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The aggressive DWI attorneys at Trichter & LeGrand have the experience to help you fight for your rights. Gary Trichter is a board certified DWI Specialist by the National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) and Leslie LeGrand is board certified criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS). Call us 24/7 to speak to an attorney.
Welcome to HOUSTON (713) 597-2068 TX HILL COUNTRY (830) 796-8878
J. GARY TRICHTER (DWI BOARD CERTIFIED BY THE NATIONAL COLLEG FOR DUI DEFENSE) Your Texas DWI Lawyer Team W h e n yo u n e ed a t ex a s DW I l a w y e r , t h e a t t o rn e y s a t t r i c h t e r & l e g r a n d , P C , u n d e r s t a nd t h e e no r m o u s i m p a ct a D W I o r D U I a r r e st y o u r r ep u t a t io n a n d f i r m i s ho m e t o D W I s p e c ia l i s t c o l l e g e f o r D U I l a w y e r s i n t ex a s a n d t r o y m c k i n n e y ) , so w i t h s o m u c h o n t h e l i n e , y o u c h a n c e t ha t c o u l d g o o d n a m e a n d b a c k t o no r m a l . A n d t h a t ’ s w h e r e w e c o m e i n . h a v e l i f e . o n l y na t io na l ( N C D D ) G a r y t r i c h t e r ca n o n y o u r o f t h e O u r f o u r t w o b y d e f e n s e ( J . w a nt p r e se r v e g et t i ng t h e b e st yo u r l i f e yo u r www.texasdwilaw.com
DUI Specialist Lawyers www.texasdwilaw.com
Houston DUI Lawyer In Texas, DUI used to mean driving under the influence of drugs or narcotics. But, since 1983, DUI applies only to minors or anyone under the age of 21. You’ll need an aggressive Houston DUI Lawyer to mount an effective, aggressive defense because Texas is a zero-tolerance state. That means minors are never legally permitted to have any alcohol in their body and drive a motor vehicle or watercraft. And prosecutors need no proof of impairment in order to convict– they simply need to show that there was a detectable amount of alcohol in the minor’s body. www.texasdwilaw.com
A Houston DUI Lawyer Who Will Fight for Your Family If a minor is convicted of DUI, he faces an number of escalating penalties depending upon whether it’s a first, second or third offense. And the punishment become stiffer with every defense, making it more critical to mount the most aggressive defense for the first offense DUI. DUI First Offense The minor faces a class C misdemeanor which may result in the following punishments: A fine up to $500 20 to 40 hours of community service He or she must attend an alcohol awareness program, a drug education program or a drug and alcohol driving awareness program. If he does not complete the program, the court will order the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to suspend or deny the issuance of the minor’s driver’s license for up to 6 months. 60 days driver’s license suspension. The minor would not be eligible for an occupational license for the first 30 days There is no incarceration for this type of misdemeanor if he or she is convicted. www.texasdwilaw.com
ADDRESS: Website : https://www.texasdwilaw.co m/ Houston : (713) 597-2068 TX Hill Country : (830) 796- 8878 www.texasdwilaw.com
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