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Purpose: Initiate lifestyles of extraordinary commitment to personal discipleship, Christian leadership, and global evangelism in the rising generation.
Purpose:Initiatelifestyles of extraordinary commitment to personal discipleship, Christian leadership, and global evangelism in the rising generation. Mission:Equipthis rising generation of believers for Kingdom service by providing a directional process from adolescence into Biblical adulthood utilizing personal and spiritual disciplines, rites of passage, and global mission opportunities. Vision:Release an Acts 1:8 generation to engage the world with the Gospel for a lifetime.
Fusion Ethos The Fusion Ethos describes the fundamental character and spirit of Fusion. The ethos is the underlying sentiment that informs and influences the beliefs, customs and practices of Fusion students, cadre and graduates. The Fusion ethos is encapsulated in the following statements:
Fusion Ethos -I will serve the body of Christ: The example of Christian service is exemplified in love, respect and humility. It is the goal of Fusion that all its members exhibit Christian service personally through the life of the local church. This means Fusion students, graduates, and cadre are expected to do more than simply find a church to attend but rather to seek out a church in which to serve. -I will leadthe lost to Christ Personal evangelism is the key to fulfilling the Great Commission. Therefore all who are Fusion are expected to boldly and actively share the Gospel with the lost. This is to be accomplished both in word and deed. Personally sharing the Gospel is non-negotiable at Fusion. -I will exemplify the life of Christ In order to truly exemplify the life of Jesus, those in Fusion must walk with Christ publicly and privately. This includes a strong, life-long commitment to personal discipleship and life transformation. This process is described in Romans 12:2 and leads to the understanding of God’s will for the believer’s life.
Fusion Ethos -I will sacrifice my life for the cause of Christ Giving one’s life for the cause of Jesus Christ comes from a fundamental obedience to God’s word. Sacrifice extends into all personal areas of a believer’s life, including willingness to suffer personal hardship and even death for the cause of the Gospel. Fusion graduates understand that the believer’s life was purchased by the precious blood of Jesus and thus owned by the resurrected Christ who sits at the right hand of the throne of God. -I will go to the nations to proclaim Christ The Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20 is the command and Acts 1:8 is the description of the process. All Fusion graduates are expected to be faithful in their calling to proclaim the Gospel to the nations; beginning with their faithfulness to the Great Commission at home. -I will always placeChrist first! The unofficial motto of Fusion is “Die Well!” This is only possible if one lives worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The only way to live well is to ALWAYS place Jesus Christ first in all things. Empowering young people to live the Fusion ethos allows them to run the race of faith with stamina, finish the race with honor, and hear our Lord Jesus tell them: “Well done.” Therefore, Die Well!
Fusion Creed The Fusion creed seeks to encompass the true essence of the Christian life. It is the clarion call to all who are Fusion to remind them of life’s true objective and definition of success. The heart of these words were originally penned by Karen Watson, IMB Missionary to Iraq who was martyred there in 2004. The Creed is buttressed by the Five Columns of Fusion Integrity. AS A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST: I AM CALLED NOT TO COMFORT OR SUCCESS BUT TO OBEDIENCE. CONSEQUENTLY MY LIFE IS TO BE DEFINED NOT BY WHAT I DO BUT BY WHO I AM. HENCEFORTH: I WILL PROCLAIM HIS NAME WITHOUT FEAR; I WILL FOLLOW HIM WITHOUT REGRET; AND I WILL SERVE HIM WITHOUT COMPROMISE. THUS: TO OBEY IS MY OBJECTIVE, TO SUFFER IS EXPECTED, HIS GLORY IS MY REWARD. THEREFORE: TO CHRIST ALONE BE ALL POWER, ALL HONOR AND ALL GLORY THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW. AMEN!
Fusion Motto The Fusion motto is central to the Fusion lifestyle. Everything that Fusion cadre and students are to be and become is encapsulated in the motto. As individuals remember (and thus consider) the motto, they realize and remember why they are in Fusion in the first place. THAT OTHERS MAY HEAR…AND LIVE!
