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Eight Steps to Process a Main Motion

Eight Steps to Process a Main Motion. Obtain the floor. Step One. “Mr. / Madam President”. Assign the Floor. Step Two. “Mr./Mrs.________________”. Make the Motion. Step Three. “I move that __________”. Second the Motion. Step Four. “I second the motion.”. State the motion. Step Five.

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Eight Steps to Process a Main Motion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Eight Steps to Process a Main Motion

  2. Obtain the floor Step One “Mr. / Madam President”

  3. Assign the Floor Step Two “Mr./Mrs.________________”

  4. Make the Motion Step Three “I move that __________”

  5. Second the Motion Step Four “I second the motion.”

  6. State the motion Step Five “It is moved and seconded that _________.”

  7. Discuss/Debate Step Six “Is there discussion?” or “Are you ready for the question?”

  8. Put the Question Step Seven “Those in favor, say AYE.” “Those opposed, say NO.”

  9. Announce vote and state action Step Eight “The ‘ayes’ have it, the motion is carried (or adopted), and…..” or “The ‘nos’ have it, the motion is lost, and …….not……..”

  10. “Those in favor, say AYE.”“Those opposed, say NO.” Announce vote and state action Put the Question Discuss/Debate State the motion Second the Motion Make the Motion Assign the Floor Obtain the floor “The ‘ayes’ have it, the motion is carried (or adopted), and…..”or“The ‘nos’ have it, the motion is lost, and ...not……..” “Is there discussion?” or “Are you ready for the question?” “It is moved and seconded that _________.” “I second the motion.” “I move that __________” “Mr./Mrs.________________” “Mr. (Madam) President”

  11. Announce vote and state action Put the Question Discuss/Debate State the motion Second the Motion Make the Motion Assign the Floor Obtain the floor

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