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Raise Your Child’s Social IQ

Raise Your Child’s Social IQ. Cathi Cohen, LCSW www.insteppc.com Director of In Step 703-876-8480 www.insteppc.com. Happiness is …. Friendship. MOST KIDS have skills. Good Social Skills. Developing Social Skills. Super Social Skills. Peer Group and Social Status.

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Raise Your Child’s Social IQ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Raise Your Child’s Social IQ Cathi Cohen, LCSW www.insteppc.com Director of In Step 703-876-8480 www.insteppc.com

  2. Happinessis…. Friendship

  3. MOSTKIDShaveskills GoodSocialSkills DevelopingSocial Skills Super Social Skills

  4. Peer Group and Social Status

  5. Accepted • Friendly • Cheerful • Helpful • Follow the rules • Cooperate in groups • Competent • Sense of humor • Go with the flow

  6. Rejected • Aggressive • Attention seeking • Easily angered • Overly sensitive • Inconsiderate • Rule breaking • Silly • Join groups impulsively • Reactive to perceived threats • Interpret behavior inaccurately • Exhibit enduring traits that elicit rejection

  7. Neglect • Withdrawn • Shy • Insecure • Anxious • Traits that elicit neglect are not automatically enduring • Remain on the periphery

  8. Which Came First? The Chicken or the Egg

  9. Child with a High Social IQ Goodlisteningskills Reads social signals Manages emotions Excellent eye contact Self-confidence Effortless problem solving Self-awareness Goes with the flow

  10. Obstacles to Friendship

  11. Putting It All Together Managing Anger Resolving Conflicts Solving Social Problems Managing Stress Coping with Teasing Raising Self-Esteem Reading Social Signals Communicating and Conversing Joining In Getting Started

  12. You are your child’s Friendship Coach

  13. Parental Influence on Social Functioning

  14. Let’s Start at the Very Beginning

  15. Friendship Skill #1Good Eye Contact

  16. Eyes are the Window to the Soul Eyes are the Window to the Soul

  17. Friendship Skill #2Communication and Conversation

  18. The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It’s the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun. –Napoleon Hill Conversation is like a game of catch…

  19. Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery. Dr. Joyce Brothers

  20. Friendship Skill #3 Reading Social Signals

  21. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Bonnie Jean Wasmund

  22. Get Help When……

  23. You can’t make a friend without being a friend.

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