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Theorists and Practices. Chapter 1. Profile of the Young Child Theories, Theorists, & Curriculum models Misconceptions Developmentally Appropriate Practices Curriculum. Overview. Young Children. Cognitive Development Theory Jean Piaget Sociocultural Theory Lev Vygotsky Psychodynamic
Theorists and Practices Chapter 1
Profile of the Young Child Theories, Theorists, & Curriculum models Misconceptions Developmentally Appropriate Practices Curriculum Overview
Cognitive Development Theory Jean Piaget Sociocultural Theory Lev Vygotsky Psychodynamic Theory (psychosocial) -Erik Erikson Sigmund Freud Behavioral Theory B.F. Skinner Multiple Intelligence Howard Gardner Development and Learning Theories and Theorists (Cantron &Allen, 1999;Taylor,1999)
Montessori Maria Montessori Reggio Emilia Loris Malaguzzi Bank Street Mitchell, Pratt & Johnson High reach High/scope Cognitively Oriented Curriculum Curriculum Models and Developers (Catron & Allen, 1999; Taylor, 1999)
Four stages of intellectual Development Emphasize first and second stage in this course Stage 1- Sensorimotor (0-24months) Stage 2-Preoperational (2 years to 7 years) Stage 3- Concrete Operational (7 years to 11 years) Stage 4-Formal Operational (11years and older) Cognitive Development Theory-Jean Piaget (1896-1980)
Learning through senses Gaining control of body movements Mouthing & touching objects Intense listening Acute sense of smell Acute observation Intense exploration Sensorimotor (0-24 months)
Focus on self Learn through senses Difficulty with abstract thought Lack of conservation skills Focus of learning through real life experiences Preoperational Stage (2-7yrs)
Hands-on experiences Concrete experience during instruction Age appropriate and challenging activities High/Scope Creative Play Play is important in intellectual development Child primary influence in knowledge Instructional Techniques
Influence of society and culture on child’s development Language Higher order thinking skills Play and environment Zone of proximal development Scaffolding Sociocultural Theory-Lev Vygotsky(1896-1934)
Extension of Sigmund Freud-id, ego, superego Eight stages of psychosocial development Trust vs mistrust (0-1yr) Autonomy vs shame and doubt (1-3yrs) Inititative vs guilt (3-6yrs) Industry vs. inferiority (7-11yrs) Identity vs. role confusion (adolescence) Others page 4 in text Psychosocial Theory-Erik Erikson(1902-19994)
Early development of good work habits Child takes initiative Intrinsic rewards Develop confidence in child Praise attempts than final outcomes Play as mastery over situations Key Concepts Psychosocial
Objective observable principles influence behavior Operant conditioning Child is “conditioned” through consequences, reinforcement and punishment Behavioral TheoryB.F.Skinner-(1904-1990)
Self correcting toys and materials Personal care/hygiene Children choose materials Intrinsic rewards and motivation Prepared environment Humility Individualism Children are Self directed Self-disciplined independent Montessori
Children learn from children about children Aesthetic aspects of curriculum Children’s ideas are priority Use of child’s natural language Constructivist view Reggio Emilia
Misconceptions • Negativism • Children are like adults • Children learn best when sitting and listening • Children learn according to rules • Fast pace is better that further explanation • Child’s IQ can be increased by parents and teachers
Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) and Developmentally Inappropriate Practices (DIP)
Developmentally Appropriate Practices • Coined by NAEYC • Traditional approaches to teaching young children
right vs wrong Prior knowledge is eliminated Unstructured classes Meets needs of certain children Fad Watered down curriculum Misconceptions about DAP
Include all areas of development (cognitive, physical, social etc) Exploration of materials Outdoor/indoor activities Interaction with others (adults and children) Real world experiences Child’s view active play and quiet-restful periods Curriculum
Curriculum should meet the needs of children not children meeting the needs of the curriculum
Teacher Environments • Training • DAP • Participation in Professional organizations
Code of Ethics • Safe, healthy, nurturing, and responsive settings • Collaboration between home and school • Relationships between colleagues that supports productive work and meet professional standards • Meets needs of agencies and professions for the welfare of children • See page 28 in text
Warm positive Providing emotional security Make relationship priority Increase involvement with children Strive for positive relationship with parents and others Plan activities about relationships Teacher-Child Relationships
Kindergartners see conflict in present, physical terms, egocentrically Negotiation is difficult for young children Praise should be personal, honest, specific, valued and behavior reinforcing More nurturing caregiver; more positive children relate to social interactions Factors to Consider
Guidance • Proactive Guidance • Teacher anticipate problem and consider acceptable solutions • Reactive Guidance • Lack of thought process and planning, leads to negativity and one-sidedness • Indirect Guidance • Reduction of behavior problems through organization of materials, areas, traffic patterns Sequencing of events, use of space and time.
The Child and the Family The Developing Child The family (Parents, Siblings, Extended family, Home culture)
The Preschool Child The Developing Child School And teaching staff The family and home culture
Influences Affecting Child’s Environment Community Extra curricula activities The Developing Child Timing The school culture The family and home culture
Timing-- Elkind (1984) • Clock energy-used in daily activities • Rest and food replenish this energy • Symptoms of loss include fatigue, loss of appetite and less productivity • Child will draw on calendar energy when clock energy is not replenished adequately • Calendar energy- growth and development energy • Symptoms of loss headaches, stomachaches and lead to injuries and shorter life span
Three types of child-rearing patterns (Greenberg-1992) • Authoritarian • values obedience • External control • Permissive • Lacks limits • Laissez-faire • Democratic • DAP • Discussion of rules with children • Proactive parents
Discussion techniques Instead of “I like the way… Listen to children and talk to them Eye contact stoop and kneel Speak normally Plan challenging and successful activities 80% of time for confidence Send clear messages Reasonable, simple requests think request and follow through Reinforce Actions you want repeated Behavior not child is unacceptable reinforcement should closely follow the action Identify appropriate action specifically Techniques for home and school
Inappropriate Behavior • Ignore it • Child will continue behavior to get attention child then sees attention is not rewarded and will discontinue it • Assertive approach to discipline • Positive statements • Setting limits • Avoid negative statements • Guidelines for behavior
Guidelines for Behavior • Child is not allowed to: • Hurt himself • Hurt someone else • Destroy property
Respect children Self-confidence Personal belongings Guide with love Explain caution with love appropriately Be a role model Happy attitude Actions speak Be aware of warning signals Verbal then physical if necessary Observant Avoid Power Struggles Offer choices and accept decisions consider child’s health and factors in decision making process More Techniques
Encourage independence Guide not control Honest praise Provide acceptable avenues of feeling of release (clay, pillow, punching bag) Younger children release more physically Learn through participation First hand experiences Appropriate discipline More Techniques
Assess Build trust Communicate Encourage visits Articulate program philosophy Orient parent Learning cards Learning packets Newsletter Tapes for parents with visual impairments Information in native language when possible Communication/contact with parent