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IEEE Computer Society Cloud Computing Future Technologies Sub-Strategy. Irena Bojanova Chair, Cloud Computing STC Future Technologies Sub-Strategy, IEEE CS. Agenda – October 25, 2012. Introductions Planning for rest of 2012 and beginning of 2013
IEEE Computer SocietyCloud ComputingFuture Technologies Sub-Strategy • Irena Bojanova • Chair, Cloud Computing STCFuture Technologies Sub-Strategy, IEEE CS
Agenda – October 25, 2012 • Introductions • Planning for rest of 2012 and beginning of 2013 • Updates on current and past STC activities • Updates on upcoming November BoG and IEEE CCI meetings • Follow up discussions. http://techsol.tnlexperts.com/2012/02/05/cloud-computing/
Introductions • F2F Attendees at IEEE CS DC Office • Online Attendees through WebEx
CS CC STC: Leadership Team Chair FTs PM BoG “Angel” AtsuhiroGoto Irena Bojanova Jennifer Schopf Conferences Standards Education BoK • Chuck Walrad (GL) • Eric Burger • Dave Guevara • Mooney Sherman • Anne Marie Kelly (SE) • San Murugesan (GL) • PavanBalaji • Gabor Kecskemeti • JogeshMuppala • CaltonPu • Mooney Sherman • DimitriosTsoumakos • Jia Zhang • Carmen Saliba(SE) • Carrie Walsh (SE) • Don Shafer(GL) • Dennis Frailey • Leandro Navarro • San Murugesan • JogeshMuppala • Dorian McClenahan(SE) • Chuck Walrad (GL) • PavanBalaji • Eric Burger • Dave Guevara • Christine Miyachi • San Murugesan • Gayn Winters • Dante David (SE) Publishing Testbed Online Presence Newsletter • Wes Chou (GL) • Gabor Kecskemeti • Vojislav Misic • George Pallis • Liang-JieZhang • Lars Jentsch (SE) • Alicia Stickley (SE) • Michael Kozuch (GL) • Rick McGeer • Jennifer Schopf(PM) • Irena Bojanova (GL) • Aldo RománNureña • Christine Miyachi • Eltijani Osman • CaltonPuTheresa • Sorel Reisman • Dade Ronan • McNeill (SE) • Chris Jensen (SE) • Wes Chou (GL) • Christine Miyachi • EltijaniOsman • CaltonPu • MadhukarVarshney • Margo McCall (SE) *GL — Group Lead SE — Staff Expert
Planning for rest of 2012 and beginning of 2013 • Charter, Goals, Objectives, and Planned Activities • https://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=6
STC Charter, Goals, and Objectives Charter • Provide Information Technology and Enterprise Management with comprehensive, vendor-neutral information that will demystify major cloud-related concerns • (such as ensuring adequate security, framing service level agreements, impacts on staffing, and enabling rapid scaling up and down). Objectives Goals • Branding, marketing, communication • 1. Develop and disseminate CC knowledge • Develop CC educational products • Record and publish CC video products • Develop and promote CS CC standards • Design a CC newsletter • Develop a CC BoK • Coordinate provision of free CC resources • 2. Facilitate CC information exchange • Provide TCS to CC conferences • Establish online presence (for members); social online presence (broader audience) • Collaborate with CC publications, and CC involved CS TCs and STCs, partnering societies, industry and academia • 3. Enable efficient access to CC information • Maintain CC content on STC working area • Contribute content to IEEE CCI Web portal • Contribute CC content to Computing Now • Properly tag all CS CC publications • Request development/reuse of an efficient search engine • Respond to outside requests for guidance • Collaborate with industry fora • Develop guidelines and suggestions on CC government policies and regulations • Create best practices based on CC standards • Create a consultants' clearing house • Create metrics and impact studies of growth of CC in various verticals • 4. Provide CC technical guidance
Planed Activities by Groups • Conferences Group Activitieshttps://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=21 • Education Group Activitieshttps://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=22 • Publishing and Newsletter Activitieshttps://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=24 • Standards and BoKhttps://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=25 • Online Presence and Testbedhttps://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=26 • STC (all Groups)https://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=20
Conferences Group Activities https://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=21 Objectives Goals • Branding, marketing, communication • 1. Develop and disseminate CC knowledge • Develop CC educational products • Record and publish CC video products • Develop and promote CS CC standards • Design a CC newsletter • Develop a CC BoK • Coordinate provision of free CC resources • 2. Facilitate CC information exchange • Provide TCS to CC conferences • Establish online presence (for members); social online presence (broader audience) • Collaborate with CC publications, and CC involved CS TCs and STCs, partnering societies, industry and academia • 3. Enable efficient access to CC information • Maintain CC content on STC working area • Contribute content to IEEE CCI Web portal • Contribute CC content to Computing Now • Properly tag all CS CC publications • Request development/reuse of an efficient search engine • Respond to outside requests for guidance • Collaborate with industry fora • Develop guidelines and suggestions on CC government policies and regulations • Create best practices based on CC standards • Create a consultants' clearing house • Create metrics and impact studies of growth of CC in various verticals • 4. Provide CC technical guidance
Education Group Activities https://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=22 Objectives Goals • Branding, marketing, communication • 1. Develop and disseminate CC knowledge • Develop CC educational products • Record and publish CC video products • Develop and promote CS CC standards • Design a CC newsletter • Develop a CC BoK • Coordinate provision of free CC resources • 2. Facilitate CC information exchange • Provide TCS to CC conferences • Establish online presence (for members); social online presence (broader audience) • Collaborate with CC publications, and CC involved CS TCs and STCs, partnering societies, industry and academia • 3. Enable efficient access to CC information • Maintain CC content on STC working area • Contribute content to IEEE CCI Web portal • Contribute CC content to Computing Now • Properly tag all CS CC publications • Request development/reuse of an efficient search engine • Respond to outside requests for guidance • Collaborate with industry fora • Develop guidelines and suggestions on CC government policies and regulations • Create best practices based on CC standards • Create a consultants' clearing house • Create metrics and impact studies of growth of CC in various verticals • 4. Provide CC technical guidance
