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All Roads Transportation Safety (ARTS). Roadway Departure Crash- 2013. 1700 Fatalities & serious injuries in Oregon per year. Emphasizes goal to reduce Fatal and serious injury crashes Emphasizes spending on all public roads Increased Funding for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
All Roads Transportation Safety (ARTS) Roadway Departure Crash- 2013
Emphasizes goal to reduce Fatal and serious injury crashes Emphasizes spending on all public roads Increased Funding for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Requires Performance Based Measures (States set Targets) Fatal and Serious injury Crashes per VMT Number of Fatalities and Serious Injuries New roadway data and highway basemap requirements Maintains emphasis on data-driven approach Map -21 – Major Themes for HSIP(Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program, Section 148 of Title 23)
The objective of HSIP is to significantly reduce the occurrence of fatalities and serious injuries A data-driven approach uses crash data, risk factors, or other data supported methods to identify possible locations to achieve the greatest benefits The key to any good safety program is identifying the best candidate locations for investment The traditional approach to safety is to identify “hot spot” locations, then try to identify measures to implement. The systemic approach identifies a few proven low-cost measures to be widely implemented where there is evidence that they would be most useful The systemic approach complements the traditional approach HSIP & Data Driven
Fatal + Serious Injury Crashes (KA) 2009-2011 • State highways: • 2,100 KA crashes • 8,000 miles { 1106 25% • County roads: • 1,000 KA crashes • 26,000 miles • City streets: • 1,200 KA crashes • 10,000 miles 2136 State Highways 48% Urban Non-state Rural Non-state 1208 27%
ODOT met with representatives of the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) and the Association of Oregon Counties (AOC)-- Discussed the need for developing a safety program for all public roads (prior years ODOT just used HSIP funds on State Highways) Discussed moving towards a jurisdictionally blind safety program Memorandum of Understanding between ODOT, AOC and LOC Jurisdictionally Blind Safety
Reduce Fatal and Serious Injury crashes Address safety on all public roads Data driven Blind to jurisdiction Overseen by ODOT Regions Commitments to current STIP maintained Program Principles
Allocated to each ODOT Region based on Fatal and Serious injury crashes Strive for Proportional between urban and rural Projects focused on Fatal and Serious injury crash reductions A portion to behavioral strategies Funding Principles What do you see in this photo? What do the skids marks say?
Focus on fatal and serious injury reduction Primarily developed and overseen by ODOT Regional project selection must engage local jurisdictions Combine projects on state and local roads where possible Follow principles of practical design Project Selection Principles
Funding for jurisdictionally blind starts in 2017 A transition program should be developed to bridge the gap from 2014 to 2016 The transition should focus on a few systemic fixes All parties should engage to develop a selection process What is the Transition? • We have to: • Maintain projects in Current 2013-2015 STIP • Process already underway for 2016-2018 STIP
For 2013-2016 (Transition) Allocate $16 million HSIP to local roads over three years Allocate $1 million/year for strategies in TSAP For 2017 and beyond (ARTS) Implement “All Roads Transportation Safety” (ARTS) program Allocate funds in a jurisdictionally blind way Use the funds to get the most “bang for the buck” Safety Funding for Local Rds Photo Credit: Peter Koonce
Oregon F&A8,253 City Streets2,228 State Highways3,989 County Roads2,036 Urban396 Rural1640 Ped/Bik50* Ped/Bik64* Intersection134 Intersection234 Non-Intersection1405 Non-Intersection262 Signal9 Stop/Regulatory130 Other/unk95 Top 4Fixed Obj 861Non-Coll 165Head-on 116 SS Meet 58 Top 4Rear-End 66Fixed Obj 91Turning 28Ped 24 Signal37 Stop/Regulatory57 Other/unk40 Top 4Turning 54Angle 35Fixed Obj 33Non-Coll 4 Top 4Turning 20Angle 8Rear-End 5Ped 3 Top 4 Turning 24Angle 17Fixed Obj 11 Rear-End 3 Top 4Turning 5Fixed Obj 2Ped 1Non-Coll 1 ROR1161*
ODOT hired a consultant to facilitate the process in each region Local Jurisdictions participated in selection of a few key systemic measures in each region ODOT region staff taking the lead on developing the projects Projects should be designed and underway 2015-2016 Transition Program
Oregon ARTS Program Summary(Likely to start in early 2015) • Fair and unbiased process for local roads as well as state highways • Data-driven process—let the data lead us • Targeted to reducing fatal and serious injury crashes • Tied to the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) • Oregon Transportation Safety Action Plan
Proposed ARTS funding2017-2021 *these are the amounts for 2017-2018, but 2019-2021 could be different
Basics of the Process Each ODOT Region gets a share of the funds based on fatal & serious injury (KA) crashes on all public roads Projects judged on Benefit/cost (B/C) ratio Projects will only compete with other projects within the region There will be four pots of funds
What does the Process look like? Likely to be one of two processes- ODOT prepares a strawman list (similar to the transition) of potential projects; or ODOT accepts applications for safety projects from all Agencies.
What does the Process look like? • ODOT supplies data on hot spots (SPIS) and systemic plans to all agencies • Training and collaboration at the regions on the process • Prepare list of potential projects, possible options include: • Either by ODOT preparing strawman list; or • Applications from Agencies.
What does the Process look like? Filter list of the projects by Benefit Cost (B/C) Refine potential project lists for priority by B/C Verifying solutions with multi-discipline assessment (make sure all elements accounted for) Verify costs with field scoping Facilitated collaboration with LPA’s on refining the list to 100%
What does the Application look like? A lot like the CalTrans HSIP application process, standardized form and rules Use only ODOT crash data for B/C, can’t supplement crash data Authorized list of Crash Reduction Factors, same for everyone Field scoping should improve the cost estimates
ARTS Criteria & Technical Assistance ODOT will provide technical assistance to local agencies that ask (or provide consultant services) ODOT will provide lists of potential project locations with SPIS and systemic plans ODOT has hired a Safety Circuit Rider position to assist local agencies
Questions? Photo Credit: Jonathan Maus