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Health Technology Assessment The Australian Experience

Health Technology Assessment The Australian Experience. Guy Maddern Professor of Surgery University of Adelaide. Australia 2008. MDEC (Medical Device Evaluation Committee) MDIRC (Medical Device Incident Reporting Committee) MSAC (Medical Service Advisory Committee)

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Health Technology Assessment The Australian Experience

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  1. Health TechnologyAssessmentThe Australian Experience Guy MaddernProfessor of Surgery University of Adelaide

  2. Australia 2008 • MDEC (Medical Device Evaluation Committee) • MDIRC (Medical Device Incident Reporting Committee) • MSAC (Medical Service Advisory Committee) • ASERNIP-S (Australian Safety and Efficacy Registrar of New Interventional Procedures – Surgical)

  3. MDEC • Formed under TGA • Comprises predominantly of clinicians • Looks at high risk implantable devices • Meets 4 times a year

  4. MDEC Process • Expert review • Manufacturers response • Nominated clinicians review • Committee decision

  5. Issues • Poor long term data • Poor study design • Cost/benefit difficult • Crowded market

  6. MDIRC • All incidents reported are assessed • Committee of clinicians • Meets 4 times a year • Ad hoc advice

  7. Advantages • Clinical review • Broad experience • Advice to Government available

  8. Problems • Many incidents not reported • Slow to access • No linkage yet with - Coroner - AIMS - State quality units

  9. MSAC • Attempts to assess - Safety - Efficacy - Cost • Clinician driven

  10. Problems • Slow to evaluate • Confuses opinion with fact • Only assesss new unfunded technology

  11. Staff

  12. New Players • ASERNIP-S • HealthPACT • HTA State Committee • Prostheses and Devices Committee

  13. Prostheses & Devices Committee(appointed by Minister of Health August 2004) • Big 6 • Stents • Hips • Knees • Ophthalmic Lenses • Pacemakers • Defibrillators

  14. Prostheses & Devices Committee • CAG Clinical Advisory Group (Clinician) • BNG Benefits Negotiation Group (Health Fund Reps) No Gap Reimbursement

  15. Productivity Commission • Assessment for devices less developed than drugs • MBS inclusion often incremental • MSAC often unsuitable • Prior to Prostheses Act little assessment occurred • P and D Committee focus on efficacy not cost effectiveness

  16. Conclusions • MSAC Slow Little confusion • Fragmented HTA assessment • Potential for coordination

  17. HTA Australia 2008 State HTA Committees MDEC Hospitals Surgeons MDIRC ASERNIP-S MSAC Productivity Commission HealthPACT Prostheses and Devices Committee

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