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The EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) Dr. Andrea Mairate

The EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) Dr. Andrea Mairate Directorate -General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission. What is a Macro-Regional Strategy (MRS) ?. …is an integrated framework endorsed by the European Council

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The EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) Dr. Andrea Mairate

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  1. The EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) Dr. Andrea Mairate Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission

  2. What is a Macro-Regional Strategy (MRS)? • …is an integrated framework endorsed by the European Council • …may be supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) among others • …addresses common challenges faced by a defined geographical area relating to Member States and third countries located in the same geographical area • …helps countries to benefit from strengthened cooperation contributing to achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion

  3. Four macro regional strategies covering 270 million inhabitants in 20 States

  4. EUSALP: a long story • The Mittenwald Declaration of 12 March 2010 • The Bad Ragaz Decision of Alpine Regions of 29 June 2012 • The European Parliament resolution of 23 May 2013 on a macro-regional strategy for the Alps; • The Grenoble "Political resolution towards a European Union Strategy for the Alpine region" of 18 October 2013; • The work of the Steering Committee composed of representatives from States and Regions as well as observers from the Alpine Space Programme and the Alpine Convention; • The outcome of the extensive public on-line consultation (July -October 2014); • The debate in the Stakeholder Conference on the EUSALP and the Milan Declaration of the Alpine States and Regions (Milano, 1-2 December 2014); • The Opinions adopted by the Committee of the Regions and by the European Economic and Social Committee on the EUSALP in December 2014;

  5. EUSALP: A bit of geography

  6. 7 States (5 EU, 2 NON-EU) – 48 Regions

  7. Why a Strategy for the Alpine Region? • one of the economically most dynamic, innovative and competitive areas in Europe(and in the world). • environmental, economic and social challenges requiring a common response • important number of cooperation structures already operating in the area • strong request from the regions

  8. THE ALPINE STRATEGY: • brings a new impetus for co-operation and investment to the benefit of all involved: States, regions, civil society stakeholders and, above all, European citizens. • builds on a long tradition of cooperation in the Alps, and seeks to complement, rather than duplicate existing cooperation structures. • ensures that this Region remains one of the most attractive areas in Europe, taking better advantage of its assets and seizing its opportunities for sustainable and innovative development in a European context.

  9. How? Building on past experience: • - a limited number of well-defined objectives with clear added value • - by ensuring ownership commitment and leadership : streamlined governance structure, involving all concerned actors, clear division of tasks and roles with the European Commission acting as a facilitator

  10. WHAT DOES THE STRATEGY ADDRESS? Economic growth and innovation OBJECTIVES :Mobility and Connectivity Environment and Energy Environment and Energy Governance R&TD ecosystem Natural Resources Intermodality Interoperability Ecological Connectivity Strategicsectors RiskManagementand ClimateChange AC T I ONS E-connect (people and services) Labour market Training and Education Energyefficiencyandrenewable

  11. LESSONS LEARNED (from other Macro-Regional Strategies & other experiences) • - The MRS in practice: different views on priorities (projects, policies, etc…) • - The question of administrative resources • - The geographical balance • - The need to maintain the involvement of all participating countries/regions (rotation of competencies)

  12. Implementation • Action group leaders/objective coordinators to be appointed with a clear mandate and sufficient resources by their sectoral ministry • Action Groups of experts drivers of day-to-day implementation • Integration of non-EU countries and regions to be facilitated • Embedding MRS in national/regional policies and programmes

  13. EUSALP: what's next? • 25/26 January 2016: Launch Conference concerning the adoption of the Strategy and kick-off of the implementation (Brdo - Ljubljana, Slovenia) • 25 January 2016: 1st meeting of the General Assembly • European Parliament report (to be finalised in July 2016)

  14. Thankyou for your attention &Enjoy your stay in Brdo!

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