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Welcome. Tom Himel April 25, 2012. Sand Hill Road. You are here!. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. SLAC Linac. Fwy 280. Persis S. Drell Director April 11, 2011. SLAC HEP Focus Moves to Particle Astrophysics. Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope Joint DOE/NASA project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Tom Himel April 25, 2012

  2. Sand Hill Road You are here! SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory SLAC Linac Fwy 280 Persis S. Drell DirectorApril 11, 2011

  3. SLAC HEP Focus Moves to Particle Astrophysics • Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope • Joint DOE/NASA project • Launched summer 2008 and providing most detailed look of the gamma ray Universe • Large Synoptic Survey Telescope • Highest priority ground based project in 2010 Decadal Survey • Joint DOE/NSF project • First light 2020(?)

  4. The Reinvention of SLAC SLAC Accelerators for Particle Physics SLAC Accelerators making X-Rays

  5. The New Frontier: Atomic Resolution in Space and Time • X-ray ‘camera’ with shutter speed of 0.00000000000001 sec (10fs) allows us to: • See atoms and electrons moving on their natural timescale • Watch a chemical reaction atom by atom • Frontier opened in 2009 with ‘ultra-bright’, ‘ultra fast’ x-ray pulses from LCLS here at SLAC

  6. What Could We Do With An ‘Ultra-Fast, Ultra-Bright’ X-ray Source? • Make movies of chemistry in action • Unlock secrets of photosynthesis and catalysis • Study the structure and time-resolved function of single molecules e.g. proteins • Drug discovery • Do 3D imaging and dynamical studies of the bio-world • Understanding of cell function • Solve the (transient) structure of water and other liquids • Understand this most common and important liquid • Characterize the transient states of matter created by radiation, pressure, fields, etc • Control behaviors in extreme environments where new materials can be created

  7. Inside View: LCLS UndulatorTunnel Lasing ‘campaign’ started at 7PM on 4/10/09 By 10PM, the world’s first x-ray free electron laser was lasing at 1.5 Angstroms! First experiments started 10/1/09

  8. LCLS-II: New Injector, Accelerator, & Bypass (Slide souced from P. Emma presentation) RF gun-1 enclosure exists at sector 10 L0 3.5-14 GeV RF gun-2 undulator 3.5-14 GeV e- bypass line X new undulators L1 BC1 L2 BC2 L3 L0 3.5-14 GeV existing LCLS X L1 BC1 L2 BC2 L3 sector-10 sector-14 sector-20 sector-24 und-hall sector-30 Sector-20 wall Use 2nd km of SLAC linac (sector 10 to 20) – greater flexibility 3-14 GeV energy at 120-Hz beam rate; or 3-7 GeV energy (no SLED) (allows 360-Hz beam rate – not in project) Preserves possibility of up to 28 GeV (and still 1 more km left!)

  9. Recent or planned major EPICS developments • Fast feedback – 120 Hz multi-IOC, Ethernet links • Archiver – Need million channels, want to reduce care and feeding (e.g. making new index files and manually setting up many engines) • PV gateway – Waveforms slow it down. Making new multi-threaded version • MPS – 1 pulse response at 120 Hz • Linac upgrade – moved LCLS linac control from Alpha/SLCnet/multibus micro/CAMAC to EPICS/ethernet/IOC/CAMAC. • microTCA BPM and LLRF • Includes linux with RT patch as IOC OS

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