects. By LTA/LLT, the huge ground telescopes will be able to get perfectly sharp images also when they are observing very faint astronomical objects.From the optical point of view, LTA/LLT consists of a beam expander telescope working at 589.15 nm made of two parabolas of 500 and 40 mm of diameter, a plane folding mirror and two flat windows of 500 and 40 mm of diameter too, whose shapes, optical quality and final alignment are been studied and optimised with high accuracy in order to obtain a “state of art” instrument as requested by the very tight opto-mechanical tolerances.TelescopesVery Large Telescope (VLT) – ESOSubaru - NAOJ