Fusion’s Core Principles (Foundation) E-M Lifestyle Helping this generation develop a lifelong commitment to PERSONAL evangelism and missions through praying, giving and going (Matt 28:18-20; Acts 1:8) Godly Character/Maturity Providing kids the tools they need to grow in wisdom and stature with God and Man (Luke 2:52) Be Do Know Leadership Development Developing men and women for Christian leadership, influence, and service in the body of Christ (1 Timothy 5:17-18)
How Do We Do This? Self-Discipline Instilling Qualities That “Discipline for the Purpose of Godliness” Godly Character/ Maturity Integrity Challenging Students’ Commitment to Personal Integrity Mentoring Disciple-Relationships With Fusion Advocates Be
How Do We Do This? Mentoring Intentional Personal Relationships With Fusion Advocates Key Principles Classroom and Hands On Training Leadership Development Leadership LabsIntentional, Real-World Opportunities Leading Others Know
How Do We Do This? Key Principles Hands On & Classroom Interaction Church Planting & Local Evangelism Opportunities E-M Lifestyle National and International Mission Experience Do
15% high school grads exodus toward other denominations 50% of High school grads exodus toward no church participation at all Local Church Fusion Fusion Fusion integrates high school grads into the local church who are ready to lead and serve! Current “Churched Youth” After-Graduation Trends
Fusion Instills Belief Ownership Through: ~Developing Core Values ~Theological/Doctrinal Foundations ~Christian Philosophy/ World View Understanding (Why we do what we do, and why we would want to do it.)
Fusion Instills Discipline and Direction To : ~Be disciplined for the purpose of Godliness ~Be dependable, and counted upon, within the Body of Christ ~Follow hard after Christ for a lifetime!
Fusion Instills Personal Transcendent Cause : ~God truly has a plan and purpose for my life! ~The understanding that I am integral to the body of Christ and God wants to use me for His glory! ~Whatever my vocation, the purpose of my life is to serve the Lord!
Fusion is challenging Southern Baptists to shift their thinking about releasing their children for life after high school. We are saying:You have worked hard to provide your child with great opportunities in Christ; Give us nine months to instill in them a purpose that will enable them to walk with Christ for a lifetime!
Confessions of A Fusion Participant: Here I am. Almost 5 months after I made the decision to go to Africa & every emotion is going through my brain. Tomorrow I am going back to school until Friday morning when I step on that plane & head across the world. FUSION is nothing that I thought it would be….It just shows that you truly never know what is in store for you. Who knew coming into this program that I would have cut my finger, gone rappelling, jump off a cliff, have to find our way through Chicago, minister to complete strangers, help at a church, and grow in every dimension of my life? I sit here in awe at not only myself, but also the others around me. We have gone through tough days when we just want to quit, or times when the task we are doing is completely worthless. We get through it though. The support of others around us is amazing. To this day I am still in shock that I am doing this. The girl who is deathly afraid of planes, and trying out new things is taking the ultimate leap. Bring. It. On. Myspace Blog, January 2007
Fusion Has Two Distinct Phases Phase One takes place in the United States and includes classroom work, intense personal training, discipleship, and evangelistic/church planting internships. Students build trust and relationships as they live together in apartments and/or dormatory style housing. Finally, participants serve as semester missionaries supporting the work of Baptist State Conventions and the North American Mission Board. These varied experiences are critical to the personal and spiritual development of the individual.
Fusion Has Two Distinct Phases Phase Two begins upon completion of classroom studies and local ministry training. During Phase Two, students travel overseas for up to six months to experience international ministry and put what they have learned in the USA to the test. Upon reaching their final ministry areas, students live and serve amongst local peoples while under the supervision of local IMB Missionaries. This type of travel and study is exciting and appealing. Moreover it provides students with a clear and unfiltered view of local peoples’ culture, way of life, and their desperate need of Jesus.
The Fusion Cost for 2008-2009: $9500 This cost includes EVERYTHING except books, immunizations, and a passport. Compared with the costs for one year of tuition, room and board at most colleges and universities, Fusion’s cost is quite competitive!
The Estimated Cost for Fusion 2007-2008 is $11,000 Most of all, through Midwesten Baptist College, Fusion students can qualify for Federal Financial Aid and other scholerships!
The answer is YES!!! Fusion is accredited through Midwestern Baptist College, SBC, the undergraduate program offered at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO. This means academic credit earned in Fusion is transferrable to both Christian and secular colleges and universities.
For the 2008-2009 school year, Fusion participants receive academic credit for the following courses: Phase One Local Experience: Personal Discipleship and Evangelism 3 hrs Christian Leadership 3 hrs World Views 3 hrs First Aid 3 hrs Foreign Language I 3 hrs Church Planting Practicum 4 hrs Total 19 hrs Phase Two: International Experience: Cross Cultural Studies 3 hrs Global Missions and Evangelism 3 hrs Foreign Language II 3 hrs Associates Missions Practicum 4 hrs Total 13 hrs Total credits for Fusion Program: 32 hrs
What’s more, private and public funding for Fusion is available for those who qualify. This includs local, state, and federal financial aid (Title IV funding) options. For more information on scholarships, grants, and other funding options for Fusion, please contact Midwestern Baptist College’s financial aid office at 816.414.3700 or online: www.mbts.edu.