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Comprehensive Overview of Environmental Legislation and Laws

Learn about important environmental laws such as the Water and Air Pollution Acts, Forest Conservation Act, and Environment Protection Act. Understand the regulations, standards, and procedures for preventing pollution and safeguarding natural resources. Discover key features and functions of these laws.

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Comprehensive Overview of Environmental Legislation and Laws

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  2. Air and Water pollution by industries. • Forestry • Land resources • Urbanization • Water management The major environmental problems

  3. Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974,1978. Water (prevention and control of pollution) Amendment Act 1987. Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act,1981, amended in 1987. Forest(conservation) Act ,1980. Environment (protection) Act,1972. Important protection laws

  4. Environment protection act,1986 Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government, shall have the power to take all such measures as it seems necessary or expedient for the purpose of protecting and improving the quality of the air,water,soil and noise and to formulate procedures and safe guards for handling of hazard substances.

  5.  Planning and execution of a nation-wide programme for the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution. • Restriction of areas in which any industries, operations or processes or class of industries, operations or processes shall not be carried out or shall be carried out subject to certain safeguards • If violation continues,an additional fine of Rs.5000/- per day may be imposed. Important features of environment act

  6. Laying down standards for emission or discharge of environmental pollutants from various sources whatsoever. • Inspection of any premises, plant, equipment, machinery, manufacturing or other processes, materials or substances and giving, by order, of such directions to such authorities, officers or persons as it may consider necessary to take steps for the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution.

  7. An Act to provide for the prevention, control and abatement of air pollution, for the establishment, with a view to carrying out the aforesaid purposes, of Boards, for conferring on and assigning to such Boards powers and functions relating thereto and for matters connected therewith. Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act,1981

  8. The Central Board may lay down the standards for the quality of air. • plan and cause to be executed a nation-wide programme for the prevention, control or abatement of air pollution. • The State Board are to collect and disseminate information related to air pollution and also to function as inspectorates of air pollution. Important features of air act

  9. Co-ordinate the activities of the State and resolve disputes among them. • Provide technical assistance and guidance to the State Boards, carry out and sponsor investigations and research relating to problems of air pollution and prevention, control or abatement of air pollution. • The directions of the Central Board are mandatory on State Board.

  10. An Act to provide for the prevention and control of water pollution and the maintaining or restoring of wholesomeness of water, for the establishment, with a view to carrying out the purposes aforesaid, of Boards for the prevention and control of water pollution, for conferring on and assigning to such Boards powers and functions relating thereto and for matters connected therewith. Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1987.

  11. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the main function of the Central Board shall be to promote cleanliness of streams and wells in different areas of the States. • The Act further provides for the establishment of Central Board for prevention of water pollution. • The States are empowered to lay down, modify or annul, in consultation with the State Government concerned, the standards for a stream or well. Important features of water act

  12. To encourage, conduct and participate in investigations and research relating to problems of water pollution and prevention, control or abatement of water pollution. • To evolve economical and reliable methods of treatment of sewage and trade effluents, having regard to the peculiar conditions of soils, climate and water resources of different regions and more especially the prevailing flow characteristics of water in streams and wells which render it impossible to attain even the minimum degree of dilution.

  13. This Act provides conservation of forests and related aspects. This act also covers all type of forests and any forested land. This act is enacted in 1980.It aims to arrest deforestation. Forest(conservation) Act ,1980.

  14. The reserved forests shall not be diverted or deserved without the prior permission of the central government. • The land that has been notised or registered or forest land may not be used for non-forest purposes. • Any illegal non-forest activity within a forest area can be immediately stopped under Act. Important features of forest act

  15. Forest departments are forbidden to assign any forest land ‘by way of leave or otherwise to any private person’ or non-government body for re-afforestation. • Clearence of any forest land of naturally grown trees for the purpose of re-afforestation is forbidden. • The diversion of forest land for non-forest uses is cognisible offence any one who violates thhe law is punishable. ImPOrtant FEATURES OF AMENDMENT Act Of 1998

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