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Perception ~ Act of becoming aware through the senses.

Learn about stress, its effects on the nervous and endocrine systems, types of stress, stressors, physical changes, social, mental, and emotional effects, body's response stages, coping mechanisms, personality types, anxiety, depression, symptoms, causes, and resiliency factors.

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Perception ~ Act of becoming aware through the senses.

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  1. Stress~Body and minds reaction to everyday demands.Two major systems affected:1. Nervous System2. Endocrine System Perception ~ Act of becoming aware through the senses.

  2. Two Types of Stress: • Distress (Negative stress)- Too much stress, not knowing how to cope. • Eustress (Positive Stress)- Stressful feelings of excitement. Challenges, reasons to wake up in the morning. • What is stress?

  3. Stressor ~ any stimulus that produces a stress response. Five Categories of Stressors: • Biological- illness, disabilities, injuries • Environmental- poverty, pollution, noise, crowding • Cognitive- the way you perceive a situation • Personal Behavior- negative reactions in the body and mind caused by using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs • Life Situation- death of a pet, relationship problems

  4. Physical Changes • Short-term- Headaches, upset stomach, heart rate increases, perspiration increases, breathing faster, adrenaline is released. • TMJ Syndrome- grinding of teeth and jaw. • General Adaptation Syndrome-body’s response to stress. • Psychosomatic- link between body and mind when mental problems (stress) cause physical illness • Adrenaline (The Emergency Hormone)- secreted by the adrenal glands to prepare body to respond to a stressor.

  5. Physical Changes • Long-Term (2): Frequent colds or flu, Cardiovascular disease, ulcers, insomnia, migraines, high blood pressure

  6. Social/Mental/Emotional Effects • Difficulty concentrating, mood swings, substance abuse • Chronic Stress- stress associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person’s control. ~Less intense then fight or flight response but lasts longer.

  7. Three Stages of Body’s Response • Alarm- body’s initial response to a physical, mental, or social stress. Fight or Flight response prepares body for action. • Resistance- the body adapts to the rush created by the alarm and reacts to the stressor. Fight or Flight takes place. Fight-your ability to resist a challenge. Flight- running away from the stressor. • Fatigue- Wear and tear on the body, lowers level of activity, and lowered resistance to disease. • Physical- soreness, pain in muscle • Psychological- depression, boredom, isolation • Pathological- tiredness, get sick quicker

  8. Fight or Flight Examples • Imagine you are a goalie in a soccer game. The ball has been kicked by an opposing team player and is heading straight towards the goal. Your heart starts to beat faster as you dive for the ball and make the save. • When the soccer ball was coming towards the goal, the response was to confront the situation or “FIGHT” ADRENALINE!!!!!!!

  9. Handling Stress • Coping • Time is a major factor in relieving stress • Unhealthy and healthy ways to cope • Time Management Skills • Effective ways of arranging time to prevent rushing, missed deadlines, and unnecessary stress

  10. Five Ways to Cope (3) • Planning- think ahead, know what to expect • Laughing- accept reality, you are human • Rechanneling your energy- run, walk, sing • Learn to Relax- clear your mind • Call on support group- ask people for help • Relaxation Response- a state of calm can be reached if one or more relaxation techniques are practiced regularly. • Slow down your heart rate & breathing rate • Increase blood flow to major muscles • Lower fatigue

  11. Personality Types Type A- Intense sense of urgency, need to accomplish as much as possible in a short period of time, very competitive and achievement oriented. 85% are type A. Type B- Takes things in stride, not too much emphasis on time or quickness, calm, relaxed, easy going. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-t1Z5-oPtU

  12. AnxietyThe condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen. • Symptoms: fear, perspiration, restlessness, increased heart rate • Coping: Stress management techniques (relax, exercise)

  13. DepressionA prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness. • Two Types of Depression: • Reactive Depression- response to stressful event (death) • Major Depression- medical condition requiring treatment (lasts longer)

  14. Causes of Depression (3) • Inability to cope with life crisis • Changes in brain structure • Genetic predisposition • Low serotonin levels • Traumatic family events • Physical illness or disorders • Alcohol or drug use

  15. Symptoms

  16. Warning Signs of Depression (3) • School performance-tend to be tired, difficulty concentrating, failing to complete assignments • Social Isolation- withdraw from family and friends • Drug Addictions-depend on drugs to alter mood • Other addictions- ex. gambling • Physical illnesses-Immune system is suppressed • Mental disorders-Increase risk for many mental disorders • Suicide attempts

  17. ResiliencyIs the ability to adapt effectively and recover from disappointment; crisis. • Factors: • External Factors- family, friends, community. • Internal Factors- your attitude, beliefs, behaviors, perceptions. Protective Factors-conditions or attributes in individuals, families, communities, or the larger society that help people deal more effectively with stressful events Proactive Factors-preemptive measures that shield individuals from negative consequences or exposure to risk

  18. Therapy Methods • Psychotherapy- an on going dialogue between a patient and a mental health professional. • Behavior Therapy- treatment process that focuses on changing unwanted behaviors through rewards and reinforcements. • Cognitive Therapy- treatment method designed to identify and correct distorted thinking patterns that can lead to feelings and behaviors that may be troublesome. • Group Therapy- treating a group of people who have similar problems and who meet regularly with a trained counselor. • Biomedical Therapy- use of certain medications to treat or reduce the symptoms of a mental disorder.

  19. Suicide • Suicide- Intentionally taking of one’s own life • Some teens view suicide as a way to end depression, or a way to escape problems • Cluster Suicides- a series of suicides occurring over a short period of time and involving people who are connected in some way • PSA

  20. Risk Factor For Suicide (3) • Prior suicide attempt • Having a psychiatric disorder, such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorder • Alcohol or substance abuse • Family history of mental disorders or substance abuse • Family history of suicide • Family violence, including physical or sexual abuse • Firearms in the home • Significant medical illness: Ex. Cancer

  21. Early warning Signs of Suicide (3) • Talking about suicide • Withdrawing from social contact • Wide mood swings • Preoccupation with death and dying • Changes in normal routine; sleeping patterns, eating • Personality changes • Risky or self destructive behaviors • Giving away prized belongings • Saying goodbye to people as if they wont see them again

  22. Statistics • Suicide is a major, preventable health problem • An American dies by suicide every 12 minutes • 1 million attempted suicides per year • 90% of those who die by suicide had a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of death • For every 1 women who dies by suicide, 4 men die by suicide, but women are 3x more likely to attempt suicide • Over 40,000 deaths per year (10th leading cause) • 2nd leading cause of death for ages 10-24 • Veterans comprise 22.2% of suicides Documentary

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