Publishing and Newsletter Groups Activities https://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=24 Objectives Goals • Branding, marketing, communication • 1. Develop and disseminate CC knowledge • Develop CC educational products • Record and publish CC video products • Develop and promote CS CC standards • Design a CC newsletter • Develop a CC BoK • Coordinate provision of free CC resources • 2. Facilitate CC information exchange • Provide TCS to CC conferences • Establish online presence (for members); social online presence (broader audience) • Collaborate with CC publications, and CC involved CS TCs and STCs, partnering societies, industry and academia • 3. Enable efficient access to CC information • Maintain CC content on STC working area • Contribute content to IEEE CCI Web portal • Contribute CC content to Computing Now • Properly tag all CS CC publications • Request development/reuse of an efficient search engine • Respond to outside requests for guidance • Collaborate with industry fora • Develop guidelines and suggestions on CC government policies and regulations • Create best practices based on CC standards • Create a consultants' clearing house • Create metrics and impact studies of growth of CC in various verticals • 4. Provide CC technical guidance
Standards and BoK Groups Activities https://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=25 Objectives Goals • Branding, marketing, communication • 1. Develop and disseminate CC knowledge • Develop CC educational products • Record and publish CC video products • Develop and promote CS CC standards • Design a CC newsletter • Develop a CC BoK • Coordinate provision of free CC resources • 2. Facilitate CC information exchange • Provide TCS to CC conferences • Establish online presence (for members); social online presence (broader audience) • Collaborate with CC publications, and CC involved CS TCs and STCs, partnering societies, industry and academia • 3. Enable efficient access to CC information • Maintain CC content on STC working area • Contribute content to IEEE CCI Web portal • Contribute CC content to Computing Now • Properly tag all CS CC publications • Request development/reuse of an efficient search engine • Respond to outside requests for guidance • Collaborate with industry fora • Develop guidelines and suggestions on CC government policies and regulations • Create best practices based on CC standards • Create a consultants' clearing house • Create metrics and impact studies of growth of CC in various verticals • 4. Provide CC technical guidance
Online Presence and Testbed Groups Activities https://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=26 Objectives Goals • Branding, marketing, communication • 1. Develop and disseminate CC knowledge • Develop CC educational products • Record and publish CC video products • Develop and promote CS CC standards • Design a CC newsletter • Develop a CC BoK • Coordinate provision of free CC resources • 2. Facilitate CC information exchange • Provide TCS to CC conferences • Establish online presence (for members); social online presence (broader audience) • Collaborate with CC publications, and CC involved CS TCs and STCs, partnering societies, industry and academia • 3. Enable efficient access to CC information • Maintain CC content on STC working area • Contribute content to IEEECCI Web portal • Contribute CC content to Computing Now • Properly tag all CS CC publications • Request development/reuse of an efficient search engine • Respond to outside requests for guidance • Collaborate with industry fora • Develop guidelines and suggestions on CC government policies and regulations • Create best practices based on CC standards • Create a consultants' clearing house • Create metrics and impact studies of growth of CC in various verticals • 4. Provide CC technical guidance
STC - All Groups Activities https://docs.google.com/a/umuc.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As_t0EYncf20dGdsS09UaDMxVnBmZW9VUzdOWFpacVE&authkey=CIDBgtYD&authkey=CIDBgtYD#gid=20 Objectives Goals • Branding, marketing, communication • 1. Develop and disseminate CC knowledge • Develop CC educational products • Record and publish CC video products • Develop and promote CS CC standards • Design a CC newsletter • Develop a CC BoK • Coordinate provision of free CC resources • 2. Facilitate CC information exchange • Provide TCS to CC conferences • Establish online presence (for members); social online presence (broader audience) • Collaborate with CC publications, and CC involved CS TCs and STCs, partnering societies, industry and academia • 3. Enable efficient access to CC information • Maintain CC content on STC working area • Contribute content to IEEE CCI Web portal • Contribute CC content to Computing Now • Properly tag all CS CC publications • Request development/reuse of an efficient search engine • Respond to outside requests for guidance • Collaborate with industry fora • Develop guidelines and suggestions on CC government policies and regulations • Create best practices based on CC standards • Create a consultants' clearing house • Create metrics and impact studies of growth of CC in various verticals • 4. Provide CC technical guidance
Updates on upcoming November BoG and IEEE CCI meetings • xxx
Follow up Discussions • And if time permits discussions on: • Working Area • Logo • Brochure • STC All Groups Blog
Questions • It is the High-Tech Wild, Wild West out there. • Although the CC marketplace is still chaotic, it is: • Exciting • Fast-growing • Full of opportunities