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FY 2012 ADAA Grant Submissions. Changes in FRAN Reporting Forms. Why is ADAA changing the financial reporting format for FY 2012 grant submissions?. Why?. Federal Block Grant reporting requires that ADAA separate Federal Block Grant fund reporting from State fund reporting
FY 2012 ADAA Grant Submissions Changes in FRAN Reporting Forms
Why is ADAA changing the financial reporting format for FY 2012 grant submissions?
Why? • Federal Block Grant reporting requires that ADAA separate Federal Block Grant fund reporting from State fund reporting • Federal Block Grant reporting now requires that ADAA provide provider location level data, rather than jurisdiction level data • The Federal Block Grant requires that ADAA provide evidence that 5% of Block Grant funds are spent on HIV intervention services • ADAA has expanded the services that may be purchased with Treatment and Prevention funds
Why? • ADAA needs to be able to separate methadone medication services from counseling services in Opioid Maintenance Therapy programs • Third party collections no longer have to be reported to ADAA on the FRAN form • ADAA needs to be able to separate jurisdiction system management (the cost of managing and coordinating the system of care in the jurisdiction) from provider-specific prevention and treatment services
How? • Federal Block Grant reporting requires that ADAA separate Federal Block Grant fund reporting from State fund reporting • Changes: • Each jurisdiction will receive Federal Block Grant funds as a separate grant • Federal Block Grant funds and State funds will be reported on separate FRAN forms
How? • Federal Block Grant reporting now requires that ADAA provide provider location level data to CSAT, rather than jurisdiction level data • Changes: • A separate FRAN form must be completed for each provider location included in the grant • Each jurisdiction must also complete a jurisdiction level FRAN form • This form includes administrative and other costs to run the jurisdiction • It does not include aggregate provider level data
How? • Ramifications of changes associated with Provider Location Level Financial reporting • All treatment providers must have a Federal Inventory of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (I-SATS) ID unique to each location • Providers having one ID for more that one location will be issued a separate ID for each site • The new I-SATS ID structure will be reflected in the facility setup in SMART • Each facility issued a new I-SATS ID will receive an updated Certificate reflecting the change • A provider level FRAN Form must be completed for each I-SATS ID included in the Grant
How? New Required Fields
How? • Federal Block Grant requirements indicate that ADAA provide evidence that 5% of Block Grant funds are spent on HIV intervention services • Changes: • HIV Services are now a separate category on the provider FRAN Form, requiring data on number of patients served and funding amount • COMAR mandates HIV risk assessment and risk reduction activities for all admissions • The estimated cost associated with these activities is $30 per patient • Multiplying the number of patients admitted during the fiscal year by $30 will calculate the amount currently spent on this service • If this amount does not meet the 5% set aside requirement, the jurisdiction will need to describe how it accounts for the difference
How? New Section
How? • ADAA has expanded the services that may be purchased with Treatment and Prevention Funds • Changes: • Continuing Care and Recovery Housing are now included within the level of care categories on the left side of the Treatment FRAN Form • Specific model program titles in the left hand column of the Prevention FRAN form have been eliminated • Any and all NREPP programs that will be provided are to be entered
New Sections New lines will be automatically inserted after each program entered
How? • ADAA needs to be able to separate methadone medication services from counseling services in Opioid Maintenance Therapy programs • Changes: • The data entered in the OMT category will now only pertain to the costs of methadone, the administration and dispensing of methadone, and physician/medical services (as in the Buprenorphine category) • Slots will no longer be counted under the OMT category • The costs associated with psychosocial services (counseling, etc.) will be captured in the appropriate level(s) of care
How? • Ramifications of changes associated with OMT Financial reporting • OMT Providers will be certified for both OMT as well as the appropriate ASAM level(s) of care • OMT providers with existing certificates will automatically be issued new certificates reflecting this change • Facilities in SMART will be setup to reflect the new structure • Patients will be simultaneously enrolled in OMT and the Level of Care that appropriately reflects the intensity of the psychosocial services being delivered
How? • Third Party collections no longer have to be reported to ADAA on the FRAN Form • Changes: • Third party collection columns (1605, 1606, 1607) on the FRAN form have been removed • Third party collections will be disclosed on the quarterly reporting form
How? • ADAA needs to be able to separate jurisdiction system management (the cost of managing and coordinating the system of care in the jurisdiction) from program-specific prevention and treatment services • Changes: • Jurisdictions will report treatment and prevention Jurisdiction system management costs by Grant Number on the Jurisdiction FRAN form • LDAAC costs will also be reported on the Jurisdiction FRAN form by Grant Number
How? Enter Associated Jurisdiction Costs For Each Grant
Jurisdiction System Management Costs • Include • Staff and related expenses to manage jurisdiction functions: • Jurisdictional fiscal management • Monitoring compliance with Conditions of Grant Award • Procurement and contracting activities • Training and technical assistance to providers • System design and planning activities • Establishing and participating in community coalitions • Rent and other line item expenses used to support the above activities
Jurisdiction System Management Costs • Do NOT include • Staff and related expenses to manage direct treatment/prevention services • Supervisors of prevention and treatment services • Administrative staff who support direct patient care • SMART data entry staff • Rent and other line item expenses associated with providing prevention or treatment services
Jurisdiction System Management Costs • Synopsis • For purposes of this calculation only, model yourself after a jurisdiction that provides no direct prevention or treatment services. All services (prevention programming, levels of care, assessments, case management, recovery housing, etc.) are contracted out. All of the expenses incurred in order to manage this system and the remaining activities are to be counted as jurisdiction system management costs.
FRAN Form Reporting Examples • Bay County receives $1 million in ADAA grant funds. Of the $1 million, $600,000 are Federal Block Grant funds and $400,000 are State General Funds. The Health Department operates a County system and provides outpatient treatment and prevention services. They also contract with a private provider for OP and IOP services at the Ace Clinic on River Street and contract with a private provider for beds at King Kong halfway house, located on Manhattan Boulevard.In FY 11, Bay County reported all of their services on one treatment FRAN form and one prevention FRAN form.
Scenario 1: • In FY 12, Bay County will receive $1 million in ADAA grant funds. Federal funds are used for Prevention Services and Federal and State funds are combined in all of their treatment operations: managing the County system, providing health department outpatient treatment, contracted OP and IOP services at Ace, and contracted Halfway House services. • They must complete the following eight FRAN forms for treatment and prevention services:
Scenario 2: • In FY 12, Bay County will receive $1 million in ADAA grant funds. Federal funds are used for prevention services. They decide to use State funds ONLY ($200,000) to fund managing the County system. They decide to use federal and state funds to provide health department outpatient treatment ($400,000). They will spend federal funds ONLY ($200,000) to contract Ace OP/IOP services and federal funds ONLY ($200,000) to fund halfway house services. • They must complete the following six FRAN forms for treatment and prevention services:
Scenario 3: • In FY 12, Bay County will receive $1 million in ADAA grant funds. They decide to use state funds ONLY ($200,000) to manage the County system, federal funds only ($300,000) to provide health department outpatient treatment and prevention services. They will spend a combination of federal and State funds to contract Ace OP/IOP services ($100,000 federal; $200,000 State) and ($100,000 federal; $100,000 State) to contract halfway house services. • They must complete the following seven FRAN forms for treatment and prevention services:
Scenario 4: • In FY 12, Bay County will receive $1 million in ADAA grant funds. They decide to use a combination of federal and State funds to manage the County system ($100,000 federal; $50,000 State) and federal funds ONLY ($300,000) to fund health department outpatient treatment and prevention services. They will spend a combination of federal and State funds to contract Ace OP/IOP services ($200,000 federal; $150,000 State) and State funds ONLY ($200,000) to contract halfway house services. • What FRAN forms will need to be completed?