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Performance on the Pitch

Performance on the Pitch. Everyone plays everyone else – home and away. 42 Matches 31 victories, 11 drawn games. Biggest Win: 105 – 0. Highest scoring draw: 8 – 8. Most goals scored by a controller: 445, 37 per game! Most goals conceded by a controller: 366, 30 per game!

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Performance on the Pitch

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Performance on the Pitch • Everyone plays everyone else – home and away. • 42 Matches • 31 victories, 11 drawn games. • Biggest Win: 105 – 0. • Highest scoring draw: 8 – 8. • Most goals scored by a controller: 445, 37 per game! • Most goals conceded by a controller: 366, 30 per game! • Number of 0 – 0 draws: 9, Alan played in all 9! • Undefeated controller: “Skumby Controller”

  2. Home League Table Away

  3. Combined League Table Combined (without Skumby)

  4. Teamwork and Tactics • Some very accurate strikers… some not so accurate. • On the whole, defence was solid. • Goalkeepers were not very smart – often caught with the ball, or passes out to an opponent. • Players move into space well…but intercepted passing often let teams down. • Patient play – players weren’t afraid to pass backwards if it meant not losing the ball. • Use of both static and dynamic roles. • … and blocking goal with 3-4 players ...

  5. Teamwork and Tactics • Spotlight on Skumby • Detects safe passes. • “Godlike” keeper almost always saves 1 on 1 with a striker. • Avoids tackles by passing backwards/forwards to players in space. • Strikers get free, and pass to each other to get clear sight on goal. • Manmarking when opponent attacks. • Very accurate shooting got the ball just inside the post from any angle. • Didn’t always use the full width of the pitch, this meant players found it hard to find space when the middle got crowded.

  6. Teamwork and Tactics • Spotlight on Baltika • Even more accurate shooting – aimed perfectly so the ball bounced off the post and in. • Strikers move as a unit, and pass when they get into trouble. • Rather than run at the goal, players “ran away” back to their defence. A new attack could be launched without losing possession. • Keeper often caught in possession and bullied back to the goal. • Not all the players were used at all times, often few passing options.

  7. Teamwork and Tactics • Spotlight on Wizard • Committed four outfield players to launch devastating attacks. • Drew defenders in, then played the long ball to a free man near the goal. • Not afraid to shoot when it spots a gap. • Often backtracks when it has space to run into. • Didn’t detect safe passes, and so gave the ball away needlessly.

  8. Points Scored / 33 Tactics Scores

  9. Summary… • Overall, a very high standard of entries. • All controllers scored at least 10 goals, strikers were all good enough to take at least some of their chances. • The only controller to not let in a goal was Alan’s 4 man wall across the goal – defence is difficult. • Safe passing vs. Unsafe passing was often the difference between mounting a successful attack, and not. • Every controller had at least one unique feature which could have been incorporated into a “Dream Team” version…

  10. The Dream Team Skumby: Goalkeeper Baltika: Striker’s accuracy and awareness of each other. Ashburn: Ability to find space and adapt. MFJ: Pathfinding, rarely ever gets stuck. Wizard: Strong in midfield, serves the strikers well. Return of Returning: Quick movement, accurate passing. Defence Controller: Effective lone player score 11 goals by himself.

  11. Special Award: Final Results Baltika: £75, fantastic attacking force, and deadly finishing! 3rd Place, 62 points: Chris / MFJ: £75, immaculate code, strong tactics, unlucky not to perform better! 2nd Place, 70 points: Matthew / Return of Returning: £100, superb performance in matches! 1st Place, 73 points: Nicholas / Wizard: £250, strong all round performer. 2nd place at “code” and “performance”, solid tactics!

  12. Points Scored / 33 Final Scores